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Opening Hours
*深水地鐵站B2 出口,直出向沿北河街朝大埔道方向行, 約3分鐘路程
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 23:30
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Review (45)
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本人同男友2人本住試一試心態幫襯下,食158蚊果款,刺身每次最多只可叫6片,等好耐後(當時全店只有2-3枱客,每枱2個人)一小碟薄切拼盤,刺身既不新鮮,有陣味,重啞色。馬刀貝一塊一開二,咁就叫做2片... 清酒十分十分淡,酒精感也很淡,有淡如水的感覺,絕! 中華沙沒有麻油香味,入口有刺舌感,我立刻要吐出 炸物用油浸的,乜而家油好平咩?燒物不用吐出來,唯有頂住肚先。 未試過食放題會唔飽,叫了烏冬和拉麵,未洗吐出來,因為餓,唯有食曬...最推介是..可口可樂。 其實所有食物也很差,我未能一一列出,總之呢間係極品 ,佢已經冇客,食物有心出咁慢,務求唔俾你食咁多。 2小時內只出了6小碟刺身,一夠鐘冇得落單,亦冇得好似其他正當放題咁,出齊落齊你重想要的食物,梗係啦,呢條屎穚擺明就係要控制客人食幾多嘛。 講多也費勁,總括,呢間野差得誇張,千祈唔好以為平平地張就下,2個人埋單348蚊,用呢個價寧願去金X郎會重好食。我肯定!真架,請你都唔好黎!
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Before I tried this place, I used to think it was expensive because the presentation of the sushi was quite classy.They had a glass platter of sushi which is unusual according to a review dated sept 2010.http://static2.orstatic.com/UserPhoto/photo/2/1O1/00BUXV94BA9A7317BBC385l.jpgThe fish skin was also interesting featured on the review by Garycwm dated oct 2010.http://static1.orstatic.com/UserPhoto/photo/2/1QT/00CEPX57C67C3CED527FBBl.jpgI only came here because Wai Kee was full of people and I suddenly remembered this place.I have not read the recent reviews so did not know the style had changed.After sitting down, I realized the menu was totally different and they didnt have the platter sushi that was offered years ago!Shockingly the items were CHEAP ranging from $3-$12 for a piece of sushi!The ramen was the cheapest I have seen so far for $18!!!!!Heres what I had....★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Signature ramen:Tasteless but good for the eldery and people on a low sodium, low oil diet.Eating suggestion: mix the soy sauce and wasabi and use it as a sauce for dipping the noodles if you feel its tasteless.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Abalone gunkan, clams gunkan, flower of love sushi:Both the abalone and clams gunkan were quite nice because the sauce was slightly spicy.There was not enough sauce and the sauce was a bit too watery.The flower of love was edible but the orange roe on top was not that fresh and shrivelled up.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Seared salmon:The sushi was ok but I think the rice was burnt!★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Seared flower of love with scallop:Tasted ok, but the fish roe was not that fresh and slightly shrivelled up.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★The bill was only $50 and there was no 10% service charge.Amazingly I did not food poisoning the next day either!!I definately recommend the $3 sushis, or the seared sushis that cost $4.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★
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這間放題真的很差,刺身薄到透光, 菜單種類選擇又少。因為上菜慢和限時的關係, 所以係張單度寫多點份量,結果一樣,投訴也沒有用,仲問番我係未落少左還是無落到呢? 根本就不想我食,每次大約10分鐘才上一次菜,每次也得很小份量。所以, 我都係叫番d飽肚野食, 如: 麵和飯, 呢2樣份量正常, 但無味, 感覺無食過d咩咁, 所以都係算數埋單。埋單時好彩睇下姐, 我食$138個餐竟然想收我$158!? 我自問對食物要求不太高, 但這次連合格水平都達唔到!! 真是令人氣憤和失望的一餐!!
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壽司材料唔新鮮, 用料少選擇又少...!! =="三文魚壽司: 片三文魚又薄又冇鮮味, 食完都驚驚地會肚痛, 好在都冇...墨魚壽司: 片墨魚窄身得可憐, 團飯變得好突出, 墨魚睙左配角熟蝦壽司: 蝦肉少, 肉質乾而"Hai"其他壽司都係咁上下啦, 食左幾件已經覺得開始飽...因為食"飯"飽...拉麵冇味, 都唔知係咪唔記得落盬! ==辣酒煮硯, 湯清清地辣辣地ok, 但硯一樣冇味...又係同一原因----唔新鮮炸物: 普通, 蝦肉冇味炸蠔好少少, 大隻厚身, 但食第2隻就覺得腥...日式炸餃子配酸酸地的汁幾好, 仲有雞肉串燒甜甜地幾好味, 想試佢個雞軟骨串燒但餐牌有廚房冇提供...燒秋刀魚都ok.飲品冇特別實在冇mood同食物影相餐廳名叫迴轉壽司, 估唔到壽司做得咁失敗晚餐只得難食的放題供應, 就係咁, 食完好後悔...
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