Exit C, Causeway Bay MTR Station continue reading
A Korean restaurant offering barbecued foods. You can also find cheese spareribs, Korean style sushi and fried chicken here. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 01:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash UnionPay
Number of Seats
Other Info
May Bring Your Own Wine
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (144)
This Korean Restaurant which is one of my favourite!Environment is comfortable and large......As we came here a bit early so easily to get the table and no need to wait for a long time,if you come late, here is crowded before when we came around 8pm, and hardly to feta table......so better to make reservation in advance~Here i found the food and drink quite nice, especially this drink is very funny and the first time I tried!It looks like a pack of blood or plasma!Actually is a drink ~ named Ringer CocktailHKD 78Taste is pomegranate, a little bit sour but not muchIs quite creative I think but not my cup of'drink', as I love to drink which is more sweet than sour......Honestly,is indeed an interesting drink and attract the others attention!This drink is quite a lot and enough for 2 people so we haven't ordered one more drinkThis time we ordered this Beef BulqogiHKD280Looks great and the taste is pretty niceMiddle is mainly with the beef and a lot of shredded onions around it, on top is some of vegetables Smell is great Wait a moment, can take a piece, taste is fairly good, not too salty but the taste is rich, also juicy and not dryTwo of us just have this, we are fullIt is really a lot and taste is delicious, if more people we can order more different kinds of dishes, I have to go again with a group of friends again!!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2017-01-07
香港近年都有好多韓國餐廳 今次係見到有88蚊任飲啤酒燒酒 同埋見網上評價唔錯 所以試下 結果係失望收場睇餐牌都唔係好多選擇 比較少料理 最後叫左牛肉紫菜包飯同埋蜜糖炸雞牛肉紫菜包飯有啲鹹 無論係香港定韓國都食過好多次 第一次食到咁鹹 食完要飲好多水 而蜜糖炸雞 蜜糖味唔夠 雞肉有啲乾 同埋個底太多水同油 搞到雞皮一陣就唔脆最後就係88蚊任飲 竟然出得哩個優惠 就應該預左人會飲得多少少 更何況我同朋友只係飲左5枝左右 有個韓國男人職員就對我地諸多挑剔 阻止我地叫酒 態度十分之唔好!總括就係哩間野野食好普通 價錢又偏貴 香港大把其他韓國餐廳好食好多 唔明點解哩間好評會咁多 出優惠但又孤寒 唔會再黎食! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2016-12-31
兩pair人boxing day行完山去咗依間餐廳醫肚。餐前小食係可以無限order嘅青瓜蘿蔔粟米泡菜。第一道菜係牛肉卷卷。暖暖哋。牛肉加埋啲洋蔥同佢啲friend口感不錯。都幾惹味。ok。跟住係依個清湯年糕。鍋如其名。湯堅清味如水。浸喺裏面個煎餃係咩玩法?!。夾到爛晒都夾唔到上嚟。加埋清水煮熟嘅腸仔,青口同腐皮。林林的麵條。佢都係部隊鍋啲friend。唔好食。到依個炸醬麵。話同喺韓國食嘅唔同味。無咁好味。但我覺得係ok嘅。好似醬油撈麵咁。加埋海鮮們。睇個樣好深色但味道唔算濃。個麵算彈牙。正常。叫咗杯lemonade飲。味道少少怪。價錢算貴。主角終於出場。佢可以一個價揀兩款味嘅炸雞。我哋揀咗蜜糖同醬油味。炸雞食得出係新鮮炸起。皮脆肉juicy。都算多同大大舊。有雞胸雞槌雞翼。蜜糖汁都唔會難食㗎喇。有啲檸檬皮中和返個甜味。所以都幾好味。到依個醬油味。睇個樣以為乾憎憎。但食落去竟然都係好juicy。甜甜嘅醬油已經滲咗入啲雞肉。佢個醬油真係好好食。仲好食過蜜糖。所以鋪底嘅薯條點啲汁都變得好好味。總結依間係一間炸雞好味其他嘢食一般嘅餐廳。但炸雞算係我食過咁多間其中最好味嘅一間。有機會會再幫趁但淨係食炸雞。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2016-12-30
一年一度的生日飯,今年一早心儀韓國菜,由於晚上在銅鑼灣睇戲,故需在銅鑼灣區云云韓式餐廳選一。原本是要吃S店,但我們錯過了原定時間,謝謝好友臨時為我改為這間餐廳部隊鍋:份量很大,內容亦算豐富,有公仔麵、年糕、香腸、午餐肉、水餃等,所有食材味道合格,但部隊鍋頗辣的。雜菜豬肉飯(?!) :又是一份份量很大的菜式XD 可見餸比飯多!!豬肉很yummy,有少許辣,單吃有點兒重口味,建議伴以白飯吃。蜜糖炸雞:炸雞炸漿不厚,蜜糖很多,雞肉肉質還可以,配菜薯條新鮮熱辣辣!總體來說,比上不足,比下有餘!另外我們每人各叫了一杯梳打,由於沒什麼特別,就不介紹了。雖然只有三道菜,但由於每道菜份量很多,所以都有剩下部分食物。韓國菜的確適合一大夥人一起享用,故推薦韓菜作為生日飯之選。而且很喜歡這餐廳不斷播放近期熱門韓劇的主題曲 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2016-12-25
星期四book左7pm7個人,但有3個人遲到仲諗住得90分鐘食。點知店員好好人💕卑多我地30分鐘!(個女店員好靚女啊💟)西柚同柚子果汁都加左梳打💕入面既紫菜包飯就麻麻地啦一共叫左兩個包飯,但就真系麻麻地啦,牛肉包飯好吃過炸蝦🙄呢個蜜糖炸雞都幾正,入面有好多蜜糖👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻薯條點蜜糖原來都好好食。呢個飯都好正正啊!豬肉蓋飯🎀就系飯少左少少💕1米串燒D肉好正好嫩,包上生菜食👍🏻好彩今日有7折埋單時候一共1064蚊7條友 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)