4-min walk from Exit B2, Kwun Tong MTR Station continue reading
This healthy concept cafe features stylish style with black and grey colours. It serves low-carb diets menus that fit for a keep fit period; and offers Specialty coffee which is using Ethiopian coffee beans as house blend. continue reading
Additional Information
Opening Hours
11:30 - 21:30
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 21:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus UnionPay Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Phone Reservation
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (135)
Level4 2024-09-08
想搵個健康又好食嘅地方?咁你一定要去試下觀塘駱駝漆大廈嘅Day One Cafe啦!呢間咖啡室主打健康飲食,但唔係淨係得生菜沙律咁簡單㗎佢哋嘅KETO All Day Breakfast真係超正!啱晒啲想keep fit嘅朋友。我個friend話佢食完都冇覺得肚餓,仲話好飽添。仲有酸種多士,聽落好似怪怪地,但食落口超有嚼勁,唔會似平時啲多士咁乾身。如果你係健身發燒友,一定要試下佢哋嘅高蛋白質營養餐。食完gym都唔使擔心蛋白質唔夠喎!雞胸肉嘅份量足足有180 gram咁多經過慢煮後嘅雞胸亦都保持到鮮嫩至於雞肉串燒,雖然好似唔係咁健康,但都幾夠水準,算係放縱一下嘅好選擇啦。最正嘅係,Day One Cafe仲同其他店鋪合作,有得賣bagel同蛋糕。總括嚟講,Day One Cafe真係一個食得健康又唔會覺得好悶嘅地方。無論你係想食個豐富嘅早餐,定係想搵個安靜嘅位坐低嘆返杯咖啡,呢度都啱晒 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-06-17
放工去駱駝漆行行一陣再買啲嘢返屋企食久唔久行下駱駝漆都有好多新驚喜駱駝漆六樓見到這間,這間cafe,門面好型格門口睇餐牌見到竟然有椰菜花飯,就決定買返屋企做晚餐A6焗醬燒豬肋骨配薯蓉B4 松葉蟹肉明太子炒椰菜花飯+ 酸種麵包外賣帶走非常整齊,覺得午餐買返公司食應該都唔錯醬燒豬肋骨配薯蓉好大份,店員話幫我哋分咗兩盒非常好,兩個人食人一盒每份都有三條骨即係總共有六條肉的份量比想像中都多肉質嫩滑, 醬汁唔會太甜薯蓉又再分開一盒,薯蓉唔會黐住曬喺啲豬肋骨, 覺得這間店舖都幾有心松葉蟹肉明太子炒椰菜花飯非常期待這個食物, 好耐冇食過椰菜花飯好健康仲有松葉蟹裏面仲有勁多菇椰菜花飯都好似飯,食落好似意大利飯 因為驚唔夠飽所以加咗一個酸種麵包不過其實都好夠食加15蚊以為得一件,原來有兩件份量真係都好公道買嘅時候見到有會員優惠, 感覺都幾抵仲有得儲分, 300分就可以換到雞翼,即係食多一次就已經可以換到見到門口都有好多咖啡包可以買等外賣嘅時候聞到咖啡都好香不過今日外賣就冇叫飲品驚倒瀉下週放工可以約埋啲同事放工嚟食餐廳店員好有禮貌,又會細心問要唔要餐具 見我哋要豬肋骨仲畀咗濕紙巾我哋咁有心嘅餐廳真係值得推薦 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
今日做完gym,唔想夜晚食得咁罪惡,聽教練話搵啲蛋白質同精緻澱粉🤣就去咗呢間cafe !! 好surprise 係性價比好好,都幾多健康選擇,呢個價位大家都唔要求咁高🙈 香港衣家做食肆唔容易,大家多支持唔同小店。 環境同餐具都好睇得出老細想行簡約型格, 主要黑白為主。 職員都好nice 😆 今次叫左牛扒🥩配薯蓉, 薯蓉好滑好夠cream,唔係溝麵粉,係有誠意嘅薯蓉。牛扒五成熟,呢個價錢百零蚊都已經好好。 擺盤都好精緻❤️🥰 超岩約會同fd黎食! 意粉方面,叫咗明太子蟹肉扁意粉,朋友超鍾意,表示下次可以再encore ! 意粉好掛汁,又唔會好膩,岩岩好,超足料蟹肉! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-11-16
If you’re on a keto diet and craving delicious, low-carb meals, this is a must-visit. This charming restaurant specializes in creative dishes that highlight cauliflower rice, making it a true gem for health-conscious diners.The star of my meal was undoubtedly the Shrimp Tomato Cauliflower Rice. This dish was a delightful medley of flavors and textures. The cauliflower rice was perfectly seasoned, providing a light and fluffy base that complemented the tender shrimp beautifully. The tomatoes added a refreshing acidity that brightened the dish, while a hint of garlic infused it with warmth. The portion size was generous, making it feel indulgent while still being guilt-free. This dish is a fantastic example of how cauliflower rice can elevate a meal, making it both satisfying and nutritious.Next up was the Pan-fried Pork Saddle with Mashed Potato. The pork was expertly cooked, showcasing a crispy exterior that gave way to juicy, flavorful meat. Accompanying it was the mashed potato, which was a surprisingly healthy take on a classic comfort food. Made with a slow-cooked method, the mash was creamy yet light, allowing the natural flavors of the potatoes to shine through without overwhelming richness. It felt indulgent but was clearly prepared with health in mind, making it a perfect complement to the pork. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-11-14
星期日約左朋友係附近一間cafe食飯。Cafe係駱駝漆大廈, 裝修簡約型格, 座位寛敝舒服。這裡主打低碳生酮飲食, 提供多款健康菜式, 適合一班追求健康飲食既人。我哋叫左龍蝦汁蕃茄鮮蝦扁意粉, 蝦肉鮮甜爽彈, 意粉煙韌可口, 每一條意粉沾滿香濃既龍蝦汁, 鮮味突出。另外, 蒜香橄欖油鴨胸翠玉瓜麵, 出面較少見既菜色, 翠玉瓜麵好爽脆, 配上紅椒等, 帶少少辣味十分開胃。鴨胸煎得好香, 肉質嫩滑。最後叫左杯手沖咖啡dirty, 咖啡味濃, 我哋係度傾左好耐, 十分開心呀。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)