Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
07:30 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash Octopus AE UnionPay Apple Pay Google Pay
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (9)
Level2 2010-07-09
已經2:30pm, 仍未吃午餐, 跟同事想吃三文治漢堡之類的, 走到這裡發現原來這邊有Delifrance, 懶的再找別家, 便二話不說的走進去. 剛好下午茶時間, 點了個迷你芝士漢堡配鮮番茄粟米餐, 加4元要多個蜜桃批. 迷你芝士漢堡真的很迷你, 你看! 蜜桃批的size比它還要大! 除了熱之外, 沒有可讚之處. 咖啡... 還好吧! 反而蜜桃批不太甜, 味道ok, 但將鍚紙除下, 批底欠了一處, 不是吧?! 這樣的質素...... 下次也不會再光顧了. 還要說的是, 看見職員在bar面上弄三文治漢堡等食物時, 真的很求其馬虎! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
(Non-member) 2009-03-06
Spaghetti bolognaise is awful & expensive here -pasta is too hard-not enough pasta- not enough sauce-very little meat- borsch soup on the side was almost 'lifeless'I triedit today forthe first time and won't return. The spaghetti bolognaise served at Fairwood(TST) is so much tastier. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2008-12-04
今早有要事, 晨咁早落到尖咀, 但因太早了; 食個早餐先啦.看看個menu, 個個餐都係差唔多, 一係腸, 一係ham, 一係腿, 加炒/煎/奄列蛋, 麫包, 豆等 ...叫了個腿芝包+6蚊要個細通粉添啦.要等3,4 分鐘, ok啦, 都要弄返熱架...終於都叫我的冧把了, 咦, 個包係一條的, 而非相內一塊/ 餅的; 細過張相咁多既...但d芝士半溶, 包又烘到o岩好, 一啖咬下去, 芝士"必"出o黎, 又幾好食噃.通粉ok 啦, 係penne 黎; 但d湯好水, 又酸, 唔飲了.跟餐的啡一般啦.都不少西人幫襯呢.服務ok, 好快清返張檯俾下位客人.上次食係我考試當日上午的早餐, 都成年了... 個menu都真的 千年不變呢~今早來, 當然冇當日考咁緊張, 但心裡仍歷歷在目呢.好快到豬豬女友考了, 希望她 "腰菓肉丁" 啦! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2008-05-10
4月23日, 幫阿雨天王做完跑腿之後, 搞到原本喺旺角, 出咗去尖咀, 仲要阿菲幫我攞野添~ 好累~ 咁啱見有delifrance, 手上又有coupon, 唔諗喇, 就食啦~ 雖然肚好空, 不過實在太累冇乜胃口, 感覺唔好食~::: Combo Set A for 2 ::: $99個餐包括湯, 麵包, 意粉, 飲品同雪糕~ 價錢可以接受. 湯呢得番白湯, 不過好鹹~ 飲品要咗一貫既奶茶, 因為其他都要加錢~ 雪糕可以話係最好食, 可能太攰, 食d凍野醒下神~::: 吞拿魚蘑菇扁意粉 :::好淡好淡, 完全冇味, 個白汁唔creamy, 意粉淋patpat, 冇野可以讚~::: 白汁碎蛋火腿芝士卷 :::哩個反而唔錯~ 個麵包卷輕微烘一烘, 有麵包香而又唔硬, 包住既芝士份量唔多不過好豐富既芝士味, 亦有隻芝士醬點~ 而白汁碎蛋同火腿一直都係保證, 美味唔駛講, 成個配搭都好夾~可能我地今次太夜食, 佢地就收工, 所以食物質素有d下降, 而好在coupon有$10優惠, 唔算太差啦…… continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2008-03-24
同朋友行街, 見呢度坐得舒服, 叫個煙三文魚三文治+雜菜湯+熱檸茶($41)上size細到嚇死你(對比個湯碗), 我食都唔夠飽去其他鋪都無咁細, 飲埋碗湯先有飽感覺味道就一般啦, 但$41自助型式, 有好多選擇, 超唔值 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)