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Review (31)
Level4 2012-07-28
Lunch Time,唔想食得咁滯,會鐘意去Delifrance 食個好Fresh 0既法包餐。今次揀咗法式鴛鴦配。有三款可揀:白汁三文魚、白汁吞拿魚及白汁碎蛋。我今次揀0既係白汁吞拿魚及白汁碎蛋。大家可以揀自己喜歡的包款,要求分別塗上兩款醬。又或者將兩款醬要求溝埋都可以。一個餐,大約係四十幾至到六十幾不等。套餐可以揀沙律或者餐湯。餐飲方面,可以揀咖啡、茶或檸檬茶。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
一年一度的「香港書展」又開鑼,上星期也趁機到場逛逛,進會場前就順道在灣仔來個晚餐。分別點了「凱撒沙律」及「白汁火腿意粉」,各配茶檸啡一杯,每個餐剩惠$60。若單憑味道而言,是完全不可能覺得它們會值$60。蔬菜是新鮮的,食味就很平淡,是人人都會弄而又不會失敗的質素;意粉則如罐頭湯加普通pasta,非常「快餐」feel,屬「頂肚」的質素。看來,大部份的成本都去了舖租吧?! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2012-05-02
下午茶時間!迷你雞扒凱撒沙律+熱齋啡($28)齋啡就是機沖的,但味道比其他連鎖式的苦一點,咖啡不太香。沙律醬落得比較重手,味道比較鹹同埋膩口,雞扒熱辣辣,不過比較乾。。。但係D菜好新鮮,水份充足!整體來講,減少或者沙律醬另上的話會加分!環境很好就對了,灣仔這個地段找個地方坐不容易,而且他們都不會見你食完就即刻收走,服務是很不錯呢! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2011-12-27
平安夜那天我和親人到這間Délifrance嘗試一下這裡的水準。因為只有我和媽媽,所以我們叫了2人套餐。最初看到2人套餐的款式較少都有些失望,不過心想「細有細食啫」~~湯~~湯是一般羅宋湯我覺得這裡的湯比在荃灣喝的好喝但為數不少的食家都覺得這裡的羅宋湯難喝真正難喝的你們都沒喝過呢!不過這裡的湯仍屬於中等。不算太好~~到主菜~~先講黑椒豬柳蘑菇炒扁意粉︰有點淡,不過也算不錯。焗椰香雞飯︰汁是不錯,但雞真的很鹹。還有,用美心的焗豬排飯來裝,什麼感覺都沒了。此外,出菜時間真的很慢。要25分鐘才送得來,幸好我不餓,不然我真的罵人了。~~甜品~~不予置評。跟一般的沒兩樣。~~飲品~~熱奶茶只用茶包,也太隨便了吧沒有真真正正奶茶的香,我喝到的只是茶包的奶茶。整體來說還真是不太好,而且又不飽。不過我媽卻吃得很滋味。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2011-06-08
Delifrance looked empty so I went in to get some savory pastry, however when I went to pay there was a long queue.The guy at the till is the same one that worked there a few years ago.I was tempted to get the cheese puff, however Delifrance seems to be localised, the a lot cheese products and savory items are made sweet, so I got the curry chicken puff, because you cant go wrong with that.The puff was oilier than it looked, because all the grease went through the thick brown bag.Overall the puff was quite nice, flaky on the outside with curry chicken filling in the inside.The curry chicken was not that spicy. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)