3-min walk from Exit B1, Wan Chai MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Fri
06:30 - 20:00
06:30 - 18:00
Public Holiday
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Review (65)
Level4 2019-11-11
說到灣仔區修頓附近吃東西,那間Five Guys外國漢堡包店,經常看到有很長人龍,吃西餐的名店「波士頓」又很多人,但其實質素相當低下😏,之前看網台一早已經想來這間店子試一試。蚊型小店,的確非常之細小,比大部份港式茶餐廳更加細,如果你不是坐在沙發位置,坐在其他圓桌,更加擠迫,可能兩個和兩個人搭桌一般。坐在店舖就見到其他人點餐,但其實不一定要吃三文治,還有一些沙律、焗薯、飯、意粉、螺絲粉等等其他選擇。即使是三文治,它的三文治也不是兩片白麵包那種又乾又涸的三文治,而是好像法包一般,但又不會太過鞋口的麵包。結果點了一個黑椒汁牛脷天使麵,可以叫意粉、飯,要合一或者白汁。原粒黑椒在汁之內,不像普通餐廳一般可以見到天使麵不是太大份,只屬普通的份量,因此可能工程人士未必夠飽,辦公一族就可以,因為有好多時都是吃完坐在冷氣房,不會太過肚餓😏,天使麵煮得比較林。牛脷的份量也不少,應該都有五片左右,煮得非常林,但不算煎得很香,但是肉味還是不錯,夠多夠飽。😀凍檸茶,看到旁邊那些人們點餐以為食茶味應該挺為香濃,但原來,茶味夠,也是檸味普通,不夠香檸味服務相當出色,非常親切的男女店員,招呼相當不錯,而且在沙發後邊送了兩盒家庭裝Virjoy紙巾,大方得體。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2019-09-17
都市人每日都要翻工,起翻工煎食個早餐係好多人每人都想做嘅事。特式三文治專門店位於灣仔修頓球場對面。在入店內之前,老闆已從玻璃窗內見到我,他熱情的招乎是我入店的原因。店內環境不是太大,但麻雀雖小,五臟俱全。我點了all day breakfast 作為早餐,有番茄豆、煎雙蛋、蘑菇、多士。不是甚麼高貴的食材但卻很有家的感覺。作為一天的提神飲料:咖啡,它不是一杯coffee latte 而是一杯即磨咖啡,不完美,但可接受。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2019-01-03
見人少少來到這間小店來個quick lunch。店員服務有禮,帶有笑容,加分🌈蕃茄雞絲飯 $45 連飲品賣相不錯,勝在夠多菜不油膩!不過雞絲份量不多。稍嫌味道太淡,蕃茄汁沒太重蕃茄味,味道普普通通,真的太淡,如能濃味點會更好。飯的份量足夠。整盒飯$45連飲品,價錢相宜,不過味道相當普通,性價比不算高。這價錢會prefer買附近的海南雞飯。不過有機會會再試試,看這次是一是失手還是真的味道偏淡的小店。😅 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2018-12-19
Previously I had tried their Avocado Tuna Sandwich which was so tasty, I decided to encore it today. 👉🏻Ordered the avocado tuna sandwich again $48 with a hot coffee, but this time te presentation was totally different from last time. Last time the ingredients were packed in a plastic box and the two slices of brown bread were put aside, I have to make the sandwich by myself. But this time the sandwich was packed. .+.+.+.+.The ingredients was impressive last time, with lots of tuna, tomato and veggie; but this time it was only avocado and tuna, as the name of the sandwich suggested. I wonder why there was such a big difference. They did charge me more expensive last time, $52, compared to this time $48, but I would definitely pay $4 more for such a big difference. The taste is ok, wasn't as impressive as last time. I would rather buy their rice lunch box for this quality.  One point to note is that the owner attitude is nice, very friendly and with a big smile! Good service!  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
試試新野!今日來買這間小店的外賣試試!很多的選擇!選了一個香草鮮茄雞扒飯 $48連飲品一打開頗吸引!見到大大塊雞扒已經好吸引!急不及待挾起塊雞扒就想吃,一挾,咦?得塊雞皮嘅?原來有半塊看似雞扒的只有雞皮!揭開雞皮只有半塊雞扒有肉!(看下面的相片就見到) 新鮮的生意手法😅 姑且勿論那半塊只有雞皮沒有雞肉的雞扒,味道是好吃的,醬汁帶鮮甜的蕃茄味,雞肉嫩滑,少少甜少少酸,頗惹味!飯的份量也應該足夠一個男士吃。$48還要配上熱咖啡,頗化算!雖然半塊雞扒沒有肉,不過味道不錯,下次還會買來試試! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)