5-min walk from Exit E2, Mong Kok MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (3)
Opening Hours
12:00 - 23:30
Mon - Thu
12:00 - 23:00
Fri - Sun
12:00 - 23:30
Public Holiday
12:00 - 23:30
Payment Methods
AlipayHK Alipay Cash UnionPay WeChat Pay
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (24)
This soft serve shop originated from Macau and it’s most famous for its Hokkaido 3.7 milk ice cream and other innovative flavours. We picked one in green, the other in black & white. The green one was premium pistachio soft gelato with Himalayan rock salt. It tasted surprisingly savoury and extremely nutty. The soft serve was creamy, rich and topped with a few pistachio nuts. Usually the pistachio dessert would end up in an overwhelming sweetness, but this soft serve was thoroughly salted and perfectly neutralised with the pistachio. The black waffle cone was made with charcoal, I supposed, although the flavour was a little of, I highly appreciated the plastic holder they used to serve you the cone, so the melty ice cream won’t drip onto your hand. The other soft serve was Oreo and Hokkaido 3.7 milk, that came in a cup. This one was the good milky flavour that we always crave for! They gave a lot of Oreo cookie crunches and you know, you can never go wrong with Oreo, especially when you have a very premium soft serve of specially selected milk from Hokkaido. Price was set a bit high, but the soft serve was really big in portion, as you can see how tall the swirls stacked up on my cone. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-06-30
踏入六月天氣已經熱到High High!對於極度怕熱的我來說真的非常痛苦經常大汗淋漓,在街上行如熱鍋上的螞蟻般焫到不行,所以冰凍雪糕及茶飲就有如及時雨一樣神聖。這天路過旺角竟然看見澳門人氣雪糕DIGREEN落戶了香港!久未到澳門的我見到非常高興,當然要即刻幫襯食杯雪糕消暑一番。看見水牌上竟然有芫荽雪糕相信芫荽控必定心心眼!另外還有維他檸檬茶雪糕、北海道函館3.7鮮奶雪糕、法國藍莓芝士雪糕、黑松露函館3.7鮮奶雪糕及金箔函館3.7鮮奶雪糕等,店家的雪糕主打天然健康無添加更不含增味劑或雪糕穩定劑等化學物質,真係食得開心又放心。作為檸檬茶粉絲的我當然要品嚐維他檸檬茶雪糕$45!非常冰爽的滑溜口感加上恰好的甜度,輕而易舉地取得我的歡心。車爸爸選了法國藍莓芝士雪糕$45!藍莓的果香加上忌廉芝士吃下完全沒有膩感,配襯脆卜卜的特製的竹炭雪糕筒吃得非常滿足,原來雪糕筒是仿照澳門經典地道的金錢餅的製法,怪不得吃下口感零舍不同。吃過雪糕之後對飲品非常有信心,即時選多兩杯手調茶飲邊行邊嘆!我們選了以清新鮮美的水果結合優質茶底的DIGREEN MIX系列。鴨子浮在西柚上$35是杯充滿水果香氣的茶飲,甜度不高喝下去非常消暑解渴超爽皮。另外這杯不會醉的Mojito只售$28非常抵飲!香草的味道配上氣泡的爽口感好Chill,酸甜的果香味道非常醒胃絕對是我杯茶。大家行過路過花園街總店或朗豪坊期間限定店,真的萬物錯過這冰涼的過江龍啊。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
天氣凍咗最啱做咩?...係食雪糕呀!😆澳門人氣雪糕店嚟咗香港啦!仲有唔同嘅限定口味,喺澳門未試過嘅我一於係香港試🤭▫️北海道函館3.7鮮奶雪糕本身想試黑芝麻味,但係店員話要等好耐先有😭最後就試吓佢哋嘅招牌牛奶雪糕啦🥛用上北海道直送嘅3.7%鮮奶,奶味濃郁質地綿滑。個筒都有小巧思,食落係朱古力味,夠曬香脆,配牛奶雪糕都好夾🍦餐廳仲會將雪糕筒放喺膠托入面,等好似我呢啲咁輪盡嘅人都唔會滴到周圍都係,好貼心🤣▫️芝芝芒果見住店員攞成個芒果岀嚟整🤭飲落成杯都充滿真材實料嘅芒果香味,仲食到啲芒果肉添🥭總結呢間店嘅雪糕同飲品都幾質!好可惜今次試唔到黑芝麻味,唯有下次再去食啦🥹 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-12-07
之前見佢哋出過有芫荽口味,已經好想帶男朋友去食~岩岩星期日食完邊爐經過,同男朋友一人一杯🤭🍦金箔函館3.7鮮奶雪糕(HK$88):打卡滿分🤭食個雪糕都要有極速嘅儀式感🤣🤣好貴氣😂😂🍦黑松露3.7鮮奶雪糕(HK$68):新鮮磨碎既松露好香~同鮮奶Mix埋好有餘韻🤭可惜當日去到限定口味蜜瓜味維他奶已經賣晒😩唔係我應該都會買埋黎食😂不過好想佢佢地出番荽茜味然後再帶男朋友去試伏🤣🤣🤣 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
天氣愈凍愈想食雪糕,食完晚飯又唔想食糖水可以試下食雪糕,由澳門人氣雪糕店落黎香港開店🐉 聽講大受歡迎,咁一定要試下由於食完飯已經好夜,想試嘅開心果同黑芝麻都賣曬😭最後就揀左❤️維他奶蜜瓜味豆奶雪糕雪糕好軟滑,而且好濃密瓜味,份量都非常多,1杯絕對夠2個人食❤️黑松露函館3.7牛乳雪糕3.7雪糕非常柔滑,牛乳味濃醇香配上黑松露碎,又鹹又甜,非常特別 黑松露碎好足料!!! 此生真係未食過🤣下次襯早試埋其他口味😋😋 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)