6-min walk from Exit A1, North Point MTR Station
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Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
05:30 - 21:30
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
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昨日路過見到阿姐在門口賣角仔..原來剛炸起.$42/磅, 另外有還有酥角..原本打算過2天去西灣河精誠買, 但今回見到剛炸好, 便試試這裡賣的..要了半磅, 有16隻..阿姐服務很好, 特別叮囑暫不要封袋...因角仔還熱..免得潮了會淋..昨晚c6 先吃了幾顆, 評價跟精誠賣的一樣...花生餡多而不甜..角很脆但不易碎..明年又多個選擇了買角仔時見到有班蘭蛋糕新鮮出爐, 有小小一塊四方的件裝, 亦有6-7" 圓型的..沒有問價錢, 因為那種綠色太不自然..
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Although at the front of the shop BAKERY is spelt normal ie BAKERY, inside it is spelt BREAKY which is interesting.Anyway, saw these green cakes so took a closer look and it was Pandan and not Green Tea so I decided to get one.The shop assistant was really unbothered and rude but finally bagged it for me because the cake was in a separate cabinet.The taste was quite nice, it had a strong pandan taste and the sweetness was just right, however the cake was too dry and hard on the outside but soft on the inside so I wonder how many days it has been sitting there.
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記得我之前一經過這家餅店一定會夾個吞拿魚包或者這次吃的煙肉麵包這次因為展開了我的增肥計劃所以特地從學校跑到這邊買麵包吃這次我又選了要這個煙肉麵包才$5就那麼大塊~~它的煙肉剛剛好然後沙拉醬是嗎(?)很好吃冬天吃這個真的會覺得很幸福喔XDD 可是那天麵包冷了一點有點遜色~可是總言, 超好吃的~ 我最喜歡自家麵包店了! 下次放學再來~~~
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