6-min walk from Exit A2, Sheung Wan MTR Station
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Opening Hours
10:00 - 19:00
Mon - Thu
10:00 - 19:00
Fri - Sun
10:00 - 20:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
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EN Coffee 藏身歌賦街的樓梯旁,標誌由三個圓形重疊而成,既是圓也是緣份。店內擺設的日本盆景,黑膠唱片播放的類比音樂柔和響起,讓人一進門就感受到無比的寧靜與愜意。House Blend 採用來自 洪都拉斯的水洗豆,帶有核桃與黑朱古力風味,冰咖啡口感清新回甘,尤其適合炎熱天氣享用。Inside EN Coffee, guests are greeted by a serene ambiance adorned with Japanese bonsai and accompanied by the analog melodies from vinyl records. The House Blend, crafted with washed beans from Honduras, offers a delightful blend of nutty and dark chocolate flavors.
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🌟木質系禪風咖啡店🌟 💰$50 - $100💰Limited Espresso $65地區: Guatemala 🇬🇹 - En Injerto品種: Huehuetenango烘焙度: 中淺焙處理法: 水洗海拔: 1,900m 風味筆記: 葡萄 青蘋果 70%黑巧克力 湯色明亮 明顯醇厚度 豐富果酸表現黑巧克力香氣 青蘋果獨有酸質 尾段麥芽糖的甜度 整體乾淨清澈 表現不俗✨裝修🪵以木質調貫徹全店 日式盆景 孫枝木櫈 字畫 本地木工場 「廿一由八」手作咖啡托盤 每一細節皆是別出心裁的設計 👍🏻味道👅: 4.28/5❤️❤️環境🏠: 3.98/5 環境較少 建議平日前往服務🗣️: 4.00/5回頭率: 4.13/5 ❤️⏰ Mon - Thur • Sun 10:00 - 19:00 Fri - Sat 10:00 - 20:00 📍Shop B on LG/F, Wah Shin House, 6-10 Shin Hing Street, Hong Kong
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星期日下晝三點多到達,不停有客人到店幫襯,人流爆🈵店內有數個座枱位置,近門口亦有企位,門外也有一個小吧枱位,還可以在店內拿坐墊到門外樓梯坐,十分有趣🫢。雖然天氣好熱,現場也見有客人在樓梯坐著邊飲咖啡邊聊天,好chill✨ 幾位咖啡師做到冇停手,仍然十分友善有禮貌🫡 因為實在太多人,所以叫咗外賣拎走,叫咗Ice Latte,咖啡師推介咗兩款Nutty或Fruity嘅,最後揀咗呢款,真係非常唔錯💓呢度專賣咖啡沒有其他甜點,欣賞佢哋專心做好咖啡,會搵個平日再過嚟坐低慢慢品嚐😉
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Went on a Sunday. The drinks are pretty average. Definitely do not order the lemonade, i ordered it and it was packed with sugar syrup and tasted artificial. The coffee was very bland l as well and doesnt taste like it is fresh. There are better use for your money.Staffs are not very friendly either. Especially on how stubborn with how they urges customers every 5 minutes to make an order. Feels like i am at 澳洲牛奶公司I would seriously recommend people think twice before visiting here. There are lots of better alternatives nearby.
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