12-min walk from Exit C2, Kowloon Tong MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (14)
This Middle-east cuisine restaurant opened in 1993, and there are many branches in different districts. It mainly offers kebab and curry with reasonable prices. continue reading
Opening Hours
10:00 - 19:30
Mon - Sat
10:00 - 19:30
Public Holiday
Public Holiday Eve
10:00 - 19:30
Payment Methods
AlipayHK Alipay Cash
Other Info
Spot payment
Certified Halal Food
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (9)
係幾好食,性價比又高,份量又岩岩好吾太大份,但係就等左成個lunch hour lorIt is delicious, also in a reasonable price, everything are the best. However, during ocamp period, it needs to wait from 12:44 to 13:13. But even it is now 13:13, I still cannot get my lunch. I want to eat a sandwich rather than this fried rice. I am hungry at 12:30, but after waiting such a long time, I totally not hungry now. I only want to claim back my payment and leave….. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
I am a big fan of the company because of the nice grill meats🤎 the price was way cheaper than other branches, so I love to visit their branches at local universitiesRoasted chicken was well grilled, tender and not dry👌🏻 the salad was fresh and portion was generous. The dressing is good that it could be on the side. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2021-12-11
考試翻學經過泳池邊,諗起好耐冇食過kabab,諗起佢啲烤肉嘅飯幾好食,所以就果斷入去買先。叫咗個烤牛肉飯,飯除咗有好多好多嘅烤牛肉之外,仲有一堆沙律。沙律都係不外乎青瓜生菜同蕃茄,不過都幾新鮮!👍👍👍👍👍牛肉嘅份量都好多,鋪滿咗成個飯,牛肉上面仲有啲汁。牛肉唔會好乾好柴,同埋牛肉味嘅肉味都好濃,配埋上面啲酸酸地嘅汁,都係非常之夾。同下面啲飯一齊食,都好食。其實好鍾意食呢一種,清真食品比較長嘅白飯。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2021-10-05
Kebab呢間喺泳池隔離嘅餐廳,係city食清真食物嘅餐廳,不過都有唔少local走去食㗎喎。其實kebab食物總類唔算少,但如果有一種肉冇曬,佢就會有一堆食物都冇。同埋叫餐可能要用英文㗎😂😂今次去食個dinner,叫咗個唔辣嘅燒牛肉配飯。因為我放過個蓋,所以搞到有少少樣衰。左手邊係一啲菜,都新鮮同綠嘅。左邊就係飯,上面嘅燒牛肉都份量都幾多,牛肉肉質唔會燒到好乾好鞋。配埋上邊酸酸地嘅醬,撈埋飯都開胃唔錯。下面嘅米同平時食開嘅米唔同,佢地係長長尖尖,乾身少少嘅,不過佢煮嗰陣就有落味道,食落係鹹鹹地嘅。整體嚟講,Kebab係唔錯嘅。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2021-10-04
城大嘅Kebab一直都好出名,今日終於去試下。😆🍚今晚點咗個烤雞肉飯,上面有啲特色沙律醬汁,十分美味。朋友都好鍾意個醬汁話想加多啲汁餸飯。🍗烤雞肉幾鮮嫩,唔會好乾。啲米飯同一般飯唔同,係幼長啲嘅,食落都好香,吸收左雞肉嘅味道,但係有啲乾。🥗啲沙律幾清新,中和左烤雞嘅熱氣同鹹味,帶嚟涼爽清脆嘅口感。🥓去嗰陣時羊肉賣晒,亦冇食到特色印度烤餅,有啲可惜,下次再嚟會想試吓賣晒嘅羊肉印度烤餅。☺️ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)