3-min walk from Exit C, Wan Chai MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (14)
This Middle-east cuisine restaurant opened in 1993, and there are many branches in different districts. It mainly offers kebab and curry with reasonable prices. continue reading
Additional Information
Meatless Menu Details: Wide selection of vegetarian dishes available daily.
Opening Hours
11:00 - 22:00
Mon - Fri
11:00 - 22:00
Sat - Sun
Public Holiday
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus AE UnionPay Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay
Other Info
Online Reservation
Reward Dining Points
Spot payment
Certified Halal Food
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Signature Dishes
Kebab's Piazza Salads Curry's Biryani
Review (43)
收工後趕時間,睇到店內得四個食客就入座,等咗15分鐘左右上到菜。我們2個人叫咗燒牛肉配薯菜&咖喱羊肉(Masala) 薯菜好好味,肉味道尚可,但好鹹,就捱服務員俾暖水。店內嗰個女服務員竟然直接覆我:We dont serve, you need to buy a bottle of water.店內一樽水$16 仲收我地20幾蚊加一行幾步路就有七仔,係人都識做喇🙃🙃🙃半夜我個friend仲屙肚,有點擔心食物係咪無咁衛生……總之,今次食飯好失望!!!以後唔會再來😢😢😢 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
之前經過幾次見到好滿人,今日見到有張四人檯,當即決定入去試試~位置比較窄,餐廳紙巾好吸引,原來這家有好多分店,遍佈香港各大高校,我們笑稱是小舖頭大集團😄這家有中東和印度菜式~燒雞肉沙律,雞肉烤得好香好好味,口感滑,推薦~咖喱魚肉炒飯,少辣,但都係比較重味,飯的口感好,魚肉一般般~點了兩款Kebab,一款牛肉,一款串燒雞肉~牛肉的很好吃,推薦~串燒雞肉,其實是雞胸肉,麻麻地,可能燒雞肉的會更加好吃~午市套餐包飲品,有汽水有樽裝水~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-03-18
又係星期五team lunch嘅時間, 平時午餐食嚟食去都係嗰啲嘢,提議食吓其他唔同嘅菜式,一呼百應。愉快地拍板食呢間。去到嘅時候眼見都坐滿晒人,心諗唔知要等幾耐位,竟然入邊有張六人枱。我哋五個人啱啱好,真係1000零一張6人枱。每次嚟我都會食燒雞薯條,因為醬可以自己落^_^同事仔就覺得卡巴唔夠飽,加多左個薯條。我就加左個咖喱角。點知食到最尾係勁飽。食唔晒啲嘢,嘥晒。估佢唔到份量真係幾多。 差啲唔記得左杯Mango Lassi continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2022-09-18
鐘意食羊嘅我土耳其Kabeb 又點唔會係我愛嘅菜式之一!✌🏻羊、牛、雞內各自每一種肉一層層疊起成一大串 ,垂直喺個燒爐裏面慢慢轉慢慢轉燒到金黄色啲汁慢慢慢慢滴落嚟🤤🤤,視覺相當吸引。😍除咗羊肉吸引我之外,牛係次選甚少配雞,另外當然就係佢哋嘅食法形態相當富有土耳其特色,夠晒方便,用上烤香咗薄薄嘅薄餅包住好多唔同嘅蔬菜同埋醬汁,每一啖咬入口內裡嘅羊肉味加埋香濃未辣嘅醬汁同疏菜清新爽甜口感豐富。😋😋😋😋唔肚餓嘅話一份夠晒兩個人食。😅😅😅 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
星期六日都要黎灣仔開工,真係要食返啲heavy嘢調劑下身心,係附近見到間Ebeneezer’s Kebabs & Pizzeria有lunch set好似幾抵就入左去,食下土耳其午餐!Chicken Kebab ($50) 雞肉卡巴份量都唔細,一份有烤雞肉、沙律菜、蕃茄、洋蔥、醬料,用pita bread捲起,餡料非常豐富,除左本身醬料既辣度,呢度仲有提供三種醬料比你任落,個人最愛薄荷醬同蒜味乳酪醬。Chicken Tikka Biryani ($75) 咖喱串燒雞肉炒飯,用無骨雞肉炒印度香米炒成既咖哩飯,加埋好多其他香料超級惹味,雞肉又嫩滑,跟餐仲有一碗沙律,等你唔會覺得太膩!Mango Lassi (set drinks upgrade +$15) & Iced coffee 芒果奶昔係食土耳其菜必要嘅飲品,但今次嘅mango lassi唔算太凍,咖啡比較甜,個人覺得一般。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)