2-min walk from Exit J, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
11:30 - 21:00
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 21:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Octopus UnionPay JCB Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (11)
We found some amazing Korean street toasts and solsot pot rice in the K11 Musea food court! Ought to share with you because they put “space best sandwich” in neon signs. Verdict: Their sandwich toasts were really delicious and authentic. We especially liked the sandwich dressing and the mayo shredded cabbages, which felt like crab sticks. The toasts were crispy, hot and fresh, buttery and very fluffy. Bulgogi toast was the best! If you like Korean solsot rice served in hot pot, come here cos their new menus are attractive. We had the lemon chicken & burdock (very zesty and refreshing!), and the beef steak pot rice sets. Along with a side of kimchi (it was gingery!), hot soup and a bowl of rice sauce. I suggest putting a little bit of everything and mix well with your rice, to enjoy a truly Korean flavour. There was even crispy rice at the bottom. The Eggwing platter was equally a surprise. Deep fried tidbits like seaweed glass noodles rolls, fish and squid cakes, and huge pork dumplings. We had a great time dipping them in some delicious mustardy mayo! There were rice rolls like anchovy kimbaps for takeaway too. Staff (being so very nice) told me those kimbaps would be sold with discounts every night after 6pm, perfect for light eaters. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-10-13
好耐冇行街,今日朋友約左我去尖沙咀 k11 Musea行到攰,我哋去左Food playground,有一段時間冇食韓國嘢,想食韓國吐司🍞。我哋食左:🌟韓式牛肉三文治🥪💰70我好鐘意食韓牛因為牛味重,加埋美奶滋,更juicy 。三文治包皮好軟熟,餡料包括:厚厚既熟蛋,生菜🥬,蕃茄,牛肉同美奶滋。🌟泡菜辣炒豬肉釜鍋煲仔拌飯💰85煲仔飯新鮮熱辣好正,泡菜唔會過辣岩岩好,煲仔飯有泡菜,紫菜,豬肉,蘿蔔絲,白芝麻,超多料。🌟必試韓式芝士拉麵🍜💰76拉絲芝士🧀超邪惡,拉麵索晒啲芝士汁,每一條拉麵都沾有芝士,好正,仲有蛋,腐皮同煙靭既年糕。食韓國菜年糕係基本啦。🌟韓國水💰12🌟韓國梨汁💰12由於呢間韓國餐廳又平又好食,我都忍唔到外賣左吐司🍞三文治比老公食。🌟招牌經典韓式吐司三文治🥪💰64吐司三文治包括芝士🧀生菜🥬蕃茄同煙肉老公食晒成會三文治唔洗食嘢,煙肉燒過好惹味,配埋芝士🫕好夾。🌟雙層芝士火腿吐司三文治💰68一啖咬落個包滿滿的芝士留係口腔,超級邪惡,配埋煙肉冇得頂。EGGWING 啲吐司三文治真係唔錯👍📍 EGGWING (尖沙咀)尖沙咀梳士巴利道18號維港文化匯K11 Musea B2樓F號舖#hkfoodieblogger #hkblogger#chansfoodie.hk#hkrestaurants#hongkong🇭🇰 #hongkongfood #hongkonglocalfood #hongkongtravel #hongkonginstagram #香港探店 #香港探店分享 #香港探店 #foodplayground #k11musea #尖沙咀 #尖沙咀美食 #吐司 #韓國美食 #香港必食 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-11-25
嚟到K11 MUSEA想食下韓菜, 可以好似我咁試下入面Food Playground B2層嘅EGGWING韓國菜~ 見到佢有韓國大熱三文治, 幾特別, 望住隔離bakery嗰條人龍成日都排到勁長, 心諗不如好地地坐低食個有豐富餡料嘅三文治包啦~ 三文治一望真係夠晒澎湃, 鬆軟嘅吐司夾住香濃嘅炒蛋, 仲有脆口嘅蔬菜同濃郁嘅韓式醬料, 每一啖都好有層次感, 食完真係好滿足! 忍唔住試足兩款- 雙層芝士煙肉同埋韓式牛肉~佢哋嘅釜飯其實都唔錯, 我哋揀咗牛排釜飯, 用鋁鍋上好有feel, 食到底仲有飯焦! 米飯粒粒分明, 熱辣辣, 配埋豐富特製醬汁更好味~另外仲試咗佢嘅紫菜包飯同埋魷魚餃子年糕總括嚟講, EGGWING主打韓菜喺foodcourt入面無論你係想快快手解決一餐, 定係同朋友分享美食, 都係一個穩妥選擇 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-10-21
韓國美食確實吸引🇰🇷✨ K11 Musea有間韓國餐廳提供多種美味選擇,例如韓式海鮮麵🍜🔥泡菜 🥬🌶️韓式拌飯 🍜 韓式辣海鮮湯麵新鮮海鮮🦪 蜆🐚青口🦑魷魚🌶️ 泡菜配上香辣韓式湯底,湯汁濃郁,帶有微辣的口感🥠韓式牛肉炒年糕嫩滑牛肉 🥩 Q 彈年糕 🍡,搭配特製韓式醬汁,炒至金黃,口感豐富。年糕吸收了所有的汁液🥟招牌經典炸物拼盤🆕拼盤包含多種經典韓式炸物,如炸餃子、炸紫菜卷 ,炸魚餅,搭配特製醬汁,外脆內嫩🥪 雙重芝士煙肉韓式吐司三文治香濃芝士 🧀 煙肉 🥓 完美結合,外層金黃香脆,內部芝士融化,口感層次豐富🥗 韓式牛肉三文治新鮮韓式牛肉,搭配生菜 🥬 特製醬汁,口感清新又不失濃郁EGGWING📍尖沙咀梳士巴利道18號維港文化匯K11 Musea B2樓F號舖 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-10-16
#20241015 📝 📍 #Eggwing @eggwing_hongkong 尖沙咀梳士巴利道18號維港文化匯K11 Musea B2樓F號舖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖#特式牛排釜鍋煲仔拌飯 $98💭 呢啲釜鍋拌飯好少可有牛排做餸,佢係將一塊牛排切左做一粒粒骰仔牛咁樣,本身個飯味道好清淡,但有個泡菜同醬汁可以撈落去,自己調教到適合自己既口味,撈埋啲生菜食幾有韓式feel🥩.#韓式辣海鮮湯麵 $88💭 落order既時候姐姐好貼心咁提醒呢個好辣,如果唔太食得辣可以叫濃湯然後再加辣醬,但最終都係冒死試左😂其實就係辛辣面既feel,係辣但過癮🌶️麵底幾煙韌,就算浸左陣湯都無淋晒,最吸睛都係面頭有好多海鮮,蜆、青口同蝦,仲有好多雜錦粒係底,啖啖都食到海鮮風味好正🦐 .#招牌經典韓式吐司三文治 $64💭 最鐘意佢個包唔係用方包而係用左排包,無咁硬身之餘仲帶有少少甜味,就咁食都已經好好味🍞而佢既餡有蕃茄、炒蛋,煙肉、生菜,再加啲蜜糖芥末汁,食落一啲都唔dry🥓. 🥢 #韓式梨汁 #韓式提子汁 +$12💭 叫左野食可以加$12要啲罐裝野飲,平時尼親呢度都係向上行,第一次落到尼地底原來有個food court,價錢仲好親民,估唔到以後尼k11 musea都有啖好食喇~.#尖沙咀美食 #🐷在尖沙咀 #🐷_食 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)