6-min walk from Exit F, Admiralty MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (5)
The cozy cafe features a comfortable environment. The sunlight can come inside from the glass windows. It offers light meal included ice-cream sandwiches and coffee. continue reading
Opening Hours
09:00 - 21:00
Mon - Fri
08:00 - 21:00
Sat - Sun
09:00 - 21:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash Octopus AE UnionPay
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Eco-Friendly Details
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (147)
Elephant Grounds 喺港島同尖沙咀都有分店前排去咗佢位於金鐘/灣仔嘅分店座位寬敞 食物同咖啡質素不過不失 整體價錢偏高𖧧 Fish Fillet Sando $110三文治烘至金黃色 魚柳酥脆香口 內裡嘅wasabi mayo有助平衡膩感𖧧 Eggs Benedict $105有水波蛋、牛油果、煙三文魚同車厘茄較清新健康嘅配搭底下嘅milk bread都幾鬆軟 𖧧 Latte $46 𖧧 Long Black $30 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-12-17
this is one of our go-to spots to get work done or just relax & yap. they serve healthy delicious food and hv an amazing selection of drinks. heated outdoor seating also available in k11 branchu can try shakshuka if u want sth healthy and filling. its basically eggs poached in a spiced tomato sauce w onions and loads of feta! salmon avocado bowl was yumz too! we like the crunchy tempura bites in the poke bowlin our tums-🍳mr shakshuka🥗salmon avocado poke☕️flat white🍸fresh lime soda price: $50-200 pp rating: 8/10revisit? yesss continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-09-25
午餐時間,約5分鐘就安排入座。叫了飲品(茶及咖啡)及Churro,質素一般,沒有特別驚喜。餐桌面積足夠大,枱與枱之近位置很近,可清楚聽到鄰座對話。餐廳裝修及環境尚可與坐窗邊位置感覺會比較開陽。用餐𢓭叫咗埋單,員工愛理不理,其他同時間叫埋單的枱都埋好單,我們催促,員工只叫我們等等,話處理緊,最終要我自行過去counter,員工才開始處理。最終由叫埋單到離開花了15分鐘以上。這樣的員工效率及態度,毫不專業,不會再光顧。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-06-16
平日lunchtime到訪兩個人樓下得返四人枱,所以要坐樓上,一坐低就後悔,因為超嘈!(◎_◎;)嘈到同朋友講嘢都聽唔到—樓底矮+無隔音/ 吸音裝修而當日咁啱有兩枱客人都係傾計比較大聲所以樓上超級「應聲」同朋友講嘢都聽唔到奉勸大家有得揀都唔好坐樓上,除非你有自己帶降噪耳機,自己聽歌⋯—Black Cod比較健康既選擇~不過魚既份量好少⋯ 以前既份量多啲,而家一啖食晒(´・Д・)」Black Cod好似唔係間間分店都有魚係滑嘅,好味,份量少就睇下你接唔接受到~(。 ́︿ ̀。)limited edition 芒果糯米飯雪糕兩塊餅乾好薄好油⋯太脆夾唔到雪糕變左其實分開食(同雪糕唔夾,好似之前soft cookies 款式襯雪糕多啲)— 好鍾意Elephant ground 個細Libbey水杯厚身玻璃+簡潔logo design 不過店員話細size 無得賣得 display 櫃個款高身凍飲玻璃杯(有飲筒)有得賣都幾靚,不過杯底無Libbey logo 唔知係crossover咩牌子玻璃杯可能下次買~ (個display櫃好多塵⋯) continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-06-02
Read a lot of good reviews about elephant ground brunch so decided to try it with friend. It was a Sunday afternoon so we had to wait a bit to get seated. After some customers have left we were immediately called in. We tried to order their peach and cream stacks pancake but it was sold out so we settled on ordering avocado toast, smashed burger and brownie for dessert, and we ordered OJ, hot matcha latte and cold matcha latte for drinks. Presentation wise it was nice and look inviting. Not long after we had tried the food. Don’t get me wrong, taste was good until we encountered a few tiny problems. This may sound a bit nitpicky, it was stated in the menu that the egg was poached but I had been served a boiled egg. I ask the waiter to change it to poached egg instead thought they might have put a wrong egg in it. The waiter came back with a new egg but it was soft boiled egg although it’s a little runny. The restaurant probably don’t serve poached egg. I was bummed because I love my eggs runny for my toast. My friend also started digging in with her smashed burger and shared it with her daughter but after few bite she found a strange textured meat in her burger and spat it. It was a cramped paper mixed in her burger patty. We informed the restaurant about the paper in her burger. Didn’t wanna make a fuss about it since we have worked in the same industry and we believe that it’s not the servers fault. We reminded them that the kitchen must check on the food prep or inform their supplier about this issue. We might not be the first person to encounter this.Brownie was also dry. It was a let down considering the restaurant’s reputation but it is what it is. I wish they could pay more attention to some details on the food they serve. Would like to try more of their brunch but not sure if we will be back soon. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)