7-min walk from Exit B1, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
Good For
Special Occasion Dining
Opening Hours
06:00 - 00:00
Mon - Sun
06:00 - 00:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay JCB Diners Club
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Cake-cutting Details
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (68)
Level4 2018-12-09
Stayed in the hotel for one night, and they offer free buffet breakfast. Food and drinks are within expectation - breakfast food. I had 2 dishes which made me so full already - as you can see I didn’t piled up the food, I placed it nicely so it looked like a la cart order. You can see the top left side, a cheese! Kinda surprised they offer Camembert cheese and I like it so much! I think that’s the most expensive food there. But the waitresses were too hard working to clean our dishes... I was away for a drink but when I went back my bowl of cheese was gone! Hey I hadn’t finished my cheese! (I can get the cheese again, but just a bit waste they took the unfinished food). I also like the dumplings there. That’s why they were also in my second dish!There were a lot of travellers, mostly are mainlanders. I saw they mostly picked bread and congee, haha that’s not my style to pick carbs food. I had breakfast at 8:30am, and it’s not too crowded. When I left at around 9am, more ppl were getting here. In short, the environment is nice, and food quality is fine. As it’s complimentary, it’s a good buffet breakfast continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2018-09-05
這次家人提出到皇悅小廚慶祝親戚生辰,說過去數次的自助晚餐質素不賴,也不會很破費。我們六時半入座,由於是週日,酒店餐廳內頗為滿座,過於吵鬧。格局較小,而且我們被安排坐在樓梯旁邊,感覺上環境太昏暗。各類的食物選擇不多,大致上質素很普通。前菜冷盤只有牛肉較可口。酥皮龍蝦湯的酥皮不膩但不夠香口,湯略淡味但可接受,裡頭有少許龍蝦肉。刺身壽司方面,三文魚味道普通,卻竟然吃到了魚骨,印象分大打折扣;油甘魚鹹淡適中;中華沙律很鹹;壽司飯質地非常濕和爛。熟食提供扒類、點心、小食炒菜、中式湯及飯麵等。牛扒及羊架味道還好,只是前者略乾。配牛肉吃的約克郡布甸是鹹味烤麵包,像油條但不油膩。蝦餃的餡大多是肥豬肉,半隻小蝦的份量也波有,小籠包相對較足料有肉汁。東南亞菜式味道較佳可口。甜品大部分是慕絲蛋糕及果凍,另有蘋果金寶、迷你泡芙和卷蛋糕,沒有雪糕提供。有許多都過甜和忌廉感太重。飲品亦只有茶和咖啡。自助晚餐雖然價錢很便宜,但質素比港島區的皇悅遜色,沒有任何食物是特別好吃,整體有待改善。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
食三文魚要等師傅切,冇得任取,每次只得4片,咁小,真係有D寒酸,熟食普通又唔好味粗制濫做,茶記仲好味,食甜就多花款,但冇樣喘自己食,Dad,Mum就Like,算吧la,難得兩条老鬼又鍾意,好la ,俾个Like你 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2017-12-21
仲煩惱緊去邊度做節,今年試試食嘢唔再食中菜,改咗去食 buffet。係報紙見到 Empire Hotel 自助餐成人價係 $458,但依加做緊 promotion 買一送一喎,掋到爛一定要試。食物種類唔算多,大路嘢都齊嘅。但勝在質素都唔錯。三文魚魚生都幾新鮮,燒牛肉頗嫩滑,菜遠雞做到滑溜。羊扒太多肥肉我就唔太欣賞。牛脷多鬆化,而蛋糕水菓都好好食。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2016-05-23
經常也在報刊看見「皇悅酒店」的廣告(自助晚餐買一送一),適逢朋友生日,我們一行五人特意去食過痛快。這是一般水準的自助餐,環境乾淨衞生,位於尖沙咀,交通便利。值得一提是那個燒乳豬,新鮮不算熱騰騰,有微溫,皮脆肉嫩,燒肉是半肥瘦,色澤是白透透的,細心咬一下,脂肪緩緩溶解了口中,聞下脆皮有燒過的焦香味。我當然每一件燒肉也不放過,每嚼一下,豐腴油脂夾了肉汁流出。脆燒皮的感覺也像薯片般香脆,卜卜聲響。沙拉bar 款式算多樣化,一般的雜菜和水果也可以見到。因為流量快,他們是新鮮的。餐前小食已經算不差。酒店也供應小杯冷盤沙拉,有青瓜和紐紐粉供應,精緻小巧。皇悅咖哩水溶性高,沒有黏黏糊糊,味道似是馬來西亞般,椰氣味濃郁,咖哩和椰漿是最佳拍檔,椰奶味芳香淡化咖哩那種霸氣,帶出柔滑感覺。另外,薯仔比較硬身,沒有粉腍,相信燜稍久一些可解決這問題。因為時間不足夠,咖哩和薯仔味道是分開。雞肉相對上較好,雖然有少許冰鮮味,但咬下比較軟身,吸引了湯汁中和了冰鮮那種過期味道,而且顏色呈黃金色,賣相尙吸引。總結:平均每位200元,四個人埋單800元,以這個價錢在酒店內有這些食物,不可太挑剔,價格合理。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)