11-min walk from Exit E1, Sheung Wan MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Thu
11:00 - 00:00
Fri - Sat
11:00 - 01:00
11:00 - 00:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE
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Wi-Fi Details
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
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10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
芝士蛋糕 烤包
Review (37)
Level2 2019-02-22
That’s wonderful night in this restaurant. Their staffs so warm sing the birthday song to my elder sister and services is friendly. They won’t push us finish the meal quickly. 👍🏻All dish taste quite good. Especially the beef mini plate. All of us said ‘Delicious’ 😋 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2018-09-12
我曾經在這區住過,以前從繁盛中環,向上經過荷利活道,走到此處,截然不同,一片寧靜社區,雜貨舖,纸紥舖,藥材舖……_看著行人自動電梯興建,完工後之喜悦,西式餐廳酒吧開設,這一帶付與soho區之名,熱鬧非常,住所下面是庵堂,時常開野火會,音樂會,唱詩班,大家Happy,也曾遇過現在也不解之迷,也是我人生過程的回憶。雖然搬離後,我也時常來食同飲,所以知道那間西餐廳最久,此處肯定排2,3位,其他舖已轉手多次,我每次都不會訂枱,這裏餐廳多的是,更有一間有位,時常博彩,以前每次問都無位或限時,今次有啦!芝麻牛油果沙律$106,配巴馬臣之士,新鮮,有質素。豬肉串燒$88,3串,中東香料重,肉有質感,我喜歡食中東香料。rosemary potato$66, 焗大薯條,有薯皮,我是澱粉怪,我喜歡,海塩,介末,好難輸crab cakes$118,外面有少少粉,脆香口,豐富蟹肉,飽滿,配香料沙律醬,焗蒜蓉意粉$107,意粉扁身,帶少少硬,彈牙,才有口感,多芝士,有羅勒,我又係喜歡簡簡單單。這裏勝在多款特色小食,以意大利餐廳記,好似tapa,吸引好似我這些又貪心,小碟,可試多款,送酒。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2018-08-24
First off, the decor in this restaurant is A-mazing! It looked so exotic and different - the second you stepped into the restaurant, you find yourself in a completely different realm! It was extraordinary!Waiters are always very friendly. They smile and are very helpful. I really enjoy coming here because of the service primarily.Food is really good as well. As seen in the photo, the seared tuna loins are a must. It is sprinkled with sesame seeds and it tastes really great. Tuna is seared the enough - it's slightly cooked yet really palatable. The cheese and bread stuff was also really neat. For the pizza, it's not like shockingly good but it definitely fills your stomach.  Before 7pm, it's happy hour so be sure to order some drinks! Espresso martini is kinda my go-to. Sometimes i go for their Rose. You get many options.  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
通常weekend最鍾意上蘇豪食飯,最鍾意嗰度唔會好似油尖旺嗰種人迫人嗰種壓力,響Soho上面食飯感覺特別relax!😍而且唔算貴嘅價錢就食到好好質素😋~如果想食下啲小食類同飲下酒可以試吓呢間(都有少少pasta同Pizza不過小食比較多啲為主),呢度都係其中一間我成日去嘅選擇~😍👍🏻試過佢好多款嘢食質素都好好而且價錢唔算貴,今次食咗呢幾款就介紹下先!😛《Hummus dip with warm pita bread》🌮鷹嘴豆泥醬係一款中東美食,好味而且營養豐富,佢呢度整得好好,搽上pita bread一齊食好夾~☺️《Tuna loin coated in black and white seasame seeds》半生熟嘅吞拿魚,出面黑白芝麻輕輕煎過好香,點埋佢個醬油汁幾清清地幾好味~😋👍🏻《Homemade Crab cakes 》呢度個煎蟹餅都算幾足料,配埋佢哋個自製他他醬酸酸甜甜咁,亦都唔會煎到好油膩好熱氣咁,幾好食!🤤👍🏻《Mushroom and Parmesan risotto balls》🍢 呢個係用蘑菇芝士risotto整成波狀然後少少煎炸過咁,外面脆入面保留risotto 嘅口感,煙煙un un甘,點埋佢哋嗰醬一齊食幾特別同好味道!😋👍🏻另外呢度仲有個燒羊架都幾好食🤤(不過今次冇叫)😬甜品方面呢度唔算特別出色,唯一一個每次來必食嘅就係coffee banoffee pie🍰,因為本身我都好鍾意食呢個甜品而且唔係好多地方有,🤤呢度整得整體上都唔錯,尤其是個餅底整得好好味,唯獨上面啲cream淡左dd如果味道可以濃返少少就Perfect la~😬如果想食啲light d嘅dinner呢度確實係一個唔錯嘅選擇!👍🏻早少少嚟啲酒仲有happyhour優惠tim!😙🍷🥂每次響蘇豪食完飯都覺得特別relax~~☺️❤️ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2018-07-05
We walked in for lunch on a weekday and found that this restaurant was pretty empty. There were only 2 groups of customers including us.We ordered 2 lunch sets. 2 slices of bread were served to us but there was really nothing special.Both of us ordered the salad as the appetizer. The salad was ok but it was quite oily with the dressing.Both of us ordered this spaghetti too. There was nothing special about the texture of the spaghetti. It was not al dente at all. The sauce was too salty, which explained the below-average rating.We both ordered a chocolate brownie as the dessert.  It took a long time for them to arrive at our table. The brownie was ok though.Now that I understood why this restaurant was so empty. Although it wasn't expensive given that it was Central, the quality of the food and the distant location couldn't justify the price. There were definitely a lot of better choices out there. In short, no need to try for lunch. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)