4-min walk from Exit A, Quarry Bay MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (8)
Opening Hours
11:30 - 21:30
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 21:30
Public Holiday
11:30 - 21:30
Public Holiday Eve
11:30 - 21:30
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Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE
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10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
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Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (76)
Level4 2024-07-22
晚上來簡單喝一杯🤓,星期日晚上沒什麼人,有室內外的座位,寵物友善的餐廳,不少人帶著寵物狗坐在外面。小吃點了炸薯條,配的咖喱汁,好新奇。咖喱汁重蔥頭味,還不錯不過我還是喜歡茄汁😎 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Enoteca (糖廠街)📍:鰂魚涌糖廠街35-41號地舖🚗:鰂魚涌地鐵A出口 步行4分鐘📞:+852 2744-6000💲:~HKD300/head for dinnerFood quality✔️:Smoked Beef Carpaccio, Asparagus , Artichoke & Brie Tart, Mediterranean Vegetable Pizza👌🏼:Carrot Cake, Aglio e Olio, Coco Fresh, Guava Ginger Screwdriver總結:😋鰂魚涌特色地中海菜 個人覺得偏意大利🇮🇹/西班牙菜多啲 食物酒類選擇多 睇到人眼花撩亂 😋Smoked Beef Carpaccio係意式生牛肉片 牛薄片 上面落咗蛋黃 山柑同帕瑪森奶酪🧀 濃嘅牛味新鮮 開胃嘅前菜😋Asparagus , Artichoke & Bri 係撻皮上放上 茄子泥 火箭菜同羊奶乳酪 再洒上蘆葦同菜薊 素食嚟但有層次 唯一係真係太大碟 真到飽死😋Mediterranean Vegetable Pi就係一個素食薄餅 茄子泥莫薩里拉同菲達芝士 油橄欖🫒 烤翠肉瓜 蕃茄乾同紅椒 雖然全都是菜但食落唔寡 調味足同肉食pizza都一樣咁好食🤔意粉有6款麵類選擇 比意式餐廳更似意式餐廳 有長通粉 蝴蝶粉 螺絲粉 扁意粉 直條麵同無麩質直條麵 Aglio e Olio係最經典嘅橄欖油蒜香意粉🍝睇落簡單但實際冇咁容易整 呢碟就正常🤔carrot cake🧁係指將紅蘿蔔混入麵糊製成嘅蛋糕 正常味道 texture略硬亦唔會我偏愛 🤔兩杯飲品就正常發揮 🤔價錢偏貴 食物幾好食都唔算太接受😨餐廳環境幽暗 適合拍拖👫但對我呢啲打卡人士影相好唔friendly😨以呢個收費嚟計 服務真係唔合格 連基本舉手都要等好耐 理解繁忙時段嘅 不如請多個人🥲 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-03-11
✨Seared Tuna Loin $98外面個四邊包左芝麻 增添左啲唔同嘅口感👍🏻👍🏻個吞拿魚幾鮮嫩✨Cured Meat Pizza $178有好多料 有啲pepperoni, Salami,Parma ham, onion , 蕃茄味都幾香 個薄餅都幾軟熟👍🏻✨Mediterranean Mezze $148其中有個係鷹豆泥 上面有啲辣椒粉 中間又加左啲香草咁入去 味道好豐富 都好清爽👍🏻👍🏻 另外一個就唔知係咩泥 少少辣味 有啲nutty 咁 而嗰啲Falafel 個餡好似係薯仔咁 味道比較淡 點啲泥/乳酪好食啲另外一個就好重薄荷味 有啲菜絲 香啲🥂Sanvigilio Pinot Grigio Gl $58呢個就飲落比較甜啲🥂Zephyr Riesling-Gls $79聞落去比較smoky 飲落就比較酸 重果香多啲總括黎講味道都唔錯👍🏻 環境都好chill 好舒服 啱晒happy friday 😆😆 味道❤️❤️❤️❤️抵食❤️❤️❤️💔服務❤️❤️❤️💔環境❤️❤️❤️💔💰晚餐人均~$310(包括+1) continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
🍴Greek Salad (7/10) with Feta Cheese, Olives, Artichokes and Citrus Mustard Dressing,沙律新鮮好食,口感好豐富~ 🍴Seared Scallops On Crab Meat Risotto $188 (8.5/10) Asparagus, Grated Salata Ricotta 帶子大粒厚肉,唔腥冇嗱口味! 個飯啖啖蟹肉,好鹹香,加埋忌廉好creamy濃厚,層次豐富~個飯有啲少XD份量足啲會好啲~ 🍴Cheese Plate, Honey, Hazelnut & Toast (7/10) 未食過芝士做甜品,鹹香有芝士味,Hazelnut勁香,唔會太膩~ 🍴coffee +$15 (7/10) 奶沒打得滑,咖啡幾香微苦,唔算濃郁... 推薦指數: 8/10 可能係鰂魚涌最好食西餐~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2023-12-02
以前喺太古坊番工,Enoteca絕對係我最愛嘅西餐廳喇。今日放假特登過去食Brunch,天氣好涼爽,坐喺戶外真係舒服。我地叫咗 Big Breakfast Plate同Eggs Benedict With Bacon 。Eggs Benedict With Bacon:用嘅煙肉好厚身,鹹香多汁,波菜經過蒜蓉炒香,再加上流心蛋同Hollandaise Sauce,味道好豐富。而家好多EggsBenedict唔用波菜,但我都偏好傳統嘅配搭。Big Plate Breakfast:表現一般,唔難食但都無特別之處。配上Lime Soda同Ginger Ale,refreshing start! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)