1-min walk from Exit F, Hong Kong MTR Station continue reading
Enoteca Wine & Bar is an ideal place for wine-lovers. It offers free corkage fee for wine over HKD$500. Customers can freely choose to sit at bar table or at cozy sofas to enjoy their wine together with good-price food in a relaxing environment. continue reading
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Mon - Sat
11:00 - 21:00
12:00 - 20:00
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Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay
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Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
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10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (7)
Level4 2014-06-23
繼上一回「Tapas & Wine Pairing Trial」的活動後,在短短的日子裡,又緣定「羅訥河谷」之約,藉著法國五月之名,再一次步入「心藏不露的品酒空間」— 「ENOTECA」,令人雀躍萬分!「羅訥河谷」位於法國的東南部,那裡氣候溫暖、陽光明媚,是法國最早的葡萄酒產區。時至今日, 「羅訥河谷」 AOC 葡萄酒的產量只僅次於波爾多,約佔法國葡萄酒總產量 14%,羅訥河谷今年獲選為法國五月的主題酒品,必定有其獨突之處。當天「ENOTECA」,為大家準備了五款酒品,一款 Sparkling Wine, 一款白酒及三款紅酒,事實上「羅訥河谷」以釀製紅酒聞名,紅酒佔該區總產量達 94% 。「ENOTECA」細心地採選了幾款法式小食來配對「羅訥河谷」的酒品,最吸引我注意的是 Saucisson 及 Sausage。平日較少接觸表面佈滿白色粉末,看似繃硬,外型不甚討好的 Saucisson 及 Sausage,這次大可在兩位法國專家的指導下,放膽一試。Saucisson 的主材料是以 2/3 瘦豬肩肉和 1/3 脂肪製造,Sausage 則以其他肉類為主,兩者均是全天然風乾,經過自然發酵後,面層便會產生白色粉狀的霉菌。法國人喜歡在餐前輕嚐 Saucisson 及 Sausage 作為小食。Pate 相信是不少人的至愛,對怕胖的我而言,既愛之又恨之!當天的 Pate 手工細緻,儼如一件漂亮的糕點。當中的 Small Pate 更加入了雞油菌和 20% 的鴨肝,再怕胖也沒理由拒美食於千里!這款小球狀的 Mini Balls of Saucisson 很有趣,「一口」的大小,更方便進食。還有鴨肝和鵝肝製造的 Terrine,正期待著小食與美酒帶出的完美配對。Gerard Bertrand Aigle Noir Brut 2004, Cremant de Limoux首先品嚐的是 Sparkling Wine,色澤金黃、氣泡幼細,甜度較一般香檳稍高,但對我這個不愛甜的女士來說,該甜度恰好提供足夠的誘惑度,令愛甜的女士們更易被打動。除了令女士們有著好感的甜度外,Gerard Bertrand Aigle Noir Brut 2004, Cremant de Limoux 亦帶著點點果香,予人輕快活潑之感!法國專家告知以 Walnuts Saucisson 及 Small Country Pate 搭配這款 Sparkling Wine。Walnuts Saucisson 鹹度與油脂感較輕盈,而合桃的幽香,承托著酒香,相當不錯;而 Small Country Pate 口感幼滑順和,肝藏和豬肉等的香氣清而不俗,美味得很,兩者均與 Sparkling Wine 很匹配。Charles Hours Happy Hours Cool Sec 2007, Jurancon瓶身設計輕鬆,富有時尚感,尤其看到奪目的「Happy Hour」字眼,不難被其吸引。入口帶有一點沉鬱韻調,味道與酒香也較為平淡,顯然是要突出那股具有個性及獨特的調子,相信這款白酒有待知音人的發掘。不過其優點也盡在那平淡的韻調中顯露,它能與各類食品締造和諧的感覺。除多添了 Walnuts Saucisson 及 Small Country Pate,還加入了趣緻的 Mini Ball of Suacissons 為白酒配搭。小圓球狀的 Suacisson,要比扁平塊狀的 Suacisson 富有嚼感,在口腔中左右動彈,滲出獨有的橄欖香氣和油脂,讓齒頰留香,這個小球真令人回味!由於「羅訥河谷」多樣化的土質,葡萄酒多採用非單一的葡萄釀製,因而帶出「羅訥河谷」的特色來,接下來的是三款不同的紅酒。Domaine des Escaravailles La Ponce Rasteau 2009, Cotes-du-Rhone瓶身招紙的甲蟲成為此紅酒的標記。呈深紫的色澤,透出橄欖、櫻桃和黑莓等香氣,結尾帶著點點甜韻。Domaine des Bosquets 2010, Gigondas色澤紫紅,口感豐厚、油滑,除了雜莓,還有由香草帶出的甘味。Domaine Durieu 2010, Chateauneuf-du-Pape當晚三款紅酒中,這一款是我的至愛。由於年份較新,在飲用前必須讓其適度透氣,否則酸性較強烈,且不能發揮原有的真正酒香,那會便太可惜了!Domaine Durieu 2010, Chateauneuf-du-Pape 口感圓滑,口腔瞬間充斥著莓香、香草及花香等細膩香氣,屬於層次較鮮明與細密的紅酒。脂香較盛的 Saucisson 及 Sausage 用作配襯紅酒,最合適不過。尤其氣味濃郁的 Duck Cured Sausage,紅酒與鴨香相得益彰!除了法國五月,「ENOTECA」已為夏日添上新酒品,是次加入幾款較為獨特,且市面亦較少以杯裝品嚐的紅白餐酒,當天細聽經理 Chris 的簡述,已感到很有新鮮感和值得一試。當天不單與 「羅訥河谷」約會,還以非常優惠的價錢,將適合女士口味的 Gerard Bertrand Aigle Noir Brut 2004, Cremant de Limoux,和我喜歡的 Mini Balls of Saucisson 帶回家,為 Home Gathering 增添存酒和小食。在我執筆的一刻,法國五月的活動已告完結,不過「ENOTECA」仍能為愛酒的人兒繼續提供不同的美酒與小食,還有一個非常專業及舒適的品酒空間。當然更不容錯過明年「ENOTECA」的法國五月活動,品嚐美酒、小食之餘,還可以以超值價購買酒品,一次過滿足幾個願望,原來「ENOTECA」就是快樂的泉源! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-06-15
 首先請見諒,這篇Blog文的照片實在太差,如果引起眼睛不適,對不起。因為這天沒有帶相機,而食友這天突然問我去不去Enoteca,有個wine tasting event, 看到Enoteca已經雙眼發光,怎樣抗拒? 但時間太緊迫,實在沒有時間回家拿相機,那只好用手機拍拍好了.....這夜嚐了四款酒,在以下時間會逐一為大家介紹。Enoteca選的酒都是好貨色,價錢上由二三百元至數萬元都有;而對小妹來說,酒齡尚淺,實在不必要花數千元買一支酒,對我來說,數百元已經不錯,最緊要是值回票價。而在IFC的分店,除了有酒賣外之餘,還有大約20多個的座位,有BAR枱,亦有圖中的椅子圓枱。枱子和圓枱有甚麼? 當然給客人使用吧。只要在Enoteca買$500以上的酒,便可以在這裡移到Wine & Bar享用美酒,完全是free corkage的,我聽到這裡,已經覺得非常划算;大家都應該知道餐廳mark up的價錢不低吧,如果自己帶酒亦要付$200-$500的corkage,而在這裡,可以免收,真的非來不可。有時喝酒,又想來些吃的又怎麼辦? 位於IFC的分店還供應了各款小食,當中有芝士、ham和鵝肝等,價錢也不過是數十元而已。在中環的朋友又多一個好去處,實在太棒了!!我相信我在不久的將來定會來一趙的。Brut Nomine Renard Champagne NV $390先來一杯Champagne,其實大部份的 Champagne質素都不錯,始終只有在 Champagne區的才可以叫 Champagne,而且釀製方法也有一定的限制。而這支Nomine Renard,由3種提子blend成,40% Chardonnay, 30% Pinot Meunier and 30% Pinot Noir;口感細膩,汽泡細緻,帶著清新的果香,非常易入口。Seared Scallop with Chili Mango SalasEnoteca為我們準備了數款美食來配是晚的美酒,先來的是帶子,帶子煎至半生熟,外層帶著輕輕的焦香,中間部位肉質軟滑;帶子味道亦很濃郁,鮮甜得很;而那Mango Salas則由新鮮芒果和芒果乾製成,大大增加了口感,而汁醬亦做得清甜美味;當配上那香檳後,味道來得更濃郁,大大提升了帶子的鮮味。Sileni Estate Straits Sauvignon Blanc 2012 $210此白酒用上了Sauvignon Blanc,那是很典型的Sauvignon Blanc味,充滿著番石榴香,另外還帶有熱帶果的味道,口感細膩,屬medium body,很balance。Poached White Asparagus with Orange Hollandaise現在正是吃白露筍的季節,白露筍爽脆帶甜,配上自家製的Orange Hollandaise非常美味,帶著清新的橙香,質感creamy幼滑;而旁邊還有36個月的黑毛豬,肉質軟滑,帶著油脂,非常香口。配上白酒時,白露筍的味道亦作出了變化,很喜歡。Sassicaia Tenuta San Guido Bolgheri Sassicaia 2010 $1800OMG! 除了用這三個字形容外,已經沒有其他形容詞。Sassicaia的根源其實可追溯到法國正大酒庄Lafite,由Lafite帶到Tuscany,所以絕對能稱為帶有Lafite的影子。說實話,2010年的Sassicaia就像未滿月的嬰兒,但亦因為未滿月,所以入口很young,很smooth,十分純真;帶有陣陣的胡椒,香草等的香氣;而且Tears很美,不輕易掉下的眼淚說明了這支酒帶有點甜,非常balance的一支意大利酒。Stew Veal Cheek with Seasonal Vegetables既然喝嬰兒酒,那不妨用上牛仔肉來配襯,大家都很young。牛仔肉肉質很嫩,因為要配Sassicaia,所以那醬汁不會濃得過火;當與 Sassicaia 配上時,肉味更突出,非常好的配搭。L'Effronte Vin Moelleux Matrot 2009 $290喝過champagne、white wine and red wine, 當然要來甜酒。這支sweet wine來自Burgundy,甜度適中,因為帶有少少的酸,所以入口不會像喝糖水似的, 充滿著杏脯香和桃香,入口creamy細膩;很喜歡。Lavender Creme Brulee with Vanilla Ice CreamEnoteca為我們準備了creme brulee做甜品,而那紫色的則是薰衣草;薰衣草味道非常強勁;而creme brulee的texture亦creamy幼滑,而那焦糖脆脆的帶點焦香,很美味;感到膩時,吃上雲尼拿雪糕,再喝一口甜酒,多完美的組合。Enoteca本來是一間wine cellar,來到IFC後,變成了一間Wine & Bar,這個concept實在不錯呢。而且這間店在日本已有多年的歷史,選酒亦不錯,所以大家絕對可以放心在這裡買酒,不會太差的。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
From now until end of May, Enoteca are doing a Rhone food and wine matching experience.I was really lucky to be invited to go because I am not an expert on wines so it was the perfect opportunity to find out more.The wine selection was quite impressive with prices starting at $1xx.At the tasting session, the wines available for tasting wereomaine Durieu 2010, Chateauneuf-du-PapeDomaine des Bosquets 2010, GigondasDomaine des Escaravailles La Ponce Rasteau 2009, Cote du RhoneCharles Hours Happy Hours Cool Sec 2007, JuranconGerard Bertrand Aigle Noir Brut 2004, Cremant de LimouxThey varied from different levels of pepperiness and wine tannins.To go with the wines, there wasate en croute - Richelieu, Porcini saucisson, Walnuts Saucisson, Duck cured sausage, Mini balls of saucissons.My favourite was the pate en croute which went well with all the wines. The waxier saucissons went well with the strong peppery wines. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-05-23
Originating from Tokyo, WINE SHOP ENOTECA is a wine specialist with 6 retail shops in Hong Kong. The latest shop in IFC is a new conceptual wine bar for wine lovers to casually enjoy wine & food matching as a part of city lifestyle. Specializing in quality wines from France and Italy, it sources directly from the place of origin to ensure quality. I recently attended a 4-course tapas and wine pairing event at the ENOTECA in IFC in collaboration with Chef Andrew from BACKYARD, a private catering company.  What sets ENOTECA apart from other wine shops is the classy and elegant seating area in the back of the store. It had a corner bar table as well as several comfy sofa chairs - perfect for people to hang out, drink wine and sample cheese and snacks.  Nominé-Renard Brut NV, Champagne ($390) - the first wine we tried was this Nominé-Renard Brut Champagne made with a blend of Chardonnay, Pinot Meunier and Pinot Noir. Light and nutty, the wine was dry with small bubbles and very fine mousse.Seared Scallops wtih Chili Mango Salsa - the champagne was paired perfectly with this refreshing scallops appetizer. The scallops were lightly seared on the surface while the inside was still raw. They were soft and sweet to eat while the tart and acidic mango salsa complimented the delicate flavors of the scallops very well. The dried mango bits in the mango salsa was a nice touch as well. Sileni Estate Selection The Straits Sauvignon Blanc 2012 ($210) - a Sauvignon Blanc from New Zealand, this wine was very aromatic with rich gooseberry and passion fruit scents. It was at this point that we noticed the use of a thermometer by the staff to check on the temperature of the wine to make sure it was served to us at the right temperature. Apparently the temperature can play a big role in ensuring the full potential of taste of the wine. Poached White Asparagus with Orange Hollandaise - the white wine was paired with white asparagus that is in season right now. I love the hollandaise sauce that was drizzled on the asparagus as it was made with orange juice - a nice change of pace from the usual recipe. Tenuta San Guido Sassicaia 2010, Bolgheri ($1800) - the wine we were all waiting for! An Italian wine producer in Toscana, Tenuta San Guido is known as a producer of "Super Tuscan" wine. Its wine Sassicaia is considered one of Italy's leading Bordeaux-style red wines. Made with 85% Cabernet Sauvignon and 15% Cabernet Franc, the red wine was intense and concentrated with complex aromas of fruits, spices, and herbs. The flavors were rich and elegant with firm tannins and a long finish. Stew Veal Cheek with Seasonal Vegetables - the Sassaicaia was paired with a rich veal cheek that was very soft and tender. Paired with sweet vegetables, the veal cheek was simply delectable to eat! Domaine Matrot L’Effronté Moelleux 2009, Burgundy ($290) - the last dessert wine we got to taste was a surprise hit! Made from the grape variety Aligoté, it offers a range of fresh fruit aromas such as quince, peach and apricot. The balance between sweetness and acidity was perfect - I fell in love with this dessert wine on the spot!Lavender Creme Brulee with Vanilla Ice Cream - to go with the dessert wine, our dessert of the day was a lavender creme brulee with vanilla ice cream. The purple glazing alluded to the secret ingredient in the dessert at first glance. The scent of the lavender was light and soothing while the flavor was subtle in the creme brulee to my relief. I've never like lavender in food to be honest, but the inclusion here wasn't intrusive at all. ENOTECA is perfect for all wine lovers. You will not find commercialized or machine-made wines here - instead, you will find high quality wines that were all carefully selected. While the food that we had from BACKYARD is not available regularly, the wine bar does provide snacks, pate, cheese platters and sweets to go with the wine of your choice. Between the impressive wine selection and knowledgeable staff, ENOTECA Wine & Bar is the perfect spot for happy hour with friends to take a break from the busy city lifestyle.   continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-05-22
小妹素來不好杯中物,身旁友人,更非杜康之輩。上年,在親家的壽宴上,有幸呷了一口清純帶芳香,餘味悠長的Château Beychevelle,驚為天人。是日,與甜姐兒SSG一齊出席法國五月節的推廣活動 - 羅訥河谷葡萄酒(Rhoney Valley Wines)和Enoteca攜手呈獻的美酒佳餚試食會。五月,小妹先在麥麥燒內品嚐了白酒和清酒,繼而在Bricklane試了數款craft beer,到今晚Enoteca的白葡萄酒和紅酒,可謂「酒」福不淺了﹗ 這個月所飲下的酒水,足足是十多年來的總和,身邊好友不禁對小妹的舉動大感好奇。放心,小妹絕不會沉迷或酗酒的,只是好奇,淺嚐而矣﹗ 是晚,在Enoteca內,竟意外地發現了那一瓶教小妹魂牽夢繞的Château Beychevelle $880(中間那枝)。太貴了。﹗ 不然,會買一枝回家品嚐。去到時,發生了一段小插曲:SSG向店員表明了來意,惜店員未能在邀請名單上找到我們的名字。SSG報上真實的名字時,店員誤以為我們想找某品牌的酒,竟取出一枝「Helene」$390。甜姐兒SSG配美酒Helene,絕配也﹗ 是晚,Enoteca提供五款由Rhone出品的酒和小食供大家品嚐。酒由右至左,由平到貴,由淺到濃順序排列。在專業品酒師哥哥的解說和指導下,我們逐一品嚐了五款酒,並配上適合小吃同吃。Gerard Bertrand Aigle Noir Brtu 2004, Cremant de Limoux $160這隻白葡萄氣泡酒酒入口果味濃郁,口感柔順清新,色澤金黃,有大量氣泡不斷由杯底向上湧出,恰如地上泉水向上湧般,視覺效果一流。Charles Hours Happy Hours Cool Sec 2007, Jurancon $170這一隻帶果味的白酒酒味與第一隻相近,只是酸度較高,味道較濃了少許。此外,其包裝顯然是不落俗套的,予人青春活力之感。接續而來的是三枝寶紅色紅酒,味道相似,層次不同,頗為do-re-me之感﹗ Domaine des Escaravailles La Ponce Rasteau 2009, Cotes-du-Rhone $260酒體飽滿,酒體和味道明顯較前兩者為密為濃,且帶微微辛辣味,適宜選配濃味小吃同吃,酒味不是小妹喜歡的味兒。 Domaine des bosquets 2010,Gigondas $350的辛辣味更上一層樓,果紅也較烈,其他分別不太。三款中,最貴的Domaine Durieu 2010, Chateauneuf-du-Pape $420確是突顥了其身價了。小妹雖是品酒初哥,未能細緻地分辨出它們的不同,但肯定的是,此酒酒體醇厚,表現力強,口感圓潤,且韻味留長,教人回味。Mini Balls of Saucissons這一款的迷你波波香腸造形蠻有趣的,初看似一粒粒的醃製橄欖。咬下,質感乾硬,富甘美豐潤的油香。接著,也分別試了三款油脂豐腴,鹹香非常,口感各異的腸。先嚐較為硬實煙韌、須花氣力咀嚼的Duck Cured Sausage 臘鴨腸;接著,輪到質感香軟油潤、散發菇菌暗香的Porcini Saucisson牛肝菌腸出場了;最後,由帶咬口且堅果香味的Walnuts Saucisson核桃腸殿後。Small Pate 鵝肝酥餅鵝肝素有「Devil's Temptation」之稱,是邪惡之物,香而不膩的鵝肝酥餅甚得小妹和SSG的芳心﹗在酥餅內,釀入鵝肝等餡料,一脆一淋,一硬一軟,口感豐富,香脆酥軟,而毫不油膩,配白酒紅酒一流也。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)