低脂肪低卡路里的乳酪雪糕店 continue reading
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Review (25)
Level4 2012-09-16
今晚有事來此區,又因有兩張此店的團購優惠券($15當$30),故今晚來這裡首嘗此店的食品。買了一個中杯乳酪作為晚餐,另買一個Brownie和100克巧克力。乳酪 ($32):要了草莓和菠蘿味,草莓味的酸度比菠蘿味高,味道較濃,菠蘿味則較淡。質地挺身,不會很快溶掉,奶味不太濃,而且不會太甜太膩。配料要了燕麥,主要是粗粒燕麥片,因此是口感較粗鞋但很有咬口和較健康。Brownie ($10):很大件,朱古力味十分香濃,中間夾著朱古力粒,好味又富有口感。巧克力 ($18/100克):雙圈狀的巧克力,外層是淡口的牛奶巧克力,裡面是餅乾。巧克力不太甜,餅乾鬆脆得來不會過散。不錯。剛好$60,不用補錢。食物不錯,店員很友善,包裝食品給客人也很企理。可惜此店將搬遷至數碼港,以後沒機會再光顧了。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Found out from Spicygal's review that they are going to move to Cyberport so I just had to get their yogurt again.However found out that they do pizza's as well so I hope to come again and try the pizzas before they move.Cyberport is really far away so I hope they open another branch, but I think Cyberport would be a good location for them because their vibrant themes and designs would match those settings.I love their froyos but last time I could only try two flavours so I did not try the original.This time I ordered the Original Tart and I wished they had Taro too because that was my favourite as well.The Original Tart had a really nice natrual yogurt taste and for the toppings I chose Honey Mochi which was so lovely and soft and not too sweet.It was the softest mochi topping I have tried and it was cut to reasonably big size pieces.I am also really gutted I havent their other wacky froyo flavours such as:Chocolate mint toothpaste, hazelnut chocolate, pistachio and greet tea!Anyway, I hope to try their pizza soon before they move because they are all VEGETARIAN!! and I was surprised by the vegetarian beef and chicken ingredients, If I do make it before they move I hope I can try some other froyo flavours too. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2012-08-15
既然北極都可以有企鵝, 那 Froyo 店賣 Pizza 又有什麼出奇呢?上次寫這裡已經是一年有多之前的事了, 後來店子兼賣了 Pizza 這樣跟乳酪風馬牛不相及的物事。第一次來買 Pizza 卻只是近兩個月的事。當時要 (暫時) 茹素, 有次忽然 Pizza 癮起, 最就手的莫過於來這裡買啦。還好這兒的 Pizza 有素食款式供應 (其實全部 pizza 都是素食適用, 當然吃全素者除外), 一個即叫即製 8" 大的 Pizza 還只賣 $38, 學店裡宣傳話齋, 真是平過團購了。買了個田園風味的, 大肥佬老闆/廚子 Daimon 隨即走到店後弄 Pizza。由於是即叫即做的, 所以都要等上數分鐘。拿回家還是熱辣辣的, 看樣子還對辦吧。太餓了, 立即拿了一片來吃, 餅底薄而邊位脆, 溶化的芝士 (有兩種, 分別是 Mozzarella 和 Parmesan) 下面是各式雜菜如洋蔥、燈籠椒、甜粟米、鮮冬菇等, 材料豐富又健康, 蔬菜由於烘烤的時間不長所以仍然很清甜。不知不覺之間, 整個 Pizza 竟然給我幹掉! (其實一個正常食量的女生要將之消滅是不太難的...)不久前又去買, 今次要的是農村風味, 這次學乖了, 出外走了一圈回來再取貨便不用在店裡呆等。這個 Pizza 的配料大同小異,除了有...素雞! 也真夠破格的了, 這個素雞不是大豆纖維製品, 而是大家在齋鋪或豆品店買到圓柱體形那種豆腐素雞 ! 這個配搭的確比較特別, 但吃下去我又不覺得有什麼問題啊。不過要吃這美味 Pizza 就要快了, 因為此店於今年 9 月初便會搬去數碼港, 店家亦可能會在荃灣開另一家分店。之不過數碼港對我來說也實在太遠了吧...*哭* continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2012-04-20
今晚買左個$35大size既yogurt試下…無green tea味所以唯有揀桃送一個topping好好啊xd但我可能太晏先去啦想要奇異果但無哂於是揀blueberry喇…個服務員都幾好人好nice間舖d枱凳如果可以吾系全部望人or街會好d@@個yogurt桃味可以又夠酸xp好正.w.如果有綠茶味仲好xdtopping都好新鮮好似食完呢個yogurt之後就會好健康咁:$ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2011-12-16
早陣子天氣很冷,胖虎都沒有到處走,更沒有意慾吃冰冷的東西。襯這幾天天氣回暖了一點,亦想快些用完早前購買的團購券,今天便和兩三同事放工後去吃yogurt!一走進小店,廚師裝束的服務員便介紹新的味道 -- 藍莓味!胖虎今天點了藍莓+草莓味雙併。細心一吃,藍莓味固然感覺新鮮,但沒有太大驚喜,而草莓味,就好像比從前失色了。Topping 還是軟身的芒果珠珠比較好,這次的七彩脆圈實在不是胖虎的口味。縱然味道更新了,從前的綠茶味消失了,但整體來說,yogurt 方面還是好吃﹑新鮮的,服務態度仍然是一流!期待下次和同事三五成群再來幫襯Eskimo,和Chef Daimon 吹吹水 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)