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Review (13)
Level1 2024-07-05
I seldom write reviews, so when I write one, that means this shop is THAT BAD.Been here twice, both times served by very lazy staff who couldn’t even take orders PROPERLY. The south Asian girl seemed to be daydreaming all the time, same as the man who was rude and didn’t seem to want to serve.First time, I ordered Coconut coffee, they forgot to put the main ingredient -coconut water- in and gave us a normal coffee. Second time, we ordered 3 scoops of Gelato. They charged $106, but the scoops were TINY! The gelato taste just normal. If you are the boss of the restaurant, I suggest you hiring better staff and restructure the whole restaurant.In short, NOT WORTH IT. Won’t be going back.服務差,飲品雪糕非常普通,完全不值這個價錢!員工態度懶散!去其他餐廳吃吧! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
牛媽今次同朋友仔去咗品嚐非常獨特嘅阿拉伯也門咖啡及唔同口味嘅Gelato雪糕,牛媽最愛最特別既係桂花口味及D24 榴槤口味,口感非常順滑,味道非常香濃!餐廳環境寧靜,非常適合同朋友聚餐!❤️ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
又來臨這家位於西九龍園方雪糕店了,除了不同口味雪糕之外,更特別的是他們店不是採用大眾咖啡豆,而其中咖啡選擇有來自於阿拉伯的也門豆,目前也是香港唯一一家用這款豆的咖啡店喔!店員給我們呈現精緻的  拉花,喝之前已經聞到淡淡的酒味道,一開始也覺得這會不會是個混酒的飲品,經過店員細心解說後才知道也門豆的特色是含有酒香味,並不是真的有酒精!喝了一口後發現奶和咖啡的混合達到了平衡,不酸也不苦,最後留在舌尖上的味道是甜的,這杯咖啡的溫度我覺得適合自己,整體下來這杯咖啡我覺得是非常有意義,色香味賣相ok!也門豆 也是這家店的理念,多遠也值得回來 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-12-25
門面高貴,相當亮眼,店內是咖啡店的小枱,意式風格。店子位置十分靠近圓方北停車場和服裝店zara。意式店子,當然要試gelato意式雪糕,因此選了一球桂花菊花,正正是天然桂花菊花的清甜,感覺健康,而雪糕的質感細緻綿密,非常滿意👍🏻gelato一向使用較少忌廉,較多牛奶,因此脂肪含量較低,讓女士們吃得沒顧慮🫶🏻另點了玫瑰奶昔,對賣相有點失望😅果然圖片只作參考,不過味道是一流的😋落進了奶昔中的雪糕球依舊綿密,玫瑰味和奶香十足,順滑美味。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-10-12
這店主打咖啡同雪糕,亦比較多遊客光顧,我同朋友行行吓,想休息一下,就在店坐下來。見到展示這款PEACH SORBETAFFOGATO,比較特別想食,就叫左呢款白桃冰糕+濃縮咖啡另一款我揀左八香果雪糕(我怕雪糕太甜,店員就推介我八香果冇咁甜)再配上濃縮咖啡店員先將雪糕球另上,再送上濃縮咖啡一杯。目的唔係分開食😂而係我哋先將濃縮咖啡倒入雪糕球,這樣的話,我哋就先食到凍凍嘅美味雪糕,然之後再飲一啖濃縮咖啡,感覺唔錯,飲落就不至於覺得咖啡太濃。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)