The popular Korean dessert restaurant is famous for its churros with icecream, which is made immediately when you ordered. And the outlook is attractive too. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Churros x soft serve ice cream 吉拿棒 x 軟雪糕 綿綿冰
Review (40)
Level4 2016-06-26
< 兔仔 Churros 雪糕 $58 >今日一黎竟然出左期間限定既兔仔造型雪糕,好得意呀!Churros 可以揀唔同味,有藍莓朱古力醬、抹茶朱古力醬、士多啤梨朱古力醬等等!我就即管試試士多啤梨醬味啦,靚靚呀嘛,食落去其實我覺得有驚喜,朱古力冇搶到士多啤梨味,濃濃既士多啤梨味深得我心! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2016-04-22
喺台灣食過抵食又大份嘅Churros😁一試難忘 所以都幾鍾意食😍😍😍而香港呢間雖然份量細 之前試過味道都唔錯🍦夏日棉花棒 $42唔知係咪太耐冇食 覺得好似細杯咗🤔雪糕配檸檬醬酸酸甜甜幾得意但雪糕本身味好淡而且溶得好快 影完相變成杯水💦呢個雪糕唔合格喎🤔🙅🏻🙅🏻🙅🏻不過Churros仍然好好味 外脆內軟😋配棉花糖都唔會太甜 甜度啱啱好👍🏻下次淨係呀Churros 會開心d🙈 另外一提門口貼咗好多唔同口味Churros但原來好多都冇😕 搞到好失望🙍🏿 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2016-03-22
又話開12點,1點半去到竟然話未整好仲要等多1個鐘!咁就唯有同朋友係附近行下先再返嚟。返到嚟店員話準備好咁我哋就揀味俾錢啦。但佢個牌寫d嘢唔清唔楚,又冇寫咩味churros同雪糕加幾錢,落單先同你講要加$8,一時又話冇呢隻味,朋友想食芝士味churros 又話冇。最後叫咗士多啤梨churros+牛奶雪糕同朱古力榛子churros+雪糕。諗住俾完錢就有得食,點知又係要等多10分鐘。雖然冇其他客,但得一個店員係到整,又慢,真係等到有d燥。唔緊要,只要好食,我願意等。但一食落口已經覺得好失望!先講個雪糕又細杯又唔香奶味又唔滑,口感似棉棉冰多d。跟住到churros,其實見佢炸果陣已經見到有d燶,係啡色而唔係金黃色,雖然仲脆但入口好油。加上個士多啤梨醬味又唔係好突出,而且,原來佢d醬只會搽一面,仲要搽得唔均勻!真係俾d相呃哂!真係食到我好嬲!40幾蚊咁嘅質素,呢個價錢講真食到好多其他高質素嘅小食或雪糕。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2016-03-10
之前睇電視及雜誌都有介紹,已一直很想試,今天到紅磡碰巧經過,雖然已經吃過晚餐,但卻不得不試。 先說本來是想試紫薯味雪糕,但店員稱沒有,唯有選原味雪糕的款式。這個好像叫兔子的,有兩條Churros插著扮耳朵,樣子挺好,如果只影相呃like還可以,可惜雪糕吃不出味道,沒有奶味質感亦粗。Churros亦不見特別出色,本來即場炸起新鮮抵讚,但Churros還熱的時候沾上朱古力醬,吃起來成手都是未凝固的朱古力,顯得十分狼狽!另外,明明menu上有6、7款醬可選,但點餐時又說綠茶朱古力味貴點要加錢,但最後又不知什麼原因說沒有,到最後其實只有士多啤梨和朱古力味可選試過一次便夠,不會有下次! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2016-03-02
Located in one of the alleyways in HungHom, I was surprised to find a place that served churros of all things. Raised in California, I've had my share of churros. I ordered a large churros with milk ice cream and my first bite reminded me of churros back home. Ice cream was sweet and not the overpowering kind but complimented perfectly with the churro. THe churro itself had the soft chewy texture inside with a crunchy outer crust with sugar sprinkled evenly. Definitley delish and quote a combo (i've only had these two ingredients seperately but never together...reminds me of eating fries with soft ice cream at Mcdonalds). Will come back again! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)