Restaurant: | Fairwood (Regentville Phase I) |
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To promote a new salt and sugar reduction (RSS) dietary culture and living style to the people of Hong Kong, the Environment and Ecology Bureau, the Committee on Reduction of Salt and Sugar in Food and the Centre for Food Safety of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department have launched the "Less-Salt-and-Sugar Restaurants Scheme" ("Scheme"). Restaurants participated in the Scheme will offer less salt or sugar options to the consumer or even tailor-make less salt or sugar dishes in designated restaurants. Participating restaurants will be granted with the Scheme Labels for displaying in the premises for public identification. For details, please click here: https://www.eeb.gov.hk/food/en/committees/crss/restaurants.html
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
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Review (22)
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亞仔仔要去自修室溫習,叫我去買個外賣晚餐。亞仔一向愛吃健康雞扒紅米飯餐,但帝庭軒分店未有提供,所以點了味噌燒巨雞扒飯。回到家,亞仔打開飯盒,見到雞扒如圖黑炭炭,燶到根本食唔到,食下去都無益唔會健康。雖然知道燒雞扒一定會有焦,唔會好似宣傳圖片咁靚,但燒到 黑炭咁燶,仲入俾客 攞走外賣,係咪有問題?大集團餐廳的品質保證呢?黑炭雞扒完全不敢恭維,住村既我們又唔可以即時攞返去分店更換,好彩跟餐有碗咖喱飯俾亞仔填住肚。真心沒有預期快餐店要好高品質水平,要求食得入口,無益唔重要, 唔好食到有害。如果燒食物燒到燶黑炭咁,集團應該檢視下係咪繼續提供此類食品?如果食品出品差,係咪唔應該俾客呢??外賣返到屋企,食物仲燶到咁,食唔到,完全無言。集團應該跟進及改善。
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大快活白咖喱 全新系列新登場今期見到好多廣告都係講大快活有新咖哩食CAP低廣告張圖就送埋凍低糖茶一杯由$45起,一於試下係伏定係好食啦可以配豬扒雞翼札肉或香茅豬扒佢個白咖哩汁色淡味濃,食到淡淡椰奶香氣,仲有少少魚露既咸鮮,睇佢個樣平平無奇估唔到平價快餐做出黎個醬汁都幾香濃講返塊豬扒,係炸既,略欠香口,但夠厚切,本身醃得入味,整體上加埋咖哩一齊食味道唔錯消費$50大快活全線供應評分7/10特色 快餐都有驚喜新菜式,唔係伏味濃
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