該店為Palate 的姊妹店 continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 14:00
18:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (32)
零九年月月上旬忙得透不過氣的年頭,在打點好慶生宴的菜式及安排後,卻忘記訂蛋糕,想起小蝴蝶女主廚極高效率的神技後,連忙找她來幫忙,做下了兩磅的藍梅蛋糕。事出突然,否則寫著壽星女名字的手繪豬仔生日牌會應該會更精美,而藍梅芝士蛋糕帶著薄薄芝士香,加上一層藍梅果醬,味道討好,瑪莉餅底很薄,厚多半分口感會好一點吧,這高效率的蛋糕,吃得既稱心又滿意,謝謝女廚通宵達旦的幫忙,亦祝壽星女生日快樂~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2009-02-05
同事介紹呢間好味, 一去到就已經覺得好舒服~同事話呢度裝修完, 之前仲靚d, 不過我覺得而家都唔錯呀 牆上牆上掛左唔少畫呢~畫框用石楷仔, 好得意~ 蕃茄湯, 好多蕃茄好濃好好味~ 白汁雞肉蝴蝶粉, 蝴蝶粉果然靚靚, 白汁唔算太杰, 剛好 , 雞肉就有d奇怪連皮既... 咖啡唔錯, 幾濃,太好香口, 而且幾大杯呀~ 會再去呀~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2009-02-04
早前朋友生日,一行十三人訂了枱慶生,還準備了生日餅到賀,在請店員代為放好生日餅時才獲悉切餅費盛惠二十大元一位,13人x$20豈不是要$260??從來沒聽過切餅費比生日餅還要貴!!又或者可以這樣說,在這裡的環境不值得付出二百多元的冤枉錢,一眾看過菜單以後,每人都點了dinner set , 只是main course不同來share, 首先是無甚特別的沙律,湯來了,只是微温的,好像放凉了.....(或者是我不太懂得吃西餐,但我還是喜歡喝熱湯多一點...),主菜上場了,那個waiter的耳朵是不是不大靈光?有朋友不愛芝士,早叫他們把芝士分開上,結果嘛...還是撈在一起,對不起也沒說,更沒有替我們替換的打算.....招牌的Farfalle不外如是,其他Pasta也非常一般,要注意的一點,主菜的份量恐怕只是適合一些身段窈窕的OL....如是者,結帳共錢三千九百多,肚子還是空空的走,結果嘛...大伙兒走到對街的牛記茶室大快朵頤,炒了八九碟小菜炒飯才覺得稍稍滿足,生日餅也在牛記切了,是一元切餅費也不用付,看到樓下的食評說通常空枱處處也真的不無關係.還有心做下去的,請反省一下服務及食物質素. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2009-02-02
上星期同6位同事去左食lunch, 簡直勁失望!!!首先, 間野根本唔夠waiter, 等左勁耐先有人理你. 仲要態度勁差!! 等勁耐先有野食...我地分別叫左3個香草pasta同3個肉醬pasta先講下佢個餐湯, 係mushroom湯黎, 完全可以用一"pat"野黎形容! 啲湯仲要唔夠熱!!啲pasta就超無味!! 仲硬到可以掉死人! 啲pasta要自己勁加salt, pepper先叫有番啲味~啲餐茶一樣係要等勁耐, 搞到我有2位同事要趕住番公司而飲唔到!!總之一句講晒, 呢間野真係超唔掂!! 難食到我特登開個openrice account黎寫佢!!!一定唔會再去!!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2009-01-13
Date: January 13th, 2009 / TuesdayTable for 22nd time to be here and still, the overall atmosphere is good. We order 1 appertizer, signature pasta "Farfalle", a main course, and a dessert. The portion is relatively small but the taste is fabulous and the presentation is nice. The service is good as there were only 2 tables through out our dining period from 7PM to 8:45PM. Well, it's Tuesday and Financial Tsunami anywayz. Dinner: $480 Nett for 2 peopleBeverages: 1 bottle of Kiri Beer continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)