Fat Angelo's is known for their value-for-money, tasty food, friendly service and lively atmosphere. It serves flavorful American-Italian-style dishes freshly prepared from their kitchen, in 2 portions: Regular and Family Sizes. continue reading
Awards and Titles
Best Italian Restaurant (2010)
Good For
Group Dining
Special Occasion Dining
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Cake-cutting Details
VIP Room
Parking Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Sea View
Live Music
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Mussels in Wine Sauce Steak Pizzaiola Tiramisu Lamb Osso Buco Snow Crab with Angel
Review (171)
Level4 2012-02-25
尤記得第一次光顧「Fat Angelo's」是在 2000 年,當年的位置是在「夏蕙酒店」旁的灣仔分店,令人震撼的除了那略帶舊「黃」的「夏蕙」酒店外,當然還有「Fat Angelo's」的任吃麵包、任吃雜菜沙律,還有每碟主菜都超巨型,這些飲食諗頭在當年也頗有 gimmick。時至今日,「夏蕙」酒店與灣仔「Fat Angelo's」都已關門大吉。要重溫回憶,是日就選了近灣仔鵝頸橋的伊利莎伯大廈分店。先上「雜菜沙律」,正是朕的至愛,大堆頭之餘蔬菜依舊新鮮,㰖油醋汁加黑、青橄㰖粒全都很醒胃,加上可以無限添補,這項絕對是再來「Fat Angelo's」的原因。不變的還有「麵包籃」,有大頭農夫包、麵包條、麵包脆片,配沙律吃是非常搭配;加上又是 unlimited refill,邊吃吃邊吹水,就這樣幹掉了兩籃麵包,肚皮也填滿了三分之一啦。另一點值得推薦的是這𥚃 8pm 時前有歡樂時光,紅白酒買一送一,還可以整支點,我們點了一紅一白,結果就有四支餐酒,質素也是屬不錯的意大利酒,絕對飲得入口,划算之餘也正合大伙兒的飯局氣氛。時代進步了,今天「Fat Angelo's」的菜式已有大、小份量供食客選擇,以下吃的全是小的份量。「意式風味冷盤」有巴瑪火腿、莎樂美腸、水牛芝士等等,味道不算太出眾,較淡口,勝左樣樣俱全。「炸海鮮拼盤」起初本人對這拼盤是毫無期望,結果是出乎意料的好!個人認為是全晩最好吃的一道 (厚漿炸尤魚除外)。炸軟腳蟹是外層鬆香,內裡軟綿綿,還很有一絲絲蟹肉的質感,不像一般吃到的只有油炸脆漿那般。另外那蟹肉餅也是香口肉軟不油膩,配雜菜沙律同吃也是非常的不錯。「意式牛肉丸」肉質太亁了,都是那句啦,肉丸最好吃應是豬牛兩溝,幸好茄醬汁也夠惹味。「水牛城雞翼」兩年前到過美國,在 Diners 最喜歡點的就是 Buffalo Wings;這次點了小辣,辣勁適中,雞翼外層香脆中滲出辣汁,好吃!還有西芹條點上 sour cream,也是超清爽。「忌廉蛋醬煙肉意粉」Carbonara 卡邦尼意粉真是個美味的魔鬼,白汁散發陣陣忌廉香,口感豐郁,與致肥度絕對成正比,若味道再鹹一點就更理想。「醬燒美國豬肋骨」很怕豬肋骨會有陣豬臊味,幸好這道沒有,而且肉質也是超腍滑,相信煮法應該是先用熱水汋過再煮的那種;用刀輕輕一切,那支骨與肉就完全分離了。「意式番茄芝士薄餅」失望的是薄餅皮比想象中厚,正宗意式 pizza 的 crispy 及番茄香也沒有做到,芝士也下得不夠多。最後上的兩款甜品:「瘋狂雪糕新地」, 「特濃朱古力餅」。那雪糕新地也真夠瘋狂,應有五個以上的雪糕球,雪糕狂熱份子一定舉手讚好。對朕而言,兩款都太甜啦,非池中物。還要一讚的是若有食客在當月生日,店方就會免費送贈朱古力蛋糕;而且當日某略肥的女侍應的服務相當不錯,笑容滿臉之餘也很樂意替我們翻熱 pizza,不知她的名字是否叫做「Fat Angela」呢?整頓六人飯局,埋單 $1,680。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
與家人慶生. 本想訂soho 的fat angelos, 點知已經倒閉了雖然家住九龍, 不過見識過尖沙咀店非假日都滿座既情況,我情願多付10幾蚊過港島食一行6人,一早訂左台, 被安排係餐廳最角落的卡位. 自成一個寧靜既角落.另一個我選擇CWB 呢間既原因係佢地有HAPPY HOUR DEAL岩哂我呢D酒鬼 SALAD 材料是大路的生菜,蕃茄,olive 和洋蔥. 淋上了大量黑醋汁DRESSING 略為酸左少少. 除非我好餓,否則都吾會掂佢 BREAD BASKET有3款麵包. 麵包條又香又脆,外表金黃,幼身而卜卜脆 .另一款類似pizza 的香草包亦是我心水之一.雖然不是新鮮烘焙, 但其突出的香草味加上鬆軟又富麵粉香的麵包,令人欲罷不能沾上olive oil + vinegar, 簡單美味的食法不過於此 buffalo wings一碟有7-8隻. 雞翼不算細隻, 但味道偏咸. 伴以類似sour cream 的sauce, 可以減輕其咸度.不過我suggest 大家都係1隻起2隻止,如果吾係對個腎都幾大負擔忌廉三文魚闊麵三文魚比較少, 但麵的份量頗多. sauce 夠creamy, 同朋友share 食會無咁滯同'流'.pasley 同d cheese 令個pasta 既層次多左. 廚師亦加入了蕃茄粒, 微酸亦中和了 忌廉汁的飽滯感醬燒豬肋骨. 說真的,來過fat angelos 多次,還真是第一次點肉類.點知.....都係吾好隨便作出新嘗試ribs 燒得過熟,令肉質過份老. 食落好'鞋'口. 完全不合格的一個main dish. 而且bbq sauce 完全蓋過了肉的鮮味另外還點了meat pizza, 但忘記拍照. 本著無圖無真相的精神, 我亦不便多評飲品: happy hour deal for 啤酒係大約25% off. wine 則是buy1 get1 free. 我地total 叫左4支stella 同3 round house red (total 6杯)不過明顯不夠人手,店方應多加留意 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
好耐無去 Fat Angelo's 開餐喇,今晚就同朋友去左食晚飯但真係好失望囉,個 waitress 黑面又無禮,埋單時單手比帳單又無話幾多錢,除左沙律仍然保持水準外,麵飽唔脆又唔熱仲好勒添,黑松露帶子鮮蝦天使麵,$188少又唔夠汁唔好味認真失水準,一次比一差。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2011-06-16
今日同女朋友都放假,就周圍去搞番個大食日,由朝食到晚,中午就從遊舊地,去咗Fat Angelo。環境: 唔算多人,氣氛環境都keep到,坐窗邊情調不錯。食物: Cesar 沙律,不過不失,沒有驚喜。Pepperoni Pizza 幾好,好香口而且很薄,不過無咩芝士牛肋骨,感覺一般,可能點左太多食物,有點肥膩。服務: 唔夠人手,服務有待改善,客人不多但都漏單同落錯野午餐都係一般,可能晚上來會比較好。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2011-05-31
I arrived for lunch just after noon and was seated immediately. The server handed me a menu and pointed out the lunch specials that were available. I opted for a lunch set with a 20-22cm pepperoni pizza, plus bottomless salad, bread and soft drink. I opted for Coke Zero and no black olives on the pizza. Within minutes I had my basket of bread with butter encased in a plastic container covered with foil, and the salad was delivered without olives. But the surprise was how hot, crisp and delicious the pizza was. I even asked for seconds on the salad, and by the time I finished (no dessert), I was full and very satisfied. The pizza had a crunchy, think crust that held the sauce, cheese and pepperoni very well.Compliments to the caring staff, who refilled my drink, asked if I wanted some more butter (I did) and acted very friendly. I could not ask for better.Total for lunch with service charge -- less than $100. I call that great value. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)