4-min walk from Exit C, Hong Kong MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 21:00
Public Holiday
11:00 - 21:00
Public Holiday Eve
11:00 - 21:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Cash AE Apple Pay WeChat Pay
Other Info
May Bring Your Own Wine
Phone Reservation
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Lunch box
Review (24)
Level4 2024-06-09
食飯時間行咗一陣中環街市,再喺附近搵啲嘢食下。本身冇咩胃口,行行下見到呢間韓國菜有返啲胃口就試下。舖頭入面都有少量位置for堂食,落咗單之後都好快有就有得取餐。🍯辣炒豬肉杯飯豬肉幾唔錯,唔會肥又唔會太柴;辣醬個味幾入,又唔會辣得滯,食得幾舒服;仲有炒埋少少菜做配菜咁。肉同飯嘅比例啱啱好。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-04-25
開在中環街市對面,又是韓國人主理,餐點應該要有基本的水準吧!?外帶肋骨湯,牛肉骨很臭很腥,泡菜湯,沒誠意的調理只有豆腐、泡菜、非常硬不新鮮牛肉塊,根本在吃辣醬。外帶包裝盒不是用塑膠碗蓋,僅透明封膜,像飲料杯的作法。難道不知道這是高溫熱湯會膨脹….?深怕中途會爆開,店家省成本也省得太誇張,回家還要拿剪刀割開…試了兩口就放棄,我平時沒有在寫OpenRice 食評,但真的差勁到必須給負評,太難吃且太不用心! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
👉想食個快飯,除了茶餐廳,韓國🇰🇷菜也有好選擇。。。店家為家庭式作業,韓國人主理,主要提供外賣🥡,但也有少量座位可堂食。。。📌炆牛肋骨 $98 ~ 牛肋骨軟腍入味夠火喉,配菜紅蘿蔔🥕、白蘿蔔把湯汁盡吸,精華所在⋯☺️📌香辣炸雞 $60 ~ 1️⃣客3️⃣件炸雞,大大件份量十足,少少辣,皮脆多汁又厚肉,最佳小食。👍📌雞肉拌飯 $80 ~ 饀料非常豐富,主要為蔬菜類,好健康⋯雞肉、配菜均預先製作有底味。。韓式辣醬分開上,多少按自己口味調教,混上蛋液,跟珍珠米配合很對味。。。😍📌泡菜煎餅 $40 ~ 薄薄的泡菜煎餅,脆邊香口不乾身,入口啖啖泡菜。🏬 Festival Authentic Korean Food (中環)🚦 中環域多利皇后街13號地舖 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-04-07
自己叫一個真係好滿足,🍱好中意韓式便當都會配上多款小菜,食得非常豐富。有酸辣的泡菜,醃蘿蔔,🥚心心念佢个卷蛋,有蔬菜粒,健康又好食。牛肉鮮嫩,烤完之後好入味,🐮配上半熟的煎蛋一起吃,流心香甜的蛋漿太誘惑了。烤牛肉拌飯,🍚六種小料圍在飯的周邊,一定要拌上特色韓式辣醬,將每種食材拌勻,🥢一大勺,既有醬汁的濃香,又有各種食材的口感,好幸福。🥰 炆牛肋,炸蔬菜春捲,泡菜餅,他們的小食選擇多元化。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Absolutely impressive takeaway bento box in Korean style. I tried the LA galbi (Korean bbq short ribs) rice box and it was literally packed in a huge box- just like a gift box! I wish they gave more LA galbi cos it’s bone-in and I prefer to have more meat. There were 8 types of side dishes in the box, in addition to the white rice. I liked the kimchi, bean sprouts, glazed potatoes and flavoured spinaches. It’s so cool that the fried egg also had its own compartment in this meal box. The bimbibab was very colourful too- full of vegetables. Gochujang was served in a separate container. Their gimbap tasted authentic, were tightly wrapped and full of crunchy veggies. The ajumma and (perhaps) her husband were very friendly, she gave us canned drinks for free. I spoke to her “Mashisoyo” in Korean and she was so happy to hear that! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)