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Review (28)
Level4 2012-10-15
食完三文治餐再行左一陣商場,我地又可以再食過喇,行左過黎大同新邨呢間色彩繽紛嘅一半一半甜品屋店內嘅牆身好靚令人好醒神,個雪櫃仲貼成電話亭咁,好靚=]一半一半賣嘅特色甜品係將中西合壁嘅fusion 甜品,不過睇左都覺得唔係幾啱食,都係叫返啲保守啲嘅試下先1.火焰雪山~雪糕選了曲奇味,味道好夾,唔會太甜,雪山被火槍燒過焦著點勻稱,賣相唔錯,山上淋上甜酒,略帶橙香,幾好味雪山質感好似moose , 密度唔高,係幾軟綿但唔夠香滑仲越完越似泡泡,而因為雪糕唔多,食下食下都幾漏2.宇治金時~呢度個宇治金時幾有趣,無泡冰,有四大球綠茶雪糕配上涼粉,黑珍珠,粟米片,紅豆,味道口感皆豐富想讚一讚啲粟米片本好脆好好食,紅豆亦圓大香甜,雪糕上淋左少少煉奶,我地都覺得啲煉奶有蜜瓜味,牽連得本來都唔係幾夠香濃嘅綠茶雪糕都有淡淡蜜瓜味## 以食物黎講似乎未見突出之處,所以給它一個ok吧 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2012-10-11
我的生日飯第二擊, 甜品時間!!我們一行五人竟然一同相中班戟類的甜品, 喜好相當一致!! 別人大多會點不同的種類的甜品來share. 但我們一行五人共點了五個班戟, 分別是三個香蕉法式班戟, 一個紅豆法式班戟及一個Oreo法式班戟.我想連老闆也會取笑我們一致兼極度愚蠢的選擇.我點了Oreo法式班戟, 先看賣相, 班戟上有滿滿的朱古力醬, 班戟旁邊亦有大量的Oreo碎. 未吃已經知道會很甜.班戟軟綿綿, 應該是新鮮即日製作的, 再把它放涼. 內裡的忌廉很普通, 很滑但很膩, 應該是超市賣的那些唧唧忌廉吧! 班戟中間有些Oreo碎, 加上班戟面上的朱古力醬, 再加上伴碟的Oreo碎,全部都是甜死人不償命的食材. 甜+甜+甜=極度甜!!下次選擇帶酸味的生果會比較好, 例如芒果.友人的紅豆班戟比較好吃, 起碼紅豆伴煉奶比Oreo伴朱古力醬來得匹配, 不會過於甜膩.至於香蕉法式班戟, 友人也說十分甜: 香蕉+朱古力醬+焦糖醬 = 甜+甜+甜 = 極度甜 近似於Oreo法式班戟 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
I rarely go for Chinese sweet dumplings unless there is something interesting inside the dumplings.Here they are filled with honey!~I thought the Honey filled dumplings came in ginger soup according to the reviews, but they only had the honey soup.While I was waiting, the decor was nice and colourful so I took pictures of that.On the front of the menu they had a few lines about fifty fifty, but sadly the world is not in equilibrium anymore.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★The world is a matter of half and half, fifty-fiftyhalf day, half nighthalf men, half womenhalf good, half badhalf yours, half minehalf sweet, half bitterMore sweets, less bitternessand therefore a more beautiful life★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Raw honey dumplings:The dumplings were interesting, the size of the dumplings were smaller than the usual ones.In other places they are bigger so you get around 5-6 per portion but here they are smaller so you get more.I thought the honey filling would be liquid but it was crystallised honey.The sweetness was not too sweet.After finishing the dumplings the soup does not taste so sweet which is good.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
各位買左團購要小心!呢間一半一半甜品屋好唔老實,仲濫收費用!!! 我八月十四日晚上約7時兩個人去食左兩個甜品,一個$38, 一個$25, 合共$63,用左兩張$32coupon, 共$64, 女店員向我濫收多$6,本人已立即查問為何要濫收$6, 並表示兩張coupon已足夠支付$63帳單,但她堅持要多收$6, 於是我被迫支付額外費用,但同時要她發收據給我,以便日後投訴! 最終本人向團購網投訴,等了多天,團購網最終承認一半一半甜品屋的確濫收了額外費用,並已將多收的錢退回本人戶口。我認為向團購客戶濫收費用的行為相當缺德,所以要在此公開此事。木槺布甸d cream係冇雪過,一d都唔硬身,我唔鐘意軟身既cream, 口感唔得,d餅碎有d整唔碎,有d係餅塊, 整得好求其!完全唔掂!!!另外一個甜品,唔記得個名,外層食落口感有d似"泡", 食左少少就算,怕滯!!! 入面有舊朱古力蛋糕,好硬!好似係隔夜咁,好難食!入面仲有個雪糕球,終於正常味道,食晒!順便一提,我地入去果陣只得一個客,3個職員都坐晒0係度,見我地行入去,只係望住我地,完全冇出過聲招呼我地,我地唯有自己搵位啦,點知好幾張枱都有污積,明顯是收完枱冇抹枱吧!很不乾淨!很不衛人! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2012-08-23
個心太軟好令令~一切開, 入面D朱古力就湧出黎, 仲要係暖架!!!佢一焗好就拎出黎, 仲熱架~~~~勁正心太軟”淋淋地”, 實在幾好食, 加埋雪榚, goodgoodgood!!! ;p continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)