5-min walk from Exit C2, HKU MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
09:00 - 17:00
Mon - Fri
09:00 - 17:00
Sat - Sun
09:00 - 18:00
Public Holiday
09:00 - 18:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus AE WeChat Pay
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (9)
Level1 2023-05-05
桌及椅都有糖,又有好多螞蟻飲品好一般,主要是不清潔,cake又唔多新鮮,我外賣1個cake超濕,堂食2個好似雪櫃不急凍,個cake都有些溶.將椅及桌又有糖又有蛋糕碎,叫店員清理他們望一望完全沒有理會我及我朋友,最後我用濕紙巾清潔,如果不是近港大,我一定不會入去總知是差 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2022-09-23
好開心可以有時間去飲番杯咖啡,一直想去好耐了,結果9月23日黎了,無諗過西環可以有間cafe的咖啡可以選擇nutty定fruity 啲,所以都幾驚喜,希望自己往後都可以繼續飲到,小店加油 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2022-04-09
There’s not many places to sit but most people don’t stay for long so you probably won’t have trouble finding a seat. I visited on Saturday afternoon and got myself a seat at a high table by the bathroom- not the most ideal seat, I know, but I also knew I wouldn’t be staying for long.The table was sticky and still had crumbs on it. Lost my appetite then and there. The high stool was very wobbly and I almost caused a scene when the stool rocked and made a loud thud, after which I nearly lost my balance 😅Coffee is decent and you can choose from either a fruity or nutty blend. I tried their “grey” which was a combo of black and white - a shot of espresso with a white coffee if your choice- I chose flat white.I wouldn’t mind coming back here to grab a coffee to go. But the seating is not very comfortable and the cleanliness leaves a lot to be desired… continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
靠近西环海边一家超炫的摩托车店隔壁的咖啡店,两家应该是共同经营,拉开一扇门便可来往于两个空间。·探访过太多跨界咖啡店,摩托车品牌和咖啡的混搭还是头一次,一路上就已经在期待,咖啡和摩托车这样新鲜的结合,会迸发出多少有趣。·很低调,不网红,全凭走过路过注意到种草。两三次经过都看到人满为患,自然来了兴趣。果真好喝,并且专业,谁能想到只是一家摩托车店附带的咖啡店呢,真的太会了!·喝到了一杯水准超出预期的【美式】,店里长期供应两款意式拼配,除了一款比较经典的nutty拼配之外,另一款竟然是云南拼埃塞——云南豆在HK太少见了好吗?·有柔和的红糖甜感衬托,让果酸在温度中明亮地释放的同时,又不会显得单薄,余韵被一丝悠长的酒感拉满,好喝到有点激动。·主打咖啡和饮品,也有几款糕点和brunch,还有咖啡豆和周边出售。店面以深色为主调,型格尽显但不沉闷,座位不多,不少客人是跑步途中来外带,但也有一张适合学习&办公的大桌。·在店里十分享受地把咖啡喝完,发现氛围感也是好炸。推拉门也是窗户,一拉开正对着绿意丰沛的公园和近在咫尺的海边,阳光抬眼可见,但不会刺眼地直射进来。·叮叮车从眼前摇曳而过,街对面慢跑的人、晨练的人、遛狗的人……让一街之隔咖啡店里的我也放慢下来。视野是开阔的,身心是放松的,是泡咖啡馆最喜欢的状态了(就是海边吹来的大风有点让人凌乱)。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2021-07-30
堅尼地城海旁車房林立,唯獨有間電單車房竟然有駐店咖啡。First Boy Coffee 有著半開放式店面,與旁邊的電單車房構成獨特的風情。店舖提供兩種咖啡豆選擇,今次挑選的 Shipyard Blend 輕柔帶果酸,製作成美式咖啡清新兼透心涼,幸運的話還可與毛孩們來一場親密接觸。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)