Restaurant: | Fleuria Fleuriste & Café |
Offer: |
Dine and earn miles at this Cathay partner restaurant ! Dine at partner restaurants and earn up to HKD4 = 2 miles as a Cathay member. T&C apply. |
Terms & Details:
Opening Hours
10:00 - 19:00
Mon - Sun
10:00 - 19:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.

Restaurant: | Fleuria Fleuriste & Café |
Offer: | Dine at partner restaurants and earn up to HKD4 = 2 miles as a Cathay member. T&C apply. |
Terms & Details:
Fleuria Fleuriste & Café位於金鐘太古廣場,是間花店,同時亦是間咖啡店🌸☕️ 店內裝潢以綠色為主調,優雅大氣💚 充滿法式風情的設計營造出浪漫的氛圍,非常適合打卡呢~🥰 不過店舖空間不大,只有數個座位🙈我們點了一份Coffee + Pastry Set (HKD88),另外再單點了一杯Chamomile Tea (HKD50)☺️🤍Banoffee Pie餅底酥脆,上面的奶油口感輕盈柔滑,而香蕉的鮮甜與焦糖醬完美融合,層次感豐富👍🏻 整體不會太甜,推薦😍🤍Iced Latte咖啡味濃郁,口感順滑,不錯👌🏻 (點了少冰,要另加HKD3)🤍Chamomile Tea帶有香濃的花香及草本氣息,味道溫和舒緩😌📍Fleuria Fleuriste & Café - 金鐘金鐘道88號太古廣場L1樓143號舖
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成日經過金鐘俾呢間咁靚嘅花店吸引咗, 今日去試佢嘅咖啡同甜品非常出色,望住啲花真係賞心悅目,雖然成日都冇枱,因為地方唔大不過好cozy ,喺港島區唔係咁多間咖啡加花店, 或者有啲喺唔太方便比較偏僻嘅地方,呢度地點好便利搭地鐵或者的士都好容易到達,今日揀咗手沖咖啡,朋友要咗Flat white同埋cheese cake , 本身見到朱古力脆脆同埋檸檬撻都好想試,但係兩個人真係食唔到咁多嘢,只好留返下一次再試過,真係令人心情放鬆!
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留意到太古廣場新開左一間花店, 同時亦都係一間cafe 🌷 今次試左banoffee pie, 香蕉味濃郁, 批皮幾好食, 美中不足係cream嘅份量比較多, 但整體黎講都唔錯👍🏻 下次行完街覺得攰可以黎呢度試下其他蛋糕😌
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It’s lovely flourish but wait, it’s cute cafe, serve coffee and tea. Most of the staff were new but there’s good sale lady/ barista invited me to try green tea instead of matcha as the didn’t have matcha; smart & clever 😉The freshness from flowers and the unique coffee which can make u drunk 🤭Really refreshing and great way to escape from work.
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Have been looking everywhere for Banoffee pie to go with the coffee and I found the place!!Will definitely come back again as the staff and the place looks so nice!For coffee, I would suggest the espresso martini as it is my first time having it and it definitely surprised me.Also a cheeky way of having some alcohol in the office!🤭
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