11-min walk from Exit A, Tung Chung MTR Station
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Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
經過東涌東薈城,諗唔到食咩就去food court!!多嘢選擇嘛~一班人唔使諗食咩😋而且性價比高! 豐儉由人☺️夜晚好多人等位,但等咗5分鐘就有位坐清潔姐姐都執枱執得好快!☁️肉骨茶套餐好抵食!!個湯都好惹味!!而且有兩大舊骨有少少豆卜 油炸鬼喺隔離!!推薦(⁎⁍̴̛ᴗ⁍̴̛⁎)😘☁️海南雞飯喇沙套餐呢個餐不得了!又有海南雞又有喇沙(˶‾᷄ ⁻̫ ‾᷅˵)可以兩個人share!!而且海南雞飯個飯係油飯😋好好食啲雞都唔錯 食落都嫩叻沙都濃味 但辣少少會更好☁️芒果沙冰 好濃烈嘅芒果味!!推介!!可惜唔係當做唔夠甜☁️香水檸檬檸檬茶用香水檸檬整嘅檸檬茶係好香!!!~
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Read at your own risk and responsiblity and only continute to read if you agree with the dislclaimer below.東涌一定得!即炒室溫牛河!即炒又點呀,唔俾係凍嘅咩?有油,有牛肉,有河粉,無溫度,有顏色,有葱.其實OpenRice係俾人寫食評,定係俾人寫OpenRice想俾人睇既食評嗎,咁有要求,點解唔整個Wizard俾user follow, 咁咪可以做到吓吓只係post審查過既食評囉.55蚊,抵到爛呀,收錢嗰個!大食代做得好,可以保持一貫水準!三年無食大食代,今日咁啱偶遇,再試一次,保持一貫水準,三年唔食,絕無損失! 唔好話遊客返唔到轉頭,本地客更加唔駛憂會返轉頭,特首都要唻拜會吓啦! DisclaimerAll data and information provided is for informational purposes only. The author makes no representations as to accuracy, completeness, correctness, currentness, suitability, or validity of any information in this comment and will NOT be liable for any errors, misrepresentations, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries, or damages direct or indirectly arising from its display or use of this information.The information here is the opinion of the author, and not intended to malign any party, religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company, or individual. Any reader of this information will hold the author harmless from libel and defamation on the contents of this information. Further, any individual/party who finds offense in any content of this information will hold the author harmless.The author does NOT make any express nor implied representation or warranty about, or shall be liable, in contract, tort (including negligence) or otherwise, for any direct, indirect, special or consequential loss, damages or reliance in connection with this information. All information is provided on an as-is basis.Author will NOT compensate any party in any way whatsoever if the party ever happen to suffer a loss/inconvenience/damage because of/while making use of information. The author doesn’t have commercial interest in relation the information published and doesn’t intend to cause any damage to tangible or intangible interest of any party whether or NOT directly or indirectly related to this information.The author’s intention through this information is to do no harm. The sole purpose of this information is to write about thoughts, opinions, and to share reviews. In that respect, the author does not intend to injure others, defame, or libel. Information given is not to be taken as fact or absolute but rather is open to debate and is just the author’s perspective.The author takes every effort to provide information close to the fact. The author is NOT a professional Food Connoisseur and the information here should NOT be taken as a professional advice or comment, all information is for informational purpose only. Please use your discretion before taking any decisions based on the information.
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大食代入面有好多間吾同風味既菜 但係我都係比韓國既吸引住。我嗌左個泡菜湯既飯大約都係四五十蚊好大個煲好多配料,有粉絲有頭腐有牛肉有泡菜我都吾太記得 我淨係知多到我食吾哂。佢配多個飯我完全食吾哂。我朋友就食隔離間pepper lunch如果我個肚夠位放多一個飯 我一定叫多個佢個個飯。好似係黑椒牛肉用個鐵板助熟啲牛肉啲飯有芝士我試左一淡連啲飯都有牛既鮮味 可惜我個胃既容量有限 不過完來我上網check左屋企附近都有一間下次一定一成個自己獨食!!!
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