It is a red sauce bar and restaurant from New York. There are two floors that you may enjoy the meal in the upper floor, chill and drink in the lower floor. It provides many choices in seafood, pasta and meats. DJs play music in there too.
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Opening Hours
12:00 - 23:45
Mon - Thu
12:00 - 23:45
Fri - Sat
12:00 - 02:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
假日人煙稀少,但我相信平日會多啲人呱。樓下係酒吧,上層係餐廳,坐位20個左右,相當寬敞。今日得一個侍應,但得兩枱客,所以都迎刅有餘。*Weekend lunch set $198Gnocco Fritto with Red Sauce麵團炸脆,口感煙韌但略油。配番茄紅醬,有食pizza嘅感覺。Caesar Salad生菜新鮮爽脆,凱撒沙律醬夠多,滿滿嘅芝士碎,鹹鹹香香。Spicy Rigatoni Alla VodkaRigatoni煮到啱啱好,索晒所有醬汁,番茄膏+伏特加+忌廉,濃郁又多汁,加埋Calabrian辣椒碎,香辣惹味但唔會搶走醬汁味。上菜嘅時候會問你要唔要芝士,即席刨芝士,必須要有!Citrus & Herb Grilled Chicken Breast雞胸起雙飛片薄,肉嫩帶檸檬清香+酸醋味。表面灑滿小蔥碎、刁草碎,非常香又清爽。最底係西蘭花苗,辣椒碎+檸檬汁,非常解膩,大推!Tiramisu每日新鮮製作一大盤,再即席挖一勺,撒上可可粉。咖啡味正常,酒味幾乎冇,芝士糊滑但未夠濃,整體普通但俾足誠意。
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中環樓上有格調意大利菜|食物有心思,味道好初初見到frank‘s,以為係普通酒吧,點知上一層後別有洞天,係超classic,有格調餐廳❣️燈光比較昏暗,真係幾有mood❣️雖然係平日,但都full house,所以記得book位❣️前菜嘅自家製番茄醬真係超級有誠意,好impressive🔸前菜- 係自家製番茄醬配脆麵包,番茄醬🍅係重點,真材實料番茄超濃超好味,仲有果肉。倒入脆麵包好滋味,忍唔住encore了🤭- 前菜仲有italian kimchi、炸cauliflower,好有心思🍕Margherita $238- 推介超級好食,超級濃番茄醬入面有番茄粒粒,加上厚厚熱熔芝士,味道好好- 薄脆餅底,口感煙韌,夠香口又份量十足🍝Frank's famous spicy rigatoni alla vodka$248- creamy得來辣辣地,幾刺激味蕾,意粉texture唔錯🥗Frank‘s insalata- 粒粒olive加酸酸的醋,好開胃,沙律菜夠爽口,配上啖啖芝士濃香味道,幾滋味🍮tiramisu$108- 滑身滿滿層次,香口得來甜度適中🍸tequila- refreshing易入口呢到真係氣氛好好嘅意大利菜,要再約朋友去
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成日經過石板街 Frank’s,以為佢係酒吧,原來二樓係餐廰 😲SOHO 嘅餐廰基本上自帶慵懶感,可能因為放工時間,大家都傾得好開心😛 食物質素幾好喎,大大份好夠飽,推介以下菜色:🍆 Eggplant Parm Egg Roll春卷香口,餡料係Mozzarella+茄子,可唔可以當食咗菜哈哈哈哈🍝 Linguini Clams白酒煮硯清甜,意粉彈牙,滿口檸檬、牛油、蒜蓉香。🍗 Frank's Classic Chicken一上菜同男友叫左出聲,會唔會太大份!雞扒上面舖滿Fresh Mozzarella & Red Sauce,幾滋味🍰 Tiramisu出街食飯唔可以無甜品作結架,呢度個Tiramisu好好味,必嗌!除左地面可以飲酒,七樓同天台原來都係酒吧,環境頗有情調,可以hea陣先返屋企🥂 一人一杯cocktail - Empire State & Jersey Shore,談談情,吹吹風,YEAH ✌🏻
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❀ Frank’s Italian American #中環 ❀❗bookmark多年冇令我失望嘅美式意大利餐廳❗——————————————————中環呢一間美式意大利餐廳一直都喺我bookmark list🤣過咗幾年終於同朋友嚟到試😆主廚來自美國Boston,主打美國fusion意大利菜。平時喺中環行過以為剩係得地下嗰層,點知原來成幢大廈都係Frank’s㗎🤩地下以酒吧及小食為主,而一樓就係用餐位置,充滿復古隨性感覺,搭𨋢上到7樓就係超靚嘅酒吧,行樓梯再上仲有Rooftop添,又唔少外國人都喺度開party、飲酒、傾偈🥂.✷𝑀𝑒𝓃𝓊✷☞ Free snacks 有香脆芝士餅、自家製特色泡菜及醃製茄子。.☞ Eggplant Parm Egg Rolls $158 (4.1/5)有啲似中式春卷嘅變奏版🤣內裏包住煮至軟腍嘅茄子、帕瑪森奶酪、洋蔥等配料,新奇得來味道豐富,香口惹味☺️.☞ Spicy Rigatoni Alla Vodka $248 (4.2/5)其中一款餐廳嘅招牌意大利粉🍝曾經喺carbone食過類似嘅意粉,當時唔少評價都大贊,但我就覺得一般般。反而呢一間有驚喜,用短闊嘅意大利通粉,口感Al dente而且更能掛汁😚而最出色莫過於佢哋嘅醬汁,用上伏特加,加上辣椒芝士,麻麻辣辣又Creamy非常好味,比之前食嘅香濃得多,推薦👍🏻.☞ Frank's Chicken Parm $328 (3.9/5)留意番呢個原來係炸雞扒,Menu冇特別寫明。將雞肉壓扁再炸香,配上mozzarella、蕃茄醬,味道雖然相對簡單,不過又幾惹味😋之前去意大利、奧地利都有試過類似嘅菜式,因為喺當地嘅招牌菜。但好多時候都好乾身,能夠保持雞肉嫩滑,的確唔錯👍🏻不過一塊絕對夠兩個人食,真係超級飽肚。.☞ Cucumber Smash $98☞ Seedlip Lemonade $98最後我哋揀咗兩杯Mocktail,兩杯都係相對refreshing,可以平衡返意粉同埋炸雞嘅油膩感 ,特別喜歡青瓜個杯😙——————————————————✨整體味道: 4/5 ✨環境裝修: 4/5✨服務態度: 4/5✨性價比: 3.7/5✨再訪興趣: 3.9/5.💞整體來講冇諗過開咗咁多年而家先有時間嚟食,後悔咁遲先嚟試,所有菜式都香濃惹味,特別適合重口味人士,而且環境休閒舒適,我幾喜歡👍🏻
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Located near LKF, Frank’s Italian American is spread across three levels: the basement bar, the dining area on the ground floor, and the rooftop perfectly for unwinding.Haven’t had such a fulfilling meal for a while, where my friend and I were very satisfied with both the appetisers and mains 😍----------------------------Gnocco FrittoOur meal started off with this complimentary appetiser. It is crispy on the outer, but soft, airy and chewy on the inside. It is sprinkled with some mozzarella cheese, which you could pair with sides such as tomato sauce and pickled eggplant.----------------------------Bone Marrow Oreganata $268Oreganata is usually saved for seafood but the restaurant has perfectly combined it with bone marrow. The flavour of the succulent bone marrow is enhanced by salsa verde and bacon onion jam, with exploding flavours delighting your taste buds 😋You can spread the luscious marrow on the fett’unta, a crispy Tuscan bread drizzled with olive oil.----------------------------Shiitake Rubbed USDA Skirt Steak $388Ordered a medium skirt steak, which is juicy and fender with robust flavours. The steak is perfectly paired with thinner-cut fries tossed with grated Pecorino cheese, and the truffle adds a savoury and earthy note to the dish.----------------------------Spicy Rigatoni alla Vodka $248This signature dish doesn’t disappoint 😎 The waitress will grate cheese, allowing you to dictate when it’s enough 😙 The tomato sauce is quite creamy and thick, and the chilli sauce gives a flavourful spicy kick.----------------------------Cucumber smash $98This mocktail certainly gives a refreshing boost to the meal! The fizzy and sweet bubbly base with hints of acidity is also perfect for summer😆
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