1-min walk from Exit A2, Sheung Wan MTR Station
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Opening Hours
08:00 - 18:00
Mon - Fri
08:00 - 18:00
Sat - Sun
08:30 - 17:30
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
之前佢剛開張 有優惠 試過幾次佢嘅iced latte ,都係普通口味,正正常常,無特別好飲,今次試佢menu上面其他特別d嘅item 就叫咗個伯爵茶咖啡,個奶係加咗伯爵茶去打,創意係有嘅,但飲落真心麻麻,伯爵茶同咖啡兩樣character 咁出嘅嘢加埋一齊唔夾之餘 仲只係突顯咗個苦味,無乜奶香,口感都算順滑嘅,我飲咗兩啖自己落咗糖就好返小小,但擺多陣都係不敵陣苦味我諗揀返佢嘅正常咖啡應該會穩陣d,有優惠價錢當買杯日常啡是ok得。
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網上查沒發現可先叫外賣的方法, 睇到Openrice 可先order 最後叫了9柸外賣上環分店分上下兩層 早上很多人在等, 下層一直有叫號, 上前問先講要到上面問原來已拎得, 提供2個紙托 4+4+1, 要袋加1蚊本身等耐左已有D 不爽, 呢個時候仲要計呢1蚊火都黎,証明我並唔係佢地需要客戶群 附近大把選擇koko,sense 什至cotti 或以前 flash都未試過 咁樣服務要結輪:不推薦
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之前路過拎完傳單都想試今日終於試咗你好椰好飲,椰奶味重,有粒粒椰果,好消暑下次要點Grande!仲見到有個芒果椰子咖啡好似都好吸引緊!同埋而家做緊優惠(?) 31蚊咋,好抵!
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1年前喺葵廣飲過覺得好難忘1年後Free D Coffee開咗喺港島區上環Long Black有得揀堅果/果香咖啡豆性價比超高嘅咖啡,推薦大家一定要試仲有好多特色咖啡 你好椰/豆腐花
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Free D Coffee finally has their first branch in Hong Kong Island! I went to this cafe with my coworkers during our lunch time today and luckily it was not too crowded!! We ordered “你好椰” coffee and it was just $35 only!! This drink had a very rich coffee aroma and tasted nutty. There were a lot of coconuts on the bottom so we could taste a strong coconut flavor. The boss was so friendly and he shared his favorite drink and his happiness of opening a new shop in Sheung Wan.He also told us that the creamy coconut milk is all made in-house, so we couldn’t buy it at the grocery store!! I would recommend this shop to all coffeeholic who like to drink speciality coffee! Next time, I would like to try “花花公子”!!😝
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