3-min walk from Exit D, Nam Cheong MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 19:30
Public Holiday
12:00 - 19:30
Public Holiday Eve
12:00 - 19:30
Payment Methods
AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus
Other Info
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (36)
Level1 2021-11-15
第一次試呢間黑糖珍珠奶茶,叫左正常甜度少冰,奶茶味道偏淡,珍珠質地較淋,珍珠痴埋一舊,整體都係試過就算ge質素。但飲到一半𡁻緊一堆痴埋ge珍珠時,發現好似有條線,吐出黎望真d,係一條金啡色打kick長頭髮串住係一堆珍珠度,即係冇晒食慾,想嘔!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2021-11-03
去到員工在玩手機,個樣最好你唔好來幫襯。叫左杯熱飲,俾個好薄既膠杯我,先唔講會唔會有塑化劑,而係個杯好燙手,我已經用總巾包住,都好熱,然後行行下又有熱茶由杯邊溢出來,碌到手。去到員工在玩手機,個樣最好你唔好來幫襯。叫左杯熱飲,俾個好薄既膠杯我,先唔講會唔會有塑化劑,而係個杯好燙手,我已經用總巾包住,都好熱,然後行行下又有熱茶由杯邊溢出來,碌到手。佢D茶其實幾好飲,可惜服務真係唔得,希望老闆可以關注下 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2021-06-25
Very rude staffs and not helpful at all. I asked for a spoon and gave me a bowl asking for 1 dollar. And I ask her if she understands english in which she turned her back and rudely replies ”NO”. Its fine if she dont understand english but she seemed like she dont care about the customers and sales or they must have been not paid well. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2021-04-27
首先,我承認我可能阻人收工,當時我無為意時間,見到前面有人落緊單,我就排隊,原來佢哋仲有幾分鐘就收工,到我落完order,見到收銀員面口係黑到極致!首先,我嗌咗個杯”爆落紅西柚” 半甜,但店員入咗7分甜,重點係,實際口感係「極甜」!絕對不可能係7分甜!!第二,由於太甜,我決定打開蓋,淨係食啲西柚肉,就見到片西柚上面佈滿白色點!我唔知係啲乜嘢,但係已經起晒雞皮!!都好希望有人話俾我知呢啲係乜嘢!總之就係一場惡夢! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
🚩芋泥鮮奶芋圓💰價錢:$27.2(外賣app自取價)V walk有兩大台式飲料店除咗戀暖の初茶 仲有不二の茶打對台😂雖然飲完戀暖の初茶既香芋奶蓋都幾好飲但主要由香芋粉沖出嚟所以飲落冇啖啖杰撻撻芋泥既口感滿足唔到芋泥控既慾望所以有個藉口俾我試埋不二の茶🙈希望滿足到我想要既啖啖濃厚芋泥口感既慾望冇後悔飲不二の茶 因為真係完全唔同口感係好濃厚既芋泥😍芋泥味飲得出係天然冇加香芋粉而且芋泥份量夠多👍🏻所以先可以咁濃稠因為芋泥係哂最底 一定要攪勻先好飲!如果唔係只會飲到一pat芋泥加鮮奶🤣我嗌咗無糖走冰芋泥有淡淡既甜味可能係加咗少少嘅糖去調味🤔但攪勻配埋鮮奶飲落甜度恰到好處我鐘意呢個甜度☺️大概2、3分甜而芋圓口感正常 唔會太淋亦帶有少許嚼勁望落有三款芋圓 見到有紅、綠色既芋圓?🤔綠色嘅芋圓唔知係咪抹茶味😲😲竟然食到有少少抹茶味😧整體嚟講我非常滿意💯👍🏻想飲濃稠既芋泥鮮奶可以試試佢👍🏻而且價錢又唔貴 cp值高經過附近嘅話推薦芋泥控一試! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)