2-min walk from Exit A, Prince Edward MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
07:00 - 01:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash UnionPay
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
10% Service Charge
TV Broadcast
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (63)
Level1 2018-03-08
為慶祝齊齊一TAKE PASS EXAM,所以約左飲茶,原本打算去深水場某間米芝連推介餐廳,但太多人等位,於是去附近看看有沒有其他中式茶樓,見門口無咩人等位,所以就選了呢間。樓下派飛姐姐態度唔錯,但上到去其他待應,推點心姐姐的態度實在不能接受。首先叫左銀蘿脆皮腸,食物質素OK,裏面夠香甜鬆脆,咬落有口感之後又叫左傳統點心蝦餃和粉果味道剛好,皮夠薄,夠熱 蒜容蝦春卷,熱度一般,而且特點有點貴 之後還叫了香麻流沙包、燒賣、咸水角等 有點失望,沒有奶皇流沙包! 之後的燒賣苦侯半小時,三催四請才到 咸水角等足40分鐘都沒來,於是向待應催單 部長只是把我們的點心單印返比我們就無再理我們 之後催另一個待應,她同我們講你同部長講 我話部長無理過我們 之後她先慢手慢腳拿起張點心單毫無意欲幫我們催單 跟住我話我知你好忙,呢度成間房得你一個待應, 但無理由咸水角仲等得耐過燒賣 但她依然無動於衷 於是我發火話你叫經理來,我同經理講 跟住她竟然話你而家咩態度 我話呢句應該我同你講 跟住我就話你叫咩名 她就話找到你自己找 又話呢度無經理,我唔搵經理 要搵你自己搵 之後我無名火起三千丈 見到經理係收銀附近入單 我立刻同經理投訴話我碟咸水角等足40分鐘,你個員工話呢度無經理,要找你自己找 個阿姐跟埋我出來否認自己有講過 個經理話咁又唔可以咁講 我嬲得濟又趕時間,擺低錢比我的同學就走 聽聞之後個經理來交涉,個阿姐先同我的同學道歉 最後我們取消左果樣點心 總括來說這是一個本度不愉快的飲茶經歷,下次唔會再幫襯 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2018-01-14
今日係入冬以黎最凍既1日,咁就當然要打下邊爐啦之前買左團購,咁就去食啦~~買左8點半後入座,$98 1位,埋單時比埋加一就可以了平平地打個邊爐,期望真係唔好太大湯底都唔多選擇,揀左沙爹湯底但無咩味咁出去醬料區攞D沙爹醬溝一溝去啦但醬料區,醬得幾款,隔離應該有碟係比客人裝醬料既,但D碟好似無洗咁囉飲品區,飲品勁少選攞,汽水得3款,同埋有啤酒囉,選擇太少漏單情況都幾嚴重寫左好多野都無黎,要再入過單先黎有D寫左2次都無黎肥牛,丸類都無咩特別,肥牛比較肥反而魚皮反而出奇地好食,仲好大份南瓜好甜平平地打邊爐,野食不過不失啦,不過真係唔駛抱好好食既期望 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2017-10-25
Parents need me to accompany with them to go to flowers market, but before going there, drink tea is the common sense.Parents introduced this restaurant to have our tea. The staff were very busy, we need to wait about 10 mins before the staff found we had rasied our hands to ask for help. Frankly, the price of the dishes are really low, so we ordered roasted goosse noodle, fried fish ball, fried eggplant with fish mud and red bean Mickey as the dessertroasted goosse noodle: the skin is cripy, the flesh with herbal flavour,texture of the noodle is ok fried fish ball: okfried eggplant with fish mud: a little bit oily red bean Mickey as the dessert: oh, are they new born baby mice? no tail, no ear, like an alien more than a Mickey, so sadwe ask the manager why there are large difference between the menu photo and the actual lookbut the manager said that can only make it like this, if you dun like, you can delete this record. Then we delete this record unwillingly continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2017-10-16
今日打風,家姐話要去飲茶。問左兩間舖頭都話唔開午市。 就行左一段路去左富臨食。一開始就嚟左個大煎堆,有成4個咁多,好耐無響茶樓食過無餡大煎堆了,夠曬脆同香芝麻味。仲有芝心雞批,外表係幾好睇,裏面真材實料,有幾多餸吓,個牛油批幾有份量,但就唔覺得有芝士,係有啲失望。乳鴿一隻$18.8,勁抵,驚中伏,所以叫住一隻先,點知係熱辣辣好新鮮,唔太肥,有肉地,所以都叫多左隻!仲要依個整法無咁熱氣啊。我至愛既燒賣依度做得幾好,皮薄薄咁無乜肥肉,蝦夠爽口,仲有好香冬菇味添!雖然依度嘅食物都幾好,又唔貴,但坐就麻麻啦,椅有啲爛同唔舒服呢,咁舊,係咪應該換吓去呢~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2017-10-01
1/10/2017,我同老公去攞月餅順便飲下午茶,攞左飛,上到去冇人理,咪自己揾位啦(當時好多吉位,不過未執枱)於是我倆揀左張6枱坐等左好耐都冇人開茶,終於有人開茶,但企到好遠嗌問飲咩,我地要大聲嗌番過去,之後另有一阿姐問我地“幾個位,做咩坐哩度”我答佢:“冇人帶位,我地自己揾位坐”,佢之後自言自語行開左,過左一陣,專登安排其他茶客搭枱,重點係,其實有好多吉枱,個阿姐專登咁做,最終我地因為未叫野食,所以走左咁嘅服務態度,點會仲有人幫襯架 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)