4-min walk from Exit D2, Whampoa MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 18:30
20:30 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
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Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (156)
Level4 2024-01-05
火舞町 FUMU 火舞の12品極尚和牛龍蝦鐵板燒套餐⭐️ 瑩光魷魚沖漬Firefly squid in soy sauce, a dish that showcases the flavors of fresh squid with a tangy and vibrant marinade. It is a delightful appetizer that sets the tone for the rest of the meal.⭐️ 魚子醬豆腐配胡麻醬Another appetiser is Caviar tofu in sesame dressing. The combination creates a harmonious blend of flavors. ⭐️ 上刺身盛(五點)The course continues with a platter of assorted sashimi, featuring five different types of fresh and carefully sliced raw fish. The sashimi is presented beautifully and offers a variety of textures and flavors, showcasing the finest quality seafood.⭐️ 香煎澳洲龍蝦尾The highlight of the set menu features a grilled Australian lobster tail. The lobster is cooked beautifully, with a succulent and tender texture. The grilling process adds a smoky flavor that enhances the natural sweetness of the lobster meat.⭐️ 日本大分縣A4和牛西冷厚燒The thick-cut A4 Wagyu sirloin from Oita is not as perfectly cooked as expected. It’s not as tender as you thought about Japanese Wagyu but it’s beautifully plated. ⭐️ 日式風味雞肉炒飯⭐️ 日式蜆肉味噌湯⭐️ 是日日式甜品 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-12-10
一入到呢家店,老闆微笑迎接,氣氛舒服得滯,坐低叫咗份傳統香港風味嘅炒麵。阿叔炒麵嘅聲音好過癮,啲麵嘅香氣直躥鼻尖,令人期待。啱啱好,呢碟炒麵平民價錢,但味道絕對唔平凡!炒麵🍜出面金黃焦酥,入面爽滑彈牙,醬汁恰到好處咸香,啜一啜,吱吱響,越食越過癮。啲芽菜㜁到爽口,係炒麵之間帶嚟清新感,仲有啲小小辣椒絲,微辣微辣,啱哂愛辣嘅我。叉燒呢,色澤紅潤,切得薄身啲;食落去外焦內嫩,帶少少炭燒嘅香味,真心惹味。飲杯涼茶解嘈,真係好搭檔。講真呢,這餐飯,簡簡單單,味道卻百吃不厭,下次再嚟,一定要試埋啲其他嘅平民美食!🥢🌶️🍵咁有滋味嘅炒麵,配上老闆嘅賓至如歸嘅服務,食完之後滿足感滿滿,呢個就係地道香港嘅小店風格,要保留味道,又帶啲新意,真正嘅美食,唔單止止於味覺,仲有同店員或者老闆嘅交流,這種感覺真係值得嚟過又過。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-11-30
岩岩個假日同媽咪行街,經過見到一間裝修精美嘅日式店,佢仲要做緊優惠套餐添!!個套餐有14品食物有沙律、小食、龍蝦、炒飯、甜品等等😚每樣都好好食,擺盤精美,令到我哋食飽又睇飽🫶🏻南非鮑魚鮑魚新鮮彈牙,上面仲有三文魚籽,帶出鮑魚鮮味仲加咗D鹹味點綴👏🏻👏🏻琥珀核桃小魚乾脆卜卜咁,食落有種鹹香味😆每日精選甜品係抹茶蕨餅😋囗感煙韌,加上苦澀嘅抹茶粉,令味道更突出😍😍日本A4十勝和牛厚燒🥩入口即溶,啖啖肉仲有多汁🤤加入蔥花同蒜片,更加提升咗肉香味😆以上係我同媽咪喺個套餐入邊覺得最得意同好食嘅☺️☺️,兩個人食呢個餐嘅份量啱啱好,唔會太多👍🏻餐廳環境舒服,店員細心有禮,下次再帶屋企人嚟食🤗 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
第二次嚟到呢一間鐵板燒居酒屋食嘢,非常之期待今次叫嘅美食,因為上一次食佢哋嘅套餐嘅時候已經好滿意!不過今次有特定某啲嘢特別想食,所以就決定單點😆👍🏻蘇格蘭蟶子王(兩隻)超級巨型嘅蟶子王,非常之鮮甜美味!👍🏻燒牛舌燒牛舌爽脆嘅口感,並且燒得好均勻,真係令人回味無窮!👍🏻豬肉大阪燒好友日式風味嘅豬肉大阪燒,上面加咗燒汁,每一啖都食到燒汁嘅香味!豬都類肥瘦適中,仲食到小小油脂,口感唔錯。👍🏻北海道千歳う未豚豚五花豚肉絕對唔輸蝕過牛肉,肉質鬆軟,啖啖肉嘅口感實在太難以忘記。👍🏻牛油蝦膏汁煎虎蝦煎虎蝦虎蝦的蝦肉鮮甜又彈牙,牛油蝦膏汁超入味,好喜歡個醬汁! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-11-27
到咗TGIF~緊係要揾間好餐廳獎勵下自己😝朋友推介左我哋黃埔呢一間居酒屋🏮位置喺黃埔嗰邊,鄰近我返工嘅地方😆一入去餐廳就覺得裝修好靚,菜式多元化今晩試咗幾款招牌菜式:🔸豬肉大阪燒大阪燒上面佈滿燒醬和木魚乾🤩人面都有豬肉片同蔬菜,麵粉唔算多,食得好滿足😌🔸牛油蝦膏汁煎虎蝦虎蝦煎得好香,吸收哂牛油🧈蝦膏汁嘅精華,味道爽口濃郁🤤🔸北海道千歳う未豚豚五花煎到少少焦香味,肉質細嫩多汁,脂肪分佈均勻,啖啖肉😋🔸蘇格蘭蟶子王(兩隻)份量好大😻鮮甜爽嫩,燒汁特別惹味,加少少檸檬,鮮味一流😚整體感覺十分好,每款菜式都好出色,餐廳環境好舒服,職員都好風趣幽默,令到我今晚有個happy Friday😽😽 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)