2-min walk from Exit L5, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 14:45
18:00 - 22:45
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE UnionPay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Live Music
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
烤珍寶大蝦 菠菜蓉芝士 精選雜錦燒烤 牛油紅茄燴雞肉 香草烤羊柳 雞柳香料炒飯
Review (147)
Level1 2021-11-28
Feel disappionted with the service, absolutely not recomended for a big gatherings as staff is very rude. I waited for more than 15 mins for the staff to get my order. Poor customer services experienced! Some staff are seems tired and frustated, thus letting it out on customers. Altough, food was nice but not worth every single penny paid for the treatment recieved. LEFT THE RESTAURANT WITH GREAT SADDNESS. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-09-22
我每一次去食咖喱,都是那麼多的興奮,甚至是亢奮的。所以我時常說,我喜歡食咖喱程度已經是一件不可抗力的事。在尖沙咀,就有一間令我每一次來都亢奮一次的印度餐廳。這一間印度餐廳,帶點高貴,環境亦當然比起同區好多的印巴餐廳來得舒適,而這一個令人興奮的名字,同餐廳的中、英文名字都一樣,是非常開心的。這一個開心的名字,叫做《爵樂印度餐廳》(Gaylord Indian Restaurant)。這餐廳,絕對是一個快樂的地方,環境比較高尚,侍應的服務水平又夠細心。說價錢,是比較貴的,但坐得舒服,服侍得好,再加上食品出色,是值回呢一個 premium 的。再者,幾乎每一晚都有 live band 演唱。這一晚,就有一個哥仔演唱印度的傳統音樂。我還記得好多年前的一晚,是有舞者穿起印度的民族服裝跳舞。整個感覺,會令你有如置身在印度或中東的地方享受高級美食的一樣。食印度餐,最普遍的前菜就是 poppadom,香脆的胡椒餅,加上綠色的薄荷醬後是最美味的。而且,這兒的 poppadom 的胡椒味沒有過重,輕輕的辣口香脆,就是 poppadom 的誘人之處。來食印度餐,你要我選 Mango Lassi 以外的飲品? 我只會以 Masala Tea 作為我的 second choice。所以,我們一坐底,就立即來兩杯他們的芒果特飲。這 Mango Lassi,芒果味香濃,乳酪的酸味味感覺也是十足。再加上甜味適中,既開胃又可解百辣。食印度餐,有雞有羊是我本人的傳統。雞肉的就來了一個 Masala 香味的咖喱。Chicken Masala 用上了許多的香料,未食用已經可以從散發出來的氣味中得知這東西是十分的香。這兒的 Masala 是很微的辣,入口的味道是香甜的。把芝士及其他香料混一起後,味道更可口。Lamb Madras,羊肉配濃郁一點的咖喱會是更好食的。所以,我點了味道濃一點的 Madras。其實,印巴人整的羊肉半點也不羶,但若是有一個味道濃郁的咖喱汁去配搭,會突然羊肉的另一種香味。這一次,我們沒有點上飯,大家都以 Naan Bread 來夾肉食及點咖喱醬。我們點的都不是辣的咖喱,完全地沾好醬去食這一片極香口的烤餅,比起吃飯更滿足。我們加點的 Garlic Naan,多了蒜香的 Naan Bread,更加之可口。I am Gay! 說出這話兒並不是代表我要出櫃,而是我每次來到《Gaylord》食完咖喱都得到一個很滿足的喜悅。而 Gay 在牛津字典的另一個解釋就是喜悅 (Joyful) 的古字。I love Gaylord,因為這店的咖喱,帶給我非一般的喜悅。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Many Indians comes for eating the homeland dishes, the environment is so comsy here haa, lovely and soft seatsOrdered Curry tiffin lunch, Vegetables salad is not really salad here, it’s just a lettuce and carrots on the top, lol and serving in the same plate with the main, lolll Curry chicken with rice and Indian pizza is pretty good but a bit spicy for me. Dont know it’s because I ordered later. Indian pizza is quite soft and dipping with curry sauce is yum.I like the curry potatoes dumpling, crispy outsides and soft ingredientsMilk tea is quite nicee here, not strange as I like, better than some other cha chaan teng haaainsides:menu:Good try for Indian dishes, nice decoration too haaa But the shop will gonna move soon cause of the reconstruction of the building. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Gaylord 爵樂印度餐廳於1972年開業,曾兩度獲米芝蓮推介,位於尖沙咀亞士厘道上!由印度首富 “夏利里拉Harilela” 家族在香港設立最早的印度餐廳!中午設有自助午餐,可品嚐各款招牌菜式!晚上以單點為主,更有駐場印度樂隊演奏,每晚幾乎座無虛席,而且也是印度著名電影名星與貴族來香港必吃之地!食物味道非常正宗,幾款咖哩都用上不用香料調味,口感都不一樣,但非常有新鮮感!另外也有多款口味的印度薄餅,適合不同人士選擇!特別一提他家的飲料 Mango Lassi 與 Masala Tea 印度拉茶非常有特色!能夠在香港屹立47年的餐廳,大家千萬不能錯過!👍🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2019-02-08
呢間係我食過嘅印度餐廳之中環境最有格調嘅,仲有live music~由於我哋唔熟悉印度菜,我哋好聽話試晒店員嘅推薦,頗有驚喜,特別係以下哩兩個小食!.我最滿意菠菜餅,即係將菠菜加麵粉搓勻再拎去焗,好似曲奇餅咁,口感介乎腍同脆之間,配埋香料調味粉,幾特別!菠菜味夠濃,睇佢色澤都知好足料😂餅中間偏濕身,上面有幾塊乾果平衡返!如果熱啲就更好😛.仲食咗羊肉卷,本以為羊肉卷係燒羊肉再加塊wrap, 原來係攪碎羊肉再整成卷狀!質感似山楂餅,羊味都幾騷😁 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)