Restaurant: | Genki Sushi (The LOHAS) |
Info: |
To encourage eatery outlets to reduce food waste at source together with customers through offering portioned meals and adopting food waste reduction measures, the Environmental Protection Department has launched the “Food Wise Eateries” Scheme. Participants will be awarded with a Food Wise Eateries (FWE) accreditation status if they comply with the assessment criteria and will be granted with the FWE Logo and Stickers for displaying in the premises and their promotion for public identification. Applications are accepted all year round and are FREE of charge.
For details, please click here, https://www.wastereduction.gov.hk/zh-hk/waste-reduction-programme/food-wise-hong-kong-campaign
3-min walk from Exit B, LOHAS Park MTR Station
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Opening Hours
11:30 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 22:00
Public Holiday
11:30 - 22:00
Public Holiday Eve
11:30 - 22:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Salmon with Avocado Sushi (サーモンとアボカド)
基本上我哋一個月都去食幾次元氣其實每次都要等好耐,因為真係好多人食所以今次特登5:00就去拎位入咗嘅時候都唔算好多人職員都好快遞埋小朋友餐具俾我哋但就同我講小朋友餐具嘅匙羹🥄仲洗緊,所以冇辦法供應!! 坐低之後即刻就叫嘢食點知綠茶粉冇晒~所以就撳鐘仔希望叫職員嚟幫幫手其實5:00都唔係非常多人但係我哋撳鐘仔撳咗成五六次都冇職員嚟幫手都幾愕然最後都係自己去叫個職員過嚟話俾佢聽嘢食方面其實質素一向都唔差所以我哋先成日去幫襯加上康城商場只有元氣一間壽司舖同埋佢嘅卡位係坐得舒舒服服嘅可能佢哋都真係要加多一兩個人手因為一到晚飯時間真係full到爆曬!!!!
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Nestled in the vibrant Lohas Mall, 元氣壽司 Genki Sushi offers a delightful array of sushi and Japanese delicacies that promise to tantalize your taste buds. Here's a closer look at their diverse menu:1. Nama Chocolate (生チョコレート) - $23Rich and velvety, the nama chocolate is a decadent dessert that melts in your mouth, leaving a lingering sweetness.2. Jumbo Scallop with Grilled Green Onion Sauce Sushi (炙りネギソースジャンボほたて) - $19The jumbo scallops are seared to perfection and topped with a savory grilled green onion sauce, creating a melt-in-your-mouth experience.3. Octopus Sushi (たこ) - $17The octopus sushi is a delightful mix of chewy texture and delicate flavor, making it a unique addition to your sushi platter.4. Yellowtail with Grilled Green Onion Sauce Sushi (炙りネギソースはまち) - $20Yellowtail, known for its rich flavor, is enhanced with a smoky grilled green onion sauce, offering a harmonious blend of tastes.5. Salmon with Avocado Sushi (サーモンとアボカド) - $17A classic combination of fresh salmon and creamy avocado, this sushi is both refreshing and satisfying.6. Seared Salmon Sushi (炙りサーモン) - $12Seared to bring out its natural oils, the seared salmon sushi is a flavorful and aromatic treat.7. Green Soybean (枝豆) - $18A simple yet delightful appetizer, these green soybeans are lightly salted and perfect for snacking.8. Baby Octopus (胡麻いいたこ) - $20Marinated in a savory sauce, the baby octopus is tender and packed with umami flavor.9. Crab Roe and Crab Stick Salad (蟹子かにかまサラダ) - $20This salad combines the briny taste of crab roe with the sweetness of crab sticks, creating a delightful contrast of flavors.10. Steamed Egg Custard with Seafood (シーフード茶碗蒸し) - $21A silky smooth egg custard infused with the essence of seafood, this dish is both comforting and luxurious.Overall, 元氣壽司 Genki Sushi at Lohas Mall provides an exceptional dining experience with its wide variety of sushi and Japanese dishes. Whether you're a sushi aficionado or a casual diner, there's something on the menu to satisfy every palate. Don't miss out on this culinary gem!
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唔知大家有沒有留意到,元氣壽司的下午茶套餐是非常超值的。所以每到下午茶時間,尤其是我剛下班或休假的時候,我都會經常去食。這次我揀左他們的壽司拼盤C套餐。這個套餐內容比較偏向熟食類,份量和種類都不錯。除了主餐,小食我揀咗炙燒珍寶皇帝蟹柳。佢個外觀都ok,賣相幾靚。最後搭配了一碗湯烏冬。雖然只是一碗普通的烏冬湯,但配上淡淡的鰹魚湯底,不會感到單調。總的來說, 我食得好飽又滿足。加一後都只需55元,真的是非常超值。難怪下午茶時段都好多人去。我應該繼續會去食, 平平食下午茶之選。
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在無意間看到「角落小夥伴」再次登陸元気壽司🍣後,我便約了媽咪一起去享用他們的下午茶餐。我立刻被眼前的菜單吸引住了,於是我點了萌度爆表的「PURI PURI吉列蝦堡」和「炸蝦尾武士卷」,還有炙燒珍寶皇蟹柳、腐皮壽司、雙重帆立貝、大切三文魚腩、牛油芝士和粟米燒三文魚。首先上桌的是用迴轉列車🚆輸送帶送上的「炸蝦尾武士卷」,上面有四方形的雞蛋卷印有”燒蝦尾”中間是蟹柳,再加上加州卷,三層一起食非常有口感,雞蛋的香味、蟹柳的柔軟和加州卷的酥脆,味道真的很棒👍🏼😌。跟著奉上了雙重帆立貝和腐皮壽司,這件雙重帆立貝壽司真的非常好吃,腐皮壽司卷有點甜,但可能少了一點飯,而腐皮很大塊。而炙燒珍寶皇蟹柳的味道也很不錯,另外大切三文魚腩讓我印象深刻,實在太好吃了。相比之下,牛油芝士粟米燒三文魚可能因為是新產品,三文魚燒製後感覺有點薄,但蒜片和粟米的搭配非常新穎美味!由於製作時間較長,那個「PURI PURi吉列蝦堡」基本上是最後送上桌的。味道好好👍🏼真的冇得輸,因為炸得剛剛好,蝦肉好好食所以這個包記得一定要點。真心覺得,每一口都充滿了幸福感!值得一讚的是,他們的服務員非常友好,詢問我對新產品的味道感受,並在我品嚐之前為我推薦了那款 Puri Puri 吉列蝦堡。1 PURI PURI 吉列蝦堡 $19.01 炸蝦尾武士卷(蟹柳玉)$19.02 炙燒珍寶皇蟹柳 $24.01腐皮壽司🍣$122雙重帆立貝$422大切三文魚腩 $24.02牛油芝士粟米燒三文魚$30.0元気壽司地址:日出康城路1号The LOHAS 421室
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小朋友今晚request 要食到🚄烏冬&壽司🍣咁我哋就嗱嗱去排隊攞位先,因為星期日會爆多人。而家每日都有做優惠🔥*今日係野菜天婦羅$10&熟蝦壽司$10🍣*另外,今日都試咗新野😛1.松葉蟹龍蝦濃湯拌烏冬$34一碗有幾條細細條嘅松葉蟹腳,而味道就好似將pizza hut 嘅酥皮龍蝦湯d湯(杰身版)倒落去mix 埋一齊食咁,其實味道食落唔差嘅,而且好濃味,大家不妨可以試吓😂2.濃厚生朱古力一開心果💚$23E~~估唔到又幾好食喎😯咁會太甜,而且食得出好香嘅開心果味👍🏻如果個底部做脆身就仲正👅其他食物就同平時一樣保持到水準。
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