8-min walk from Exit A, Sai Wan Ho MTR Station continue reading
During the day, as you step into Gitone, you would believe it was more of an artist house – a display of pieces on the walls, as well as pottery classes that take place at Gitone. By night, you would be surprised by the Shanghainese delights served in what seems like an artsy atrium.The Shanghainese cuisine presented, starts with eight starters, a main and finishes with a dessert. continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:00
Tue - Sun
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay PayMe
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Parking Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Fried spotted crab with green soy bean Stewed pork trotters in brown sauce Mushroom roll with Jin Hua Ham mash and zucchini
Review (48)
Level1 2024-06-21
Only a few table in the restaurant and there was enough manpower, but still the servers were not quite attentive and I felt like the service quality was just at cha chaan teng level. Food was not disappointing but overall dining experience was not that fulfilling. I wish the servers would respect the role they play in the restaurant and serve the diners from their hearts. True heart wins everything. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
朋友串串,約我去了家「梓桐堂」,話說是間私房菜館,但推門一入,感覺就像踏入一個滿是藝術氣息的小天地,我一邊欣賞展示的陶器,一邊等待菜式上桌。🍽️🎨 取了頭盅「炸海蝦沙律菜」真係新鮮過頭,出奇制勝👌🏼!蝦仁爽口嘅同時,那微微梅味嘅醬料沙律就完美調和。再食幾啖「黑松露脆豆腐」,外皮微酥不過點,內裏軟滑得嚟帶微微松露香,瞬間蒸發日常煩憂!湯品我揀咗「元貝冬蓉羹」,溫暖同埋滋味淋淋,一啖飲落去覺得自己重新獲得活力,完美為今晚嘅菜譜做咗一個溫暖開端。主角登場!「椒鹽金菇糖醋骨」外脆內軟,嗰絕妙呼應,令人回味無窮;而「薑蔥石斑腩」嘅香味更加香到鎖不住,弄得我一口接一口,根本停不下來!最後轉個彎,來個「潮州欖菜黑豚肉炒飯」,想不到飯仔回甘得嚟又唔死鹹,入口兼顧味道同質感,讓飽餐後嘅我都仲想再嚟多碟!當然,飯後甜品絕對少不了嗒!「芝麻湯丸」滑溜秀氣,每一口都是芝麻香濃郁嘅幸福感。放工後嚟到「梓桐堂」,唔止肚子滿足,連心靈都得到療癒。下次再有機會,我一定要再嚟!🤤🎉 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
喂喂,食神迷們聽日記住!我剛從一場人間煙火嘅美食之旅回來,應該同大家即刻分享一下我嘅新發現。😍 食完今次,味蕾嘅興奮程度,真係可以用「鑊氣十足」嚟形容。先講講啲蝦仁雜菌煎蛋,真係「香滑得滯」!黑松露嘅味好突出,令整個煎蛋都飄散住個高貴嘅香氣,蝦仁爽彈牙口,吃落真係「鮮」到出汁!再來個鳳梨黑醋骨,啲骨啊,「外酥內軟」,醋香中帶點甜意,酸甜比例剛剛好,只係塊骨可能大左少少,但咬落「過癮」。再講個蔥爆牛小排,雖然話味道算普通,但嗰份肉質軟硬適中,算係值得一試。而呢個口水雞啊,如果你係辣控嘅話,咁呢個就真係「刺激非凡」!辣中帶麻,刺激你每一個味蕾,簡直係辣味嘅終極挑戰。我唔係嘥氣,反而係實話實說,呢啲菜式啲味道好正,風格有特色,成個用餐氛圍都「有曲有味」,好似置身一個藝術館咁。真係一個「繁華盛宴」嘅享受啊!所以,你哋準備好未喎?去嘗鮮咯!🍴👅🌶️ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-01-21
踏入梓桐堂,即刻感受到一股文藝氣息同家居感。我點咗個"梓桐花園拼盤"嚟開始這場味蕾之旅,五彩繽紛嘅小碟子,當中嘅胡麻香茄子最正😋,既入味又惹味,胡麻醬夠濃郁地帶出茄子嗰滑潤質感。然後一口皮蛋豆腐,真係豆香皮蛋香,兩種滋味在嘴裡融合,簡直係幽香襲人。跟手,三拼點心驚喜逐漸登場。黑松露蒸包賣相得意,吸引晒眼球,但可能有啲乾,冬笋八寶素餃鮮甜爽口,至於七彩火鴨絲春卷,個人就覺得肉味鮮美,口感惹味。份蟲草花燉三寶湯,真係正中紅心!食材準備得好有心思,湯清味美,飲咗身體都覺得暖笠笠🍲。主菜嘅游龍戲鳳夠創意,蝦球同蛋白配合默契,順德翡翠蝴蝶魚嘅口感層次豐富,桂花魚肉炸得啱啱好,跟住嚟嘅茶皇煙燻雞就略嫌乾身,但煙燻香味層次分明。最後啲竹笙上素,簡單中見精彩,炒飯雖普通,但食材新鮮,收尾嘅三弄甜品,冰花萬壽果就真係清新適中,滋潤唔膩口🍋。總體黎講,梓桐堂幾有驚喜,食物嘅高低起伏都算適中,對好味講究嘅我至少滿足到一半,大家下次有空可以嚟試吓! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2023-09-04
Since the day we decided to host a private dinner party at Gitone, the staff is very thoughtful about the food options, and with minimal cost, they were able to help with the table center pieces and helium balloon arrangement. On the day, the staff was very friendly to make all of us feel like home and everyone was very impressed with the food and the ambience as a whole. I will definitely come back in the near future! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)