14-min walk from Exit B, Kai Tak Station continue reading
All Branches (5)
Opening Hours
11:30 - 23:00
Mon - Thu
12:00 - 22:30
Fri - Sun
11:30 - 23:00
Public Holiday
11:30 - 23:00
Public Holiday Eve
11:30 - 23:00
*Mon-Thu Last Order: 22:00 Fri-Sun, Public Holiday Eve & Public Holiday Last Order: 22:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash UnionPay WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (4)
Level2 2025-01-27
平日夜晚行airside行到有啲餓地諗住過mikiki壽司郎但又排晒隊咁,就試下呢間唔駛等位嘅90分鐘任食火鍋店。原來呢度係一人一鍋,同frd嚟就可以唔駛就住其他人口味,但我有少少擔心個鍋咁細唔知夠唔夠位淥嘢(事後證明係夠用,水又快滾過大鍋)第一次嚟叫咗個平少少嘅價位試下水溫先,出去夾咗啲菜同菇,返嚟就見到店員擺低一個鍋同四盤肉!無諗過一個人要食咁多肉有少少失算⋯唯有既來之則食之⋯可能平時我食得清淡,食刺身連豉油都唔點果隻,個昆布湯對我嚟講都幾鹹,唔駛其他醬料舊肉已經好夠味,最估唔到佢配料有芫荽可以揀,係芫荽控嘅福音!幾隻肉我最鍾意豬,唔會有臭豬味,又爽口唔肥;雞都幾好,唔鞋口;牛舌係薄切,淥一淥就好快熟,幾爽口但我都係鍾意食厚切;美國牛就麻麻,有少少騷,夾埋辣蘿蔔蓉食就唔覺,下次有機會再試個和牛睇下會唔會好啲。終於消滅完枱上面所有嘢,仲有少少時間諗住食多個甜品,凍嘅有自斟軟雪糕,兩隻味;唔凍嘅有芝士撻同brownies呢啲飽肚嘢。太飽之下只能揀觀音茶軟雪糕,茶味都OK有。其間有兩個小插曲:一個係有客整跌咗嘢飲機個牌,諗住擺返上機,店員就眼明手快截停咗佢,拎返個牌入去廚房清潔完再拎返出嚟;另一個係到就嚟10點果陣店員就會續枱問客仲要唔要咖啡,唔要佢就清機。清咖啡機!知唔知出面幾多舖頭部自動機係萬年唔清?即刻又多咗啲好感。下次我會去試下個啡。總括嚟講呢個價錢呢個質素嚟講有啲唔上唔落,無乜賣點,但勝在唔駛等位又幾好坐,如果咁啱喺呢區又想瘋狂食肉肉肉嘅時候係個唔錯嘅選擇。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2025-01-12
平日晚市去食,見到唔洗等位,諗住價錢ok 所講入去試下點知真係好後悔 寧願食吉野家好過仲好食過佢好多倍唔知係咩原因芝麻醬整到非常稀,稀到好似水咁,近乎無味點完好似冇點咁豉油又好鹹,都唔知想點我叫左蕃茄湯底個湯底又好淡味,溝左好多好多水汽水無氣,又超級甜肉質正正常常,可惜配合嘅湯底醬料唔好食打邊爐啲可選擇嘅配料種類都好少都冇咩野好食當時間舖得4枱人我加單點啲肉都漏單叫3碟黎1碟真係好失望食完都嬲嬲地以後都唔會幫襯 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2025-01-10
Celebrated my mums birthday.Hot pot individually per person, they have many flavors to choose. I arrived late because of work but as I sat down the force me to pick a soup base ASAP I'm like I didn't even get a few seconds to think😆 i just randomly pick one! I feel the pressure that they're rushing me.They got soft serve icecream and you get to do it yourself! How fun! My kids and I had 2 rounds.Staffs faced were not so welcoming tho. All had black-faced. Pouting while serving but ehh what do you expect. Guess it's just their style but a smile would be nice.My daughter said speak to my mum in english because she can't speak chinese(clearly i can) Daughter just saying and The long faced lady gave my daughter a rude face back. So not kid friendly...I just ignored it told her not to look at her 😂 I'm like she's just a kid what if it's a white kid? You'll be like haha so cute. Oh typical...Will I come back? No. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-12-25
叫左最貴個個餐同壽喜燒湯底雖然黎到既牛碟碟個樣碟碟都好靚睇落唔多樣同落左單好快到但講真食落好似平時食既普通肥牛咁冇話特別出色好味而個湯底直情係淡到冇咩味咁濟職員加湯既個壺野都係超淺色店入面既丸類全部都係岩岩冰箱拎出黎咁個面仲有有冰既,種類就同出面其他食既差不多特別記得既係紫薯味年糕條(冇拎到黎食)最貴個餐有包海鮮D海鮮都仲係成舊仲硬既⋯⋯野飲種類少有茶包,咖啡機,汽水機(5-6款)但部汽水機放得超入本人米6要傾前個身先斟到間野22:30關門職員9.9左右就問你仲要唔要用咖啡機⋯因為佢地要關機洗機過多陣就叫你要雪糕既就去拎因為佢地一陣會關機當日雪糕有牛奶同鐵觀音味雪糕都係偏向冰感(雪櫃機都放得超入🤷🏻‍♀️)甜品用一個細雪櫃放住一兜兜既好似有3-4款呢間野既上手都係打邊爐黎聽講個地係滑潺潺同油笠笠既諗住轉左應該唔會啦但入到去都係同樣情況⋯冇咩事都唔會再去呢間到食⋯🙂出遠少少食牛大人好過就算日本人主理都係咁話雖然完全唔覺得似 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)