Exit B2, Prince Edward MTR Station, Exit D2, Mong Kok MTR Station, Exit B, Mong Kok East MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (9)
美食哥倫布今次去咗旺角搵野食!有乜咁好食?一齊睇下啦!明明係韓國餐廳,最多加埋泰國喇!但點解會有芋丸出現架呢!?睇黎佢要改名做韓泰台喇!雖然係咁,但佢個芋丸都做得唔錯架!豆花都幾滑~不過得一樽黃糖就少啲囉,想慢慢落,但用用下就拎俾第2台!感覺唔太好! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2017-10-11
今晚食完晚餐係附近行左陣,想係附近搵間餐廳食下糖水坐陣吹下水,就入左呢間首先嗌左個仙草芋圓,諗住望望menu先嗌其保野坐坐下個呀姐埋黎用好差既語氣講呢度每人都要消費(佢既意思應該係指每人最少嗌一樣野食)。ok既,無問題,你要最低消費我可以嗌多一個甜品,都係幾十蚊姐,但係態度可以友善少少提醒我。跟住我地嗌多一個椰青,佢聽到又唔應機,我地跟住再嗌多佢一次要一個椰青,佢就好唔耐煩講"聽到喇,依家咪開緊囉"。我心諗,聽到你頭先又唔應機==跟住間餐廳開始多兩枱人入黎,佢就急急腳走埋黎叫我地住埋d唔好阻住其他人,但實情係我地隔離仲未有人坐,仲要間餐廳只係4成full,方死我地霸坐張枱整結係個椰青係夠甜同好夠凍,唔錯。而個芋圓就一般般啦。成個過程其實我地已經係唔該前唔該後,但個呀姐仲係全程黑晒面咁,絕對無下次! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2017-10-07
Quite tricky, there are two meanings for consume: eating/spending.By the eating argument, everyone has to eat.By the spending defn, each person must order something.So if it is the eating argument, every person who is here must have to have something in their mouth but if it is the spending argument each person must order something.Anyway, this joint has been here for quite a while but every time I tried to go in, it wasn't inviting.Finally went in and the lady slammed the menu at every table.The dessert is ok, very generous with the portions and the grass jelly was not too sweet.However the comments from some of the reviews are scary as they recycle the food for other customers. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2017-09-10
直情係求其將食得嘅食料是是但但MIX埋一齊當菜式咁賣,豆腐花($28)溫度係好奇怪,唔係凍唔係溫熱而係好微好微嘅暖,好似碗嘢就快攤凍咁,睇相啲配料咪以為紫色係芋頭,黃色係蕃薯,所有係糯米嘅口感同味道,豆腐花冇豆味,串燒賣($12)好大陣噏味,醬汁奇怪,侍應態度囂張冇禮貌對客人呼喝,環境衛生實在一般,$80俾啲咁嘅質素食物,實在睇唔到有咩誠意做生意,唔會再食,呢間所謂嘅餐廳實在唔值得客人試食,因不符合正價比 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2017-08-06
突然想吃芋圓,於是去這間試試。一坐客,見到張Memo 都幾趕客,沒人主動招呼,只見有其他客進來坐,坐遲 d 都比人寸,睇尼呢度伙計唔憂做……叫了這個芋圓四宝,黑糯米多,芋圓有幾粒、椰果只食到兩粒,其餘無……特別之處,成碗甜品,無甜味,可能主打健康而我不懂欣賞。成間餐廳員工黑口黑面,吃得不自在,應該不會再幫襯 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)