5-min walk from Exit B2, Wan Chai MTR Station
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Opening Hours
*Last Order: 20:00
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 20:30
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Green Monday! 今次試咗既呢個Beyond Burger, 就係素肉漢堡中既classic款。作為一個burger, 佢係一個正常味道既burger,包嘅邊仲有啲脆脆地. 但如果你未食過素肉,或者係要同真肉比較既話,口感當然係會有唔同,係會食得出有分別。但既然選左呢餐食素嘅,當然就唔會仲係去追求真係肉嗰種質感同味道。因為食素係有一種意識既選擇,係一個更健康同保護環境既選擇。Think Green, Act Green, Go Green. Go beyond meat, go for beyond burger.
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今日腸胃唔係好舒服,所以中午諗住食清啲,去Green Common買盒午餐都好。買咗盒未來咖喱烏冬配just egg。咖喱一啲都唔辣,咖喱汁裏邊仲有少量蔬菜、有蘑菇、紅蘿蔔和秋葵素漢堡扒都煎得好香,有肉汁。但件素蛋比較乾,烏冬份量對女仔黎講應該剛剛好,男仔應該唔夠飽
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堂食Lunch set 所有野好多大份先黎一大碗沙律 再黎一大碟意粉比意粉既份量嚇親 第一次見意粉會裝滿一個大碟1️⃣黑松露純素意粉(燕麥奶)完全冇黑松露味有少少菇味 菇既份量都算多冇平時白汁意粉既cream味(個人幾中意 因為當日唔想食太heavy)2️⃣素蟹肉炒意粉蟹肉冇咩味 三色椒同車厘茄食落都幾fresh 整體黎講幾好既係兩個意粉都唔會濟 因為冇平時既pasta咁油如果想食健康啲 都係一個唔錯既選擇但味道唔算特別 同埋份量太多 會好飽 要同人share服務方面都幾差店員只顧住包外賣 完全冇人招呼但奧運折扣下 平均一個set $74 性價比都算唔錯
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This was my first time trying vegetarian food and beyond meat. I had high expectation, really wanted to find out if beyond meat really taste like real meat. I must say I’m disappointed though. So we ordered a few things, fish & chips, beyond burger, drumsticks and beef. I liked none of them...the drumsticks are especially bad, it’s tofu skin...they don’t taste like the real thing or look like it. I never quite understand what’s the point of making it taste like meat, why not just let it be what it is, and cook it with different ways or seasoning. And make it delicious!
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喺OpenRice外賣自取見到呢個未來豬柳漢堡幾得意,而且$42.4如果係一個足料素肉burger價錢都算合理,所以試下。點知一打開,下?咁細個?好似個8-oz coffee杯蓋咁大,我身為女仔,都兩啖就食完,仲恐怖過兒童餐味道方面,同真豬柳完全唔同,好明顯係素肉味,蕃茄正常,菜係羽衣甘藍,醬汁幾開胃,個包好韌係咬唔斷嘅,搞到我啲汁滴到成身都係。總括嚟講,呢個價錢性價比真係極低,不會再encore了
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