Opening Hours
11:00 - 20:00
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 20:00
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Review (6)
最近到太古廣場的上林茶舍,試了他們的抹茶雪糕,真係非常滿意!🍵🍦這款抹茶雪糕的質感非常柔滑,抹茶味道濃郁,甘而不澀,完美還原了日本抹茶的獨特風味。每一口都能感受到抹茶的香氣,讓人彷彿置身於日本的茶園中。🌿除了抹茶的香氣,雪糕還帶有淡淡的奶香,兩者完美融合,口感豐富。雪糕筒亦非常脆口,為整體口感增添了不少樂趣。🍦✨上林茶舍的環境優雅,裝修簡約,讓人感到非常放鬆。這裡不僅適合品嚐美味的抹茶雪糕,還可以享受一杯精心沖泡的日本茶,真係一個放鬆心情的好地方。😊整體來講,上林茶舍的抹茶雪糕不僅美味,還能帶給人一種愉悅的用餐體驗,絕對值得一試! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-06-02
抺茶軟雪糕奶味比較重,茶味唔夠濃,有微微的回甘,雪糕內有少少碎冰,有點似smoothie,雪食到雪糕筒底都有雪糕,真係比足雪糕的。鐘意奶味重些的會鐘意,鐘意重抺茶的會嫌茶味唔夠濃。The flavour of milk was strong,The tea was not significant but with some aftertaste.A bit like smoothie, some crushed ice was in the ice cream.The portion was reasonable and you could see the cone was fully filled with ice cream. Those who like milk will like it.Those who prefers green tea flavor may find the flavour is not strong enough. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-01-27
週末行街,經過茶飲店,喜見有雪糕賣,正好為疲憊的我們充一充電。先說抹茶雪糕,邊走邊吃的小人當然捨棄杯裝而選取了雪糕筒。軟雪糕真的夠軟夠滑,抹茶味更是神還原小人第一次到日本吃過的抹茶味道,甘而不澀,小人大愛!抹茶以外還食到奶香,加上超脆的雪糕筒,有趣!友人原本要熱的蘋果白牡丹茶,經店員介紹熱的會更酸,故此改了要凍的走冰。一口呷下,蘋果的鮮美即冲而上,後續是白牡丹茶的茶香,淡淡的好舒服,好易入喉,清爽至極,一級棒!叉完電,可以繼續食買玩! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-03-10
After the relatively hard pastry at another store, I felt thirsty and decided to buy a drink. This drink caught my eye as it was the first time I saw a combination of matcha and amazake.The drink was really good. There is an option for hot version but even for this iced version, the amount of ice was just right without diluting the drink much. The balance of the mildly sweet amazake and matcha was perfect without one overwhelming the other. Definitely would love to try their other drinks in the future. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
原來依家剩返金鐘一間店舖炸🙈店舖行簡約風唔太打卡🤣不過Menu都算多選擇禾💁🏻‍♀️-靜岡焙茶燕麥奶$50依杯味道幾濃都唔錯,用咗植物奶,而且仲係低咖啡因嫁👍🏻我仲+$5要咗寒天珍珠,佢話係用低卡路里同高纖維嘅天然紅藻而製嫁🥰-八女抹茶甘酒$58🍶甘酒其實係額外+$8加喺任何飲品,店員就話配抹茶係會最夾💁🏻‍♀️飲落個味真係從來未試過,幾新奇幾得意😆係有陣發酵咗嘅米味,所以會有啲酒味嘅米香,但店員話其實係冇酒精成分嫁😉依杯嘅功效係調整腸胃同美白呀🧏🏻‍♀️ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)