1-min walk from Exit C3, Mong Kok MTR Station
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Payment Methods
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10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
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本人食過好多間「翠」字頭嘅餐廳, 印象中都係唔太好受嘅。經過旺角亞皆老街上海街交界嘅「翠河餐廳」門口個下午茶餐牌見到有「讚岐烏冬」呢幾個字, 好吸引, 咁就吸咗我入去食。呢度餐廳環境其實幾舒適嘅, 玻璃窗可以望到出面街景, 見到好多遊客, 喺朗豪坊行嚟行去, 熙來攘往。餐廳服務員態度幾好, 服務到位、有禮貌。我叫咗個<豬軟骨讚岐烏冬> 湯底應該係一般「潮州粉麵湯底」, 但食落都唔錯, 配襯得到。作為烏冬嘅湯底, 幾特別。烏冬質地煙煙靭靭, 我估佢就算唔係真正嘅讚岐烏冬, 都扮得好似, 好接近嘅貨色, 唔係一般好平好平嗰啲「噹噹」貨。豬軟骨份量充足, 炆得好好味(柱侯味), 肉的部分淋, 軟骨嘅部分爽脆。<熱奶茶> 亦都出色, 茶味香濃, 茶身幼滑, 厚薄適中。呢間餐廳有個缺點: 就係上去一樓條樓梯又斜、又窄、又唔乾淨。
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Green River Restaurant is located in the upper floor in Mongkok. Even during lunch, you don’t have to wait for a table. It’s a good place to chat with friends if you don’t want people to disturb. Just like other Cha Chaan Teng, Chinese food restaurant, and we ordered Tomatoes rice with pork chop and Tofu eggplant rice.Tomatoes rice with pork chop is not that attractive as eating in other restaurants. Honestly tomatoes pork chop is easily to be cooked well. But here the tomatoes sauce is so diluted and the pork chop is a bit thin and dry. Eggplant is cooked well and delicious.But overall, tofu eggplant rice is too watery and not so appetizing. If you don’t want wait for a seat, then come, but not for the food.
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波士陪食早餐好想食好豐富好豐富嘅早餐,翠河多選擇過翠華,所以都唔洗點諗就去翠河!波士個意大利蕃茄濃湯螺絲粉個湯真係好濃郁我個全餐真係好豐富,咩都有,好似西餐嘅all day breakfast 咁
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