Restaurant: | Grove Sandwiches (海灣街) |
Info: |
To encourage eatery outlets to reduce food waste at source together with customers through offering portioned meals and adopting food waste reduction measures, the Environmental Protection Department has launched the “Food Wise Eateries” Scheme. Participants will be awarded with a Food Wise Eateries (FWE) accreditation status if they comply with the assessment criteria and will be granted with the FWE Logo and Stickers for displaying in the premises and their promotion for public identification. Applications are accepted all year round and are FREE of charge.
For details, please click here, https://www.wastereduction.gov.hk/zh-hk/waste-reduction-programme/food-wise-hong-kong-campaign
Additional Information
Some vegetarian dishes available daily.
Opening Hours
07:30 - 17:00
Mon - Fri
07:30 - 17:00
08:00 - 15:30
Public Holiday
Public Holiday Eve
07:30 - 17:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Was strolling in Quarry Bay the other day and found this best post-gym vegetarian breakfast from Grove Sandwiches They use much more nutritious ingredients than the ones with similar price around hk - quinoa, pumpkin, 2 eggs(!), mushroom and salad. Also they do have other veggie/vegan options on the menu (unlike oatmeal and toasts in normal cha chaan tengs), good to check if some can be customized to vegan platesalso found some non-vegan stuff in the fridge packed as vagen🤣so be careful when you’re on the go and need to grab something quick!
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公司lunch 開 seminar, 公司幫同事order light lunch. 今餐食既,係Grove。鰂魚涌呢間Grove 係輕食,本身Grove有好多分店,不過佢主力還是服待商業區客,基本上住宅區佢接近絕跡。隨手拎左份吞拿魚三文治🥪。吞拿魚份量算幾多,舖滿成塊麵包。蕃茄同菜好 fresh, 感覺比某間大型連鎖三文治店材料新鮮。吞拿魚醬中規中矩,OK既。麥包好好食,只係麵包實度好低,弄成個三文治變得「輕飄飄」。整體來講,三文治水準中上,健康美味,有埋杯咖啡就perfect 啦!不過問題亦黎啦。食完之後,成個下晝,肚總有一種遺憾,一種,好似有食過野,但又好似無食過既一種矛盾感 。
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近公司,經常到此買外賣,是簡單健康西餐之選,早晨牛油果飛碟不錯、午餐意粉,但意粉款式比較少,希望意粉既餸會多返少少!另外墨西哥卷也不錯!恒生cash dollar滿80減30!
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聖誕梗係要食大餐啦,不過咁凍又唔想自己煮,叫到會就啱曬啦,連碗都唔洗洗😼講起到會,就會諗起出名到會嘅Grove Sandwiches👀而作為一班食肉獸,牛扒就一定唔少得,見到有美國安格斯斧頭扒,即刻心心眼了❤️拎翻屋企即刻拆開嚟睇,真係超巨型,大到連個屋企盤都爭啲放唔落,如果一家幾口,或者朋友聚會就啱晒,又好食又有體面又方便🎉不得不說安格斯斧頭扒嘅油脂香同牛味真係好正,肉質軟腍同時肉味十分香濃💥而佢嘅熟嘅程度係剛剛好,可以喺同一時間感受到斧頭扒外層燒香嘅感覺同入面嘅肉汁🥩令我都好想考究一吓,究竟點先可以將咁大塊斧頭扒烹調到咁外熟內嫩又肉汁豐富呢?加上美國安格斯斧頭扒面頭嘅牛油有畫龍點睛嘅效果,同斧頭扒嘅油脂相輔相成,難怪越食越香😆美國安格斯斧頭扒更搭配秘製嘅醬汁同時蔬,點唔點汁都一樣咁好食,食法隨心隨意😌聖誕節一家人慢慢征服成塊美國安格斯斧頭扒,真係超滿足呢☺️
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Haved ordered a lunchset takeaway and found out mini salad is missing. Other than this, foodie is nice and healthy.
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