2385 5441
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成日都幫襯,估吾到昨天已經結業,就補番旱兩天食評 星期三下午同朋友來食午飯,朋友叫四寶飯,而我叫了個百搭餐百搭餐就是十款餸選兩樣再配米粉,意粉或公仔麵 而今次選了腸仔豬扒公仔麵,嚟廣東燒味,反而我少吃燒味獨是喜歡這裡豬扒 麵同飯差不多時間到見到朋友的飯不錯我今日沒有吃所以吾介紹住講番自己個麵果然冇失望,豬扒夠厚夠大件,最緊要厚度適中咬落有口感而且味道亦吾錯,肉質夠爽,爽而不靱吾似其他快餐店淹到啲豬扒淋pet pet仲入口苦,值得推薦至於腸仔,普通㕑師腸,睇色水咁深色應該過油炸,味道都可以仲有少量椰菜,而公仔麵軟硬度亦適中飲品咖啡夠香濃,放上枱都聞到,亦值得一讃 呢度地方大卡位多,款式亦多選擇,價錢亦算合理每日有多款套餐做特價,最喜歡同朋友來呢處 今日已經結束營業我同班同事都話可惜
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又買外賣回公司吃. 看到燒味店口水直流, 就不自由主的進去了. 點了我最愛的叉燒油雞飯 廣東燒味的分店不少, 水準也不俗. 一整盒飯, 满满的. 叉燒很軟. 不會很乾 或是太甜. 水準之上...至於油雞則有點雞味, 透著淡淡的甜醬油香. 雞不會太肥. 師傅給我一大隻雞翅膀. 肉很嫩. 伴著數塊椰菜...算是有菜有肉. 可惜菜一點味道也沒有...整體也算合口味, 一口氣把整個飯盒吃得乾乾淨淨. 很满足
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I have been here a few times before and the food was OK, not great but with what was there it was passable and this time I came in for dinner and the place was half full but staff seemed rushed -not a good sign Ordered a plate of roast goose rice ($33), a set dinner of steamed pomfret with rice and soup ($47) and half a salt baked chicken ($50). The first 2 were good, nothing fanciful just delivered as it said on the menu. The salt baked chicken was a disappointing. I've had this at the PE branch before and was expecting the same. Instead what arrived turned out to be chicken poached in brine, and if it had been cooked through, it would have softened the blow. The leg was just barely cooked and the bones were still bloody. I guess the chicken had been cooked in the morning or afternoon, hung and reheated when ordered. It tasted nothing like this classic dish when executed properly and truth be told was insulting. Given that this is a 烤 味 restaurant and that if they messed up steaming the fish or overcooked the vegetables, perhaps I could be more forgiving, but the salt baked chicken is part of the chef/masters skill set. Just a little too many short cuts and if they choose to go that route then it should be taken off the menu.
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十月十六日 (星期日)是日行經此地,本想吃茶餐廳老公仔突然話想吃燒臘聽聞這裡的燒味不錯的二話不說,就進去了點了义燒燒鵝飯和燒肉油雞飯一次過試盡四款燒味义燒和油雞的確不錯义燒煙煙韌韌的,有嚼勁,而且很香甜而油雞則富雞味,肉質尚算嫩滑不過燒肉和燒鵝則不敢恭維先說燒肉,皮已脫離,而且一點也不脆口燒肉肉質算是合格,惟肥膏層的比例多了點燒鵝肉薄,油脂多,而且過咸有點得過且過之感...難有下次
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