Review (7)
Level2 2024-05-02
已經不是第一次光顧這一家只做外賣的漢堡餐廳了上次吃過很好吃但不算便宜的芝士和牛堡餐這次點了千島炸魚堡套餐味道和份量都剛剛好魚炸得很脆性價比又超高而且包裝也挺好看的 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
今次揀咗和風脆雞堡同額外加牛油果片加$8牛油果片得細細塊一片仔同d碎既半片仔完全食唔到牛油果味醬汁都係得好少,唔太覺有沙律醬味個脆雞拎到返屋企都仲好脆口,味道調味唔錯薯條係粗size,一半仲係脆,一半已經霖左,味道冇咩特別黑糖珍珠奶茶大大杯,珍珠彈牙好咬口另外冇影到相,叫咗個麻辣糖心皮蛋味道唔錯,下邊墊咗啲榨菜幾香口,第二度未見過整體來講不過不失,係牛油果有d失望雖然牛油果唔係平價食材,但估唔到得咁少 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
I ordered a few burgers for lunch off online food delivery platform. There was a slight mix-up, but was fixed.This place is an amazing, remarkable gem hidden in humdrum old Tin Wan (next to Aberdeen). The burgers are top-notch and delicious, using fresh soft buns and really nice high quality patties. Kind of reminds me of Shake Shack.The chicken burger was especially exceptional - really moist and juicy chicken (not processed patty) - my mom who doesn’t like burgers really enjoyed it. The hamburger was really tasty too. Really satisfying.Value for price was amazing - lots of burger speciality places charge $80-110 for a burger, this was $50+. Am definitely going to be a repeat customer! Everyone should try this continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
見到包裝靚靚仔仔以為係好嘢啦 點知一擺落口lur都lur唔切 舊肉係散嘅 仲有陣奇怪嘅蒜味 芝士顏色再深少少就真係同屎冇分別 好想去洗胃同埋卜暈自己去忘記呢個包對我嘅心靈衝擊 第一次忍唔住寫comment 竟然係因為d嘢難食到世間少有 怪我自己中文造詣唔好 真係難以形容究竟有幾難食 如果你好憎一個人 可以外賣呢個包送上門畀佢 真係對佢最大嘅報復 最後搞到我餓到要同隻貓爭罐頭食 食完一個月都唔想食漢堡包 中年陰影 伏伏伏伏伏伏伏伏伏伏 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2021-10-11
今晚食的漢堡🍔餐好日本🇯🇵。鰻魚漢堡,有成尺長的蒲燒鰻魚,玉子燒、芝士和紫菜絲。估唔到鳗魚和麵包又好夾喎,麵包鬆軟,鰻魚軟綿綿,魚皮也不韌,蒲燒醬汁甜甜地,沙律醬又咸咸地,好夾,整體非常好食。小食是味醂雞泡魚乾。魚乾烤得剛剛好,有嚼勁但又不硬,味道清香鮮甜,不點沙律醬都已夠味。魚乾因是烘烤的,乾身不油膩,是相當健康的小食。這兩款都是新產品。小店不斷嘗試新菜式和改良服務,畀個𝑙𝑖𝑘𝑒你。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)