Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash Octopus AE UnionPay Apple Pay Google Pay
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (58)
it was a hot day to be out and we wanted ice-cream! So, we headed over to Haagen Dazs for a small scoop to cool off. my husband and I ended up getting this summer berry smoothie to share and it was probably the best decision as it was much more delicious and healthy as it included frozen raspberries and blueberries. Also, it ended up being cheaper than getting the same amount of ice-cream. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2012-09-08
很想找甜點吃,給落班的心情放鬆放鬆。HD的下午茶雪糕甜品,加一杯飲料,一百元有找,算是抵吃。而且相片賣相,一看令人想快快品嚐。說的就是那雪糕on top的Brownie。送來到,何解完完全全的兩回事!?紙兜盛著一件乾爭爭的brownie,草草的吱點朱古力醬,雪糕放在側邊。沒有如相片,鋪滿朱古力漿囉。如雪糕放在brownie上,賣相好之餘,雪糕也溶合brownie一起吃啊。現在真的好像去了快餐店,moody 跌晒!杯咖啡,更不濟,水汪汪的,越吃越不憤。沒有完成便離場。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2012-06-18
五月二十七日 (星期日)夏日炎炎,在尖沙咀拍拖,突然想吃雪糕明知吃冰冷食物對身體以及皮膚不好,但偏偏要吃行到漢口道才發覺那家Häagen-Dazs 分店已經關門大吉唯有再走到海港城那家(吃雪糕的決心非常強!)一球當然不夠我們吃兩球索價五十多元,竟與三球雪糕的愛情號價錢差不多,就點了一"艘"以紙盒盛著的愛情號,用香蕉放在底部加上杏仁,再配上三球自選味道雪糕,再淋上朱古力醬唯見到店員切的香蕉是青色皮的,吃起就真的十分硬身曲奇忌廉曲奇忌廉雪糕,味略為偏甜,但口感奶滑曲奇溶入灰雪糕當中,層次感豐富檸檬雪芭第一次吃這種味道檸檬味道很像真,味道酸酸的,易入口這裡的雪芭做得好,不易溶Tiramisu給其餘兩款味道比下去了Tiramisu味道不突出,感覺只有甜字一個,略為失望下次也可考慮再搭這艘愛情號 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2012-06-06
係尖沙咀行街街行過Häagen-Dazs見到下午茶時段好抵1 Cake/ 1 Ice Cream ($59) + $10 (1 Drink)就入去叫左一個Tea Set平時一杯正價係幾十蚊宜家加多十蚊就可以享用到而味道濃郁, 而且好細心有拉花圖案雪糕簡了雲呢拿, Tiramisu, 芒果仲有兩塊脆片送埋香甜軟滑既雪糕脆卜卜, 好味道 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2011-11-18
夏日炎炎很喜歡吃雪糕,不一定是甚麼有名氣的品牌,就算是牛奶公司的雪糕也一樣喜歡吃。不過,一到秋涼、入冬,就沒有這個雅興了!所以,見其十月初天氣仍有些悶熱,加上從銀行送來一張Haagen Dazs雪糕券,怎可以不趕在這夏末的日子來享受一下這一球免費的雪糕哩!乘著逛海港城之便,就去了海港城的Haagen Dazs吃雪糕。看了雪糕櫃良久,都沒有甚麼新款的,就決定要了法式燉蛋味(Creme Brulee),因為印象中應該沒有吃過。雖然是以免費雪糕券購買,但服務哥哥照樣滔出大大球的雪糕,我就一邊逛商場一邊吃雪糕。法式燉蛋,蛋味算不上濃郁,又沒有法式燉蛋那種焦香,反而奶味甚重,不過,雪糕本身仍是十分軟滑,而且內藏粒粒脆糖粒,這個則有點似法式燉蛋面面燒香的沙糖脆脆! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)