Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 23:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
昨晚在中環與朋友找餐廳食晚飯, 最後發現了這間埃及菜餐廳.其實這裡的環境很舒服的, 適合2-3個朋友食飯聊天.店內的decoration都幾特別, 好有中東感覺, 幾值得欣賞的.我是第一次食埃及菜, 點菜完全沒有idea.最後和朋友隨便點了 Coshary Vegetarian (招牌埃及式素通粉) 和 Turkish Pizza With Lamb (土耳其羊肉薄餅) 試一試.Coshary Vegetarian (招牌埃及式素通粉)沒有想過埃及式通粉是這樣的, 除了通粉, 還有豆、意粉、麵、飯...混合在一起.香料味不是太重, 但我不是很喜歡這個味道, 可能是不習慣這個香料味道吧.Turkish Pizza With Lamb (土耳其羊肉薄餅)我喜歡這個羊肉Pizza, 它一點都不羶, 皮又不會太硬和厚, 很好食.總括來說, 這餐廳食物味道和環境都OK, 來到這裡就好像到了埃及一樣.這裡最特別的是可以吸水煙, 但我不敢試. 哈哈.還有食物價錢都不算貴, 想試一下埃及菜的話, 來這餐廳都是一個好選擇.
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I was on my way up to Mana! but saw this place and figured I should give it a try, it looked closer to my price range and the decor was great! My friend and I sat down and decided a on a salad, a dip and a hot mezze.. We wanted the variety and didn't want anything too heavy! We ended up going with;Babaganoush - not the stuff I'm used to (I grew up in a heavily ethnic community south of Sydney) but not bad by all means, the eggplant wasn't overly strong and it didn't have the deep rich purple I'm so accustomed to, however the flavour was quite good! I'd still get it again! It came with two toasted flat pide pocket breads, they were lightly toasted and didn't have much colour but were warm and soft which cooked and went crunchy like chips! Beetroot salad - this was actually quite good! A decent amount of beetroot (it was the star of the show), lentils, chunks of onion and bits of lettuce weaved in there too! There was some zucchini as well but it was a little lost in the assortment. My only issue with this dish was that I needed to put salt on it to enhance the flavours a bit and give it that added depth.. This would have been good done by the staff with fresh ground salt! But I know some people don't like the amount of salt I do! Lamb pie - this was much more of a filo than a pie but still alright, not my favourite but my friend LOVED the sauce it came with and the filo was cooked perfectly so it's not that it was bad it just didn't really wow me.. Overall I quite liked it and I'd go back, for the price the food is super reasonable, shareable and quite tasty! Plus the atmosphere is really good, the place has been decorated really well and I can imagine if it was packed it'd be such a great vibe! My only issue would be how cold it was in there, which REALLY isn't an issue! Would I recommend it? Yeah, I'm sure it's not the best but it's reasonable and cheap..
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生意關係. 要同客人黎食埃及菜自問真的第一次食埃及菜感覺真的很不好. 唔係話野食難食而係真係過唔到自己那關因為佢地所有茶都會落重香料. 菜也好, 肉也好. 全都是香料. 真係食唔到..好似有一個菜係埃及式羊肉丸通粉, 羊肉本身巳有很強烈既"蘇"味. 而由於埃及菜既關係, 再加上重手地落入香料, 令兩種強烈濃味撞左出黎~另外又如"Mussaka", 茄子同蕃茄明明就可以食清淡既配搭. 但加入cheese 同香料之後, 同樣地係蓋過晒食物原有既味道. 可以的話, 都係希望廚師落香料時, 不要太重手~不過, 自問自己食唔到呢類菜式喇.
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Once upon a time, there were two Habibi Restaurants. Both next to each other. One was the Cafe, the other, well, the restaurant. We always went to the restaurant. Then the restaurant closed down. We were happy to see it back in LKF. Food was always quite good.Then that restaurant closed down too, so the Cafe is all there is left.We have tried the Cafe several times and every time we left a little more sad.The portions gotten smaller and the quality of the food went downhill like a runaway train.The hummus used to be a nice big plate and now it is a tiny drop on a small saucer and although the taste is not bad, it is not as good as it used to be. The babaghanoush went from nice and smokey to indistinct and flavorless. The Kibbeh were not special anymore and the taboelleh is just wrong. No lemon taste, too much oil and the wrong mix. Other salads are very boring. The falafel is still okay, but also here, it is going down.So, I am not sure what happened. The staff is still very friendly and place has a good look to it, but I think they are cutting corners when it comes to ingredients. I am afraid we will not there again.
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Ordered in for the first time from Habibi as we were craving for Mid-Eastern food on a Sunday night via Dial-a-Dinner. Ended up wasting majority of the food ordered as it was purely inedible:Halloumi Cheese: 4-5 miniture cubes of what it tasted like stale, dried up chewy chunks cooked in recyled oil (was it supposed to be deep fried?) served on salad- couldnt taste of halloumi cheese. Kofta Lamb Kebabs: over-cooked and failed seasoning which resulted in rancid, pungent lamb smell- took a small bite and was done. With it came couscous that was also over-done and tasted like its been preserved for a few days. Hummus: Found it in a tiny containter, overdosed in olive oil- purely bland. Added bonus was a piece of pita bread that tasted more like a stale plain chunk of flour. All in all, ended up throwing away everything and resorted to pre-packaged meal that was in our freezer. Terrible food, in my view.
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