4-min walk from Exit A1, Wan Chai MTR Station; Opposite to Revenue Tower continue reading
Good For
Casual Drink
Additional Information
Meatless Menu Details: Wide selection of vegetarian dishes available whole day on Monday. Some vegetarian dishes available daily.
Opening Hours
Mon - Sat
08:00 - 21:00
10:00 - 19:00
Public Holiday
10:00 - 19:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash Octopus UnionPay
Other Info
Wi-Fi Details
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (81)
Level2 2017-04-02
Intended to find a new place to chill somewhere around Wan Chai and ended up here. I usually openrice before I go to places just to don't get disappointed and give an ok review. So, guess this is the first 👌🏻 They have many choices for drinks, coffee majorly, also serve different kinds of tea and hot chocolate, don't have my favorite matcha latte, probably because they are an Italian cafe. I saw on the menu there is daily soup, so I had this Caldo Verde Kale soup and I really was expecting kale but there was just a little piece of it.I also had some brownies, and there was not much chocolate flavors, although texture was quite smooth and gooey.I should have taken one of these cookies as they come in different complexed flavors and the colors remind me of those ones I once had as birthday presents that have salty bacon and truffle flavors, probably is worth a try.Overall a little disappointed but unsurprised. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2017-03-21
啱啱去完會展film art,唔想咁快番工之際,決定坐低慢慢嘆咗個lunch。中午時分都幾多人,收銀排晒隊,多人嘅話,搵位都唔易。呢度散叫其他意粉唔平,係lunch set 配普通啡咖會平d。 想試個特色啡咖埋單已經要$130。果然夠嘆!今次簡咗個Cabaronara lunch set,個汁夠creamy 同幾香,意粉爽口,煙肉同配料足料,但整體份量唔夠飽。 Earl Grey latte 都好特別,Earl Grey超香,推薦! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2017-03-14
之前有朋友送我一張$50 coupon, 所以上月尾來這間habitu caffe試下. 第一次到這間連鎖cafe, 環境唔錯, 店員服務都幾好. 我叫左個tea set "煙三文魚忌廉芝士三文治", 落完單之後望一望英文名才知道原來三文治就是Bagel. 咖啡有好多款...我對咖啡冇乜研究, 所以就求其叫左杯熱latte. 這裡都是自助形式, 落完單比錢後, 就先等取咖啡, 之後再拿餐具搵個位坐下等取食物. 約兩分鐘左右, 咖啡就有得取了, 賣相都幾靚, 有拉花, 入口香濃又幾滑, 不過始終我平時唔係成日飲咖啡, 所以我都唔知其實佢呢度咖啡係咪特別好飲.. 哈哈. 約十多分鐘後, 手上那個黑色圓形機就又叫又震, 示意可以去取食物了, 這份Bagel幾吸引, 裡面夾住都算幾多塊既煙三文魚, 仲有蕃茄片, 生洋蔥圈同埋生菜, 感覺材料幾豐富! Bagel是烘熱的, 還搽上了些忌廉芝士一起烘, 食落口幾好味, 也不覺得乾. 口感都豐富, 除了有生菜同洋蔥既爽口, 又有Bagel既煙煙韌韌. 不過食既時候同食漢堡包一樣, 就算雙手拎住食都會食得好輪盡. 在這個咁悠閒既環境底下, 食到咁輪盡好似好唔elegant呀! 下次都係食意粉算~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2017-03-06
早早就收工,上司話請飲下午茶正啊又可以hea陣,呢間habitu人唔多,坐得幾舒服我叫左一杯tea架牛角包,同事叫左coffee。tea係班蘭菊浦味,普普通通,係個茶包幾可愛,但唔太好飲,可能係有d苦。加左糖之後仲難飲。牛角包味道唔錯,夠軟熟而且味道幾好。同事叫的coffee賣相不錯,佢話味道都可以接受。不過我一向都唔飲coffee,哈哈。不過我發現呢度係無廁所,飲到急尿都幾麻煩下。兩個人都要$130。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2016-09-23
今日同同事lunch 大家突然又想食西飲咖啡,但又唔想去茶記。一黎到灣仔就諗起大家之前在天橋上見到呢個餐廳Lunch 時間cashier 位好多人排隊,但好彩好快就搵到位。諗住禁多人排隊等小人d 再出去,點知等極都係禁多人叫左2個set lunch share食,各自都加了玫瑰咖啡(+$36)及餐湯(+$10)。其實跟同事大家都係個玫瑰愛好者玫瑰咖啡:一向都好鐘意飲佢的coffee,由其是玫瑰咖啡,色香咪俱全,陣陣的玫瑰味令人心矌神怡,之前一試已愛上。唔洗加糖都夠甜了。餐湯:咩係好記得係叫咩名的蝦湯,味道好似龍蝦湯,湯內還配上細細的小蝦粒。我跟同事都讚好飲。茄汁虎蝦扁意粉:先講外觀賣相不錯,而茄汁加上蕃茄碎及香草味道香甜不會太酸,令人覺得好開胃。意粉不會太硬,口感軟滑。份量方面覺得有點小。香草三文魚意大利飯:這塊三文魚好有質感,入口軟熟好好食。意大利飯軟硬度適中。整體味道清得黎好食。唔知係咪冷氣很冷,d野食落好似唔係好夠熱。忍唔住要食埋有關玫瑰味的玫瑰草莓香軟班戟,pancakes 跟圖片相乎。賣相都屬於吸晴類❤️,因為我同樣地都是士多啤梨的粉絲。先講醬汁,我覺得士多啤利果醬味濃蓋過了玫瑰的味道,但是不會太甜。班戟有3塊,口感方面我就覺得太厚實,跟名字不太貼切,不夠軟熟。整體而言,士多啤利醬係好味的裝潢及環境令人覺得好舒服好放鬆,坐的位置又不會太濟迫,是個傾計的好地方。另外店內員工都好有善好helpful, 因為顧客服務都是好重要的一環。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)