3-min walk from Exit F1, Causeway Bay MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 20:30
Public Holiday
11:00 - 20:30
Public Holiday Eve
11:00 - 20:30
Payment Methods
AlipayHK Alipay Cash
Other Info
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (8)
Level2 2022-09-22
由於公司喺附近,加上疫情,午飯多數叫外賣,由新開張到而家一直都有幫襯!時常都會落去買外賣,初時各種飯盒同湯都好味又大份,每次拎到返公司都个熱辣辣!但呢一年開始,拎到上去吾一樣,啲餸配菜又少咗好多求其擺咁,d飯好似隔夜飯咁,以前好軟熟而家硬繃繃!初初個龍脷柳配菜有好多薯仔同洋蔥而家好似餸頭餸尾咁!豬軟骨都係!初初有好多栗子,而家好似得一兩粒係半粒!最近買咗個豬軟骨飯個湯吾熱,個菜飯啲飯一嚿嚿,食咗好多次都失望!食物質素變差左,但服務質素就變好咗,之前啲服務員西口西面,而家啲服務員比較有禮貌親民咗好多. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2022-08-17
去朋友屋企玩 順手系附近買外賣上去食 叫左霸王雞套餐 無骨海南雞套餐 咖啡牛腩套餐除左霸王雞系無例湯 其他兩個餐都有 今日系雞腳湯 味道吾錯既 同都足料到飯既部分 我地都叫左菜飯 我系食霸王雞雞肉味道幾好 但好難咬開…整體感覺普通 無相咁吸引😂試左一啖朋友既牛腩 反而幾吾錯 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
⭐️瓊媽媽 (銅鑼灣)📍銅鑼灣邊寧頓街9-11號登龍閣地下E號舖原本想買兩送飯做外賣 🥡點知見到銅鑼灣開咗呢間 🤪之前試過海南雞水準不錯有點Homey的感覺🏠 就決定買佢試一試😋 以呢個價錢來講真係冇咩好挑剔💰⭐️ 霸王雞菜飯 🍗估唔到主打嘅海南雞之外都不錯吃🥰雞肉蔥油味好入味好香🥬 雞肉唔算特別嫩 配菜既芽菜好爽口 唯一要挑剔嘅係雞肉份量加埋骨不算多😅 想食多啲Protein嘅就要揀無骨海南雞🌊⭐️ 沙薑雞菜飯 🐔另一次試沙薑雞反而無咁入味😅 雞肉欠缺了一點鹹香 D味道剩係係汁裡面🌝 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2022-03-15
銅鑼灣新開時都幫襯過6至7次了,價錢黎講食物都算叫ok啦!例湯好飲,店員又有禮貌,之後因為工作收得夜,所以冇去了!但最近12/3中午幫襯過!店員已經唔同人,十分非常冇禮貌兼西面(笠住口罩都感受到,你話死唔死!)由買嘢到取餐佢只係講咗$53!其實講多一句多謝真係咁難為嗎!?重要俾我見到對第二個人客語氣極差!!我自己都係做飲食業!一句多謝係服務性行業應該講架!唉!都算!返到屋企都係5分鐘!D油飯凍冰冰又硬!兩樣加埋我真係!以後都唔會幫襯了! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
瓊媽媽 (English name: Hainanmom) is a small take away only shop that you see in various areas of Hong Kong. It serves take away Hainan chicken for very VERY cheap. They opened a new branch in Causeway Bay and I decided to order something on my way home.The menu is in Chinese and English (at least most things are in English). There is no 10% service charge and it's take away only. They also offer other chicken dishes other than Hainan chicken along with a variety of side dishes. Sets come with a daily soup.I ordered a boneless Hainan chicken rice with vegetable rice ($45).  Everything was packaged in a sturdy plastic container though the soy sauce spilled abit. They provided eating utensils which consisted of chopsticks, spoon, napkin and toothpick. Everything was wrapped in a plastic bag.The plastic container had a divder so it separated the rice from the chicken. The portion of chicken was quite generous. It didn't have a lot of taste and was a bit tough. The skin wasn't too fat. They also threw the minced ginger to the side instead of in a separate container. The soy sauce for dipping was just soy sauce with minced ginger. It wasn't the sweet soy sauce that is usually found with Hainan chicken.Originally I wanted oil rice but they ran out so I opted for vegetable rice. This was dry and hard. I ended up pouring some of the soysauce they provided.Instead of the usual pickles, they had bean sprouts that were very oily. Didn't have a lot of flavour.The soup was actually pretty good. It was a Chinese soup of Buddha's fit, corn, carrot and pork bone. It was generous in portion and tasted good. Probably the best from the entire set.Portions are very generous. I had leftovers. Price was very cheap. Food was average. I don't know if I'd be back as it wasn't terrible.  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)