2891 5090
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 23:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay JCB
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
VIP Room Details
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (45)
Level1 2018-10-07
My friend was in hospital and wanted to have kim bap(korean rice roll) eagerly, i couldn’t find any korean restaurant who makes it and let take away during peak lunch time..i found here on the 4th trial and manager KIM (korean lady) said immediately ‘yes’ and helped to prepare all authentic foods for my friend who was in hospital..i don’t know how to appreciate her (korean manager) and all staffs for kindnesses and immediate helps, even all the foods were so tasty! Once my friend gets well, will definitely revisit again and say thank you again. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2013-12-17
顧住傾計,唔記得影想。今次叫左唔係好多野,首先有6個前菜,款款都好食,同唔辣。跟住叫左個例湯,普通(叫鍋驚食唔晒),之後食左海鮮炒粉絲,好好食,料多,但粉絲少接住係牛肋骨同五花腩,牛醃得好入味同甜甜地,而五花腩就無醃,要點豆醬先好食,仲有雜錦蔬菜。最後飲左杯人蔘蜜同薑蜜,有少少味,唔夠濃。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2013-12-15
本人是第一次寫食評,因為實在太差,所以不得不劣評一下 在網上訂好左7點半的枱,打電話確認的時候冇講限定時間.我朋友可能知道星期六,所以去到時都問D STAFF,有冇限定幾時交枱.STAFF當時話冇.咁我地叫野時,個staff 已經態度唔算太好.前菜的款式一般.我地叫左泡菜煎餅,牛舌,牛肋骨等,味道都OK.不過個海鮮鍋真係mama,個湯有D怪怪地味.咁食到9點,竟然有個貌似老闆娘gei行尼同我地講,出面有人等緊,9點個客bk左,已經到左.我地就即刻好興.因為你一早又冇講定要9點交枱.9點就即刻同我地講要交.又唔早小小講 尼個時問又唔講.但我地有人生日仲未食蛋糕.咁佢過一陣又尼吹我地就同佢嘈,佢就話咁你地食埋蛋糕先.之後就砰砰嘭嘭咁收野,咁我地食蛋糕繼續影相.出面d人就係咁望我地,好似覺得係我地唔o岩.過多陣又有個staff尼吹我地.我地又理論一番.最後我地食完走.一句講曬,今時今日咁gei服務態度真係唔得!!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-09-08
本來想到cafe hea 一hea, 後來想起韓嘉嵐去過2次, 印象不錯, 因此十分想介紹給朋友。韓嘉嵐的泡菜款式多, 有時和旁邊桌的泡菜是不同的。逐漸步向港式口味的說法, 是指泡菜比較多了有類似茶餐廳的水果沙拉, 味道雖是不錯的, 可是到韓國餐廳, 比較想多一些韓國味道吧!餃子+年糕+壽司!($110)我自己感到這是韓嘉嵐最推介的食物!朋友都說好味! 看到會十分開心!有點像給小孩的套餐~餃子包了韭菜, 豬肉~煎後十分香口! 年糕湯汁十分濃郁, 有些甘筍, 少辣!壽司包了午餐肉及菜~韓國壽司和日本壽司最大不同是: 韓國壽司以麻油拌飯, 日本壽司以醋拌飯。韓國壽司多以豬肉,牛肉,雞肉製作, 而日本壽司以海鮮製作。人參雞湯($100)是我一向最喜歡點的食物, 感覺十分滋潤。可是今次味道不夠火喉, 雞有很大冷藏味道, 令人有點震驚。一向以來, 都很喜歡韓嘉嵐,今次有點失準。比較好是, 雞內的糯米不少, 喜歡連糯米的朋友, 會開心! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-08-22
I've been obsessing over Korean food for a while and I've been trying a lot of places around CWB and TST. Even started to make my own by watching Youtube videos.  Saw the reviews for this place was not bad so came here to try one night with a friend. We didn't like the set menus they had so ordered 3 dishes a la carte. Beef short rib (7/10) - we cooked this ourselves. The beef was juicy and nicely marinated.Kimchi pancake (6/10) - not crispy enough and lacks depth in flavorSpicy stir fry octopus (3/10) - I've had really good spicy octopus before in the US so I knew how good it can be. This did not cut it. The sauce was not spicy enough and the octopus was overcooked so it was tough to eat. Not a place I would visit again soon. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)