6-min walk from Exit A, Fortress Hill MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
*Last Order: 21:30
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Parking Details
Phone Reservation Details
10% Service Charge
TV Broadcast
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (67)
Level2 2023-09-27
好多餐廳都冇聲冇聲咁關閉,有幸能係佢地關門前,再去品嚐一吓佢地嘅美食,總算將哪個環境、哪些味道、哪些人… 留一份回憶。呢間位於炮台山韓國餐廳,差不多係附近唯一一間,唔知係唔係因為最近開咗間新派嘅韓國餐廳,一個月之後,佢就結業了,真有啲可惜。以前都嚟過好幾次,啲侍應都係講韓文嘅,感覺幾地道。執咗又少一個選擇。係呢個最後午餐,我哋叫咗鐵板牛肋骨肉、鐵板辣豬肉同炆牛肋骨。😍前菜有泡菜、薯仔、涼拌波菜、炒瓜同牛肉/脷。份量多,味道正常,嗰碟牛肉/脷入味,肉稔,幾好味...每個午餐都包一碗飯同海帶湯,海帶湯淡淡地都有幾多海帶。兩個鐵板份量都偏少,有啲肉又比較碎,不過都幾香口,醃到好入味,有少少鞋。對比下炆牛肋骨,份量足,有蘿蔔、紅蘿蔔、冬茹,肉都多有成5-6舊,真係好好味,清甜唔會好咸。食到停唔到口。😋😋😋整體來講,已經幫襯過咁多次,但真係冇下次了。Good Luck。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
罷食!韓星星!集氣!罷食!嚴重不滿意識講廣東話女職員2022.12.25紮計 帶粉紅色口罩女侍應!我頭先去韓國餐廳食嘢叫韓星星天后嘅我上次去佢就話因為我除咗口罩就唔方便換啲小菜俾我我今次就叫我哋屋企人唔好除口罩啦換小菜有位勁冇禮貌女侍應鬧我我哋唔可以換。餐牌都寫住我講你上次個同事話可以換仲要勁差態度同我講野我火都嚟我話唔得咪唔得囉咁你使唔使咁嘅態度呀?佢話我態度差先!你唔想你咪唔好食囉!一係你搵返你上次嗰個同事講囉!叫佢俾返你囉!佢仲要同人講話我態度差!狂比說話我聽!你話冇就可以 你咩態度呀咁樣講嘢佢話係我態度差先個喎,我話係你態度差先。我先咁講嘢㗎。我話你點樣做客戶服務態度呀?你憑乜嘢同我咁講嘢啊,?真心聖誕都要同佢開年知唔知乜野叫服務態度?我比錢要受你氣??個韓國老闆娘好好笑!唔一早叫個女職員收聲!最後 佢老闆娘都出嚟同我講我話你同我講唔可以唔緊要,但唔係咁樣嘅態度同我講嘢囉,!老闆同我講唔好意思唔好意思態度真係差到呢!不是我一個人覺得 睇反記錄都係投訴呢間韓星星職員問題! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2022-07-22
I enjoyed hot and spicy tofu soup. Same as most of the typical Korean restaurants, two dishes came first for free together with hot tea in a kettle. The soup was served soon in about 5 minutes and tasted good!! This is my favourite menu but would like to try the other menus as well. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2022-07-20
排隊等候時已問需唔需要攞飛,佢話唔使。點知一有位佢俾左遲過我個兩個人入先。上前理論佢重唔停咁鬧我。店主有著令人非常費解嘅異國文化,各位當心。When I just got there, I asked for a queuing paper, which is pretty common in Hong Kong.The shop owner said no. Then I just assume seats will be arranged for us by our arrival time.So, I waited patiently. However, when there were empty seats available, the shop owner arranged them for people who came later than us.We were irritated and tried to talk to her. Unbelievably, she lashed out at me with a harsh tone.We will never go to this place again. Hope everyone saves themselves some time by not going too!排隊等候時已問需唔需要攞飛,佢話唔使。點知一有位佢俾左遲過我個兩個人入先。上前理論佢重唔停咁鬧我。店主有著令人非常費解嘅異國文化,各位當心。When I just got there, I asked for a queuing paper, which is pretty common in Hong Kong.The shop owner said no. Then I just assume seats will be arranged for us by our arrival time.So, I waited patiently. However, when there were empty seats available, the shop owner arranged them for people who came later than us.We were irritated and tried to talk to her. Unbelievably, she lashed out at me with a harsh tone.We will never go to this place again. Hope everyone saves themselves some time by not going too! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2022-05-09
適逢母親節,提早尋晚同媽咪去餐廳慶祝😆媽咪想食韓國嘢,所以就去咗間位於炮台山嘅韓式料理——韓星星食韓燒🙆🏻‍♀️雖然openrice睇落唔多正評,但係我哋同屋企人之前去食又好okay,尋晚食咗好多唔同嘅肉同韓式料理,好滿足🤤以下有🌟喺推薦菜式,大家可以bookmark定,下次去嘅時候可以叫嚟食😆▫️烤雜錦牛肉拼盤🌟▫️烤五花腩🌟▫️海鮮煎蔥餅🌟▫️牛肋骨燉白菜湯▫️韓式手打麵(牛肉)🌟首先要讚佢嘅前菜同埋泡菜好好食!好食過平時去嘅連鎖韓國餐廳,同埋款式都多好多😆🌟烤雜錦牛肉拼盤入面嘅牛肉有牛味有肉汁又好食,又可以滿足你一次過食幾款肉嘅願望,推薦!🌟烤五花腩雖然好邪惡,但係燒到佢金黃色之後配埋生菜同蒜頭食簡直一流🤤🌟 海鮮煎蔥餅入口食到好香嘅麵粉味同蔥味,食落又好煙靭,四個人一人一大塊好滿足🤩👉🏼另外嘅牛肋骨燉白菜湯其實都唔錯,牛肋骨好冧,真材實料!仲配咗一碗白飯,不過落嘅黑胡椒比較多,食到尾嘅話會有少少重口味🤏🏻👉🏼至於韓式手打麵(牛肉)就唔太推薦,其實應該叫水冷麵會好食啲🤣個手打麵食落好似無乜特別嘅刀削麵/公仔麵咁,同埋可能加咗薯仔,個湯愈食愈稠🥲但係整體嚟講呢間鋪頭嘅嘢食都正嘅!入到鋪頭感覺好似去咗韓國嘅小店咁,店員嘅態度都好nice,主動幫手剪燒肉同幫牛肉起骨🙆🏻‍♀️ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)